Dan Noel Odaba’s passion for peace was born during his time as a Rotary Peace Fellow at Chulalongkorn University in Thailand in 2017. “I made a promise to give back 100 percent,” he says. He later became a Rotarian during covid, “There was no way I could do that without becoming a Rotarian.” His peacebuilding commitment continues. To learn how, check out page 15 of the February 2025 ROTARY magazine.
The next two New Member Orientations areFebruary 10th at 7:00 pm & May 7th at 7:30pm. They will not be recorded. Only “live” sessions will be done this year. These sessions are being offered by the Zone as a first step in the Rotary Club orientation process. Veteran Rotarians who need a “refresher” are also welcome. Learn about the history and impact of Rotary with attendees from throughout the eastern United States, Canada and Bermuda! No registration is necessary. Just click on this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87549109596?pwd=UzdvHBSXX6iVlmF2TRTa3hQjHNTuns.1
District Learning Assembly Membership Engagement Session
On Saturday, March 15th from 7:30 AM to Noon at Messiah College our District will be hosting a District Learning Assembly. One of the sessions that can be selected by participants is focused on Member Engagement. This interactive session will feature representatives from the Rotary Clubs of York, Harrisburg, Mechanicsburg-North and West Shore, who will share successes and failures of engaging their members. Topics will include club dues, leadership development, new member orientation, member recognition, and service engagement. Thank you to the following panelists who have agreed to speak:
Rotary Club of York – Chris Topf, Membership Engagement Chair
Rotary Club of Harrisburg – Scott Stevens, Club President
Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg-North – John Robinson, Membership Chair
In preparation for this session Club Presidents and President Elects will receive a brief survey asking them about their club dues structure. The results will be shared in blinded fashion at the session. To see the full agenda and register go HERE.
District Membership Committee
The next meeting of the District Membership Committee will take place on Tuesday, February 25th at 7 PM. New members are always welcome, including guests who would like to seek advice from the committee on membership strategies. Contact PDG Juliet for meeting information at DGJuliet2022@qrpc.com
Think Valentine’s Day and Rotary! Express a lovely sentiment for your Sweetheart and have it hung on a lamppost in downtown Lancaster. Pets can also included and your sentiment to them will be displayed at Binns Park or the Dog park on Marietta Ave. Finding your heart is a fun scavenger hunt while exploring the restaurants, galleries and shopping of downtown Lancaster. Click here for more information and to purchase your heart today! Hearts For Lancaster & Pets - Penn Square Rotary
The District Learning Assembly is a great opportunity for all Rotarians to enhance their understanding of key areas that contribute to the success of a club. This event will equip you with valuable insights and practical knowledge on crucial topics such as: Clubrunner, Membership Engagement, Rotary's Positive Peace Program and MORE!
By attending, you'll walk away with a comprehensive understanding of these areas and be better prepared to help your club achieve its goals and create a positive impact. Whether you're a seasoned Rotarian or new to the role, this assembly will be an inspiring and enriching experience for everyone involved.
Join us Saturday, March 15, 2025 at Messiah University (One University Avenue, Mechanicsburg, PA) in Boyer Hall.
I am pleased to announce that the District Governor Nominating Committee met on January 15, 2025 and is recommending that Aaron Jacobs of the Rotary Club of York to serve as District Governor for the Rotary Year 2027-2028.
Aaron is the immediate past President and has been a very dedicated member of the Rotary Club of York for over 16 years, with perfect attendance. He is a Paul Harris Fellow+3, a Legacy Society Member, and continues a proud second-generation Rotary family tradition, beginning when his father chartered the Rotary Club of York-North. Aaron is the current Chair of the Service Project Development Committee, and served as the Preserve Planet Earth Chair for 10 years. He has served on his Club Membership, Finance, and Foundation Committees, and currently serves on the District Membership Committee.
In the York community, Aaron has filled many roles at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, and is a director and treasurer of the York City Parks Conservancy. He is also a mentor and leadership team member of Susquehanna SCORE, where he serves as the marketing chair. Previously, he served as treasurer of the Historic Newton Square Neighborhood Association and participated in the White Rose Toastmasters. A dedicated blood platelet donor, Aaron is on track to achieve a remarkable 50 gallons donated by 2025.
Aaron is the President of Scorecard Sales, a company specializing in sales process improvement. Through training, coaching, and technology, Aaron and his team optimize sales teams for greater success. His professional experience includes roles in sales, management, and executive leadership.
Aaron earned his bachelor’s degree (Magna Cum Laude) in Business Administration and his Master’s Degree (Magna Cum Laude) in Finance from York College of Pennsylvania. He and his wife, Abby, and their children, Maxwell and Samantha, are proud residents of York City.
Many thanks to PDG Fred Gellert and the members of the District Governor Nominating Committee for their diligent and timely action.
For 109 years, Rotary Club of Lancaster has met weekly, at various Lancaster locations. The major emphasis of this club has been to initiate and support programs for Lancaster’s youth. Historically, this included initiatives for a clinic for crippled children, a cleft palate clinic, a home for boys facing adjudication, leadership camps and student educational exchanges.
Today the Rotary Club of Lancaster continues its tradition of service through several programs with the School District of Lancaster and the social agencies that serve the District’s students. It is through this experience of involvement with schools and agencies that Rotary can bring together services to benefit school youth in a creative and meaningful way.
A wonderful example of this interaction occurred this year on Friday the 13th 2024. For more than four decades, Rotary Club of Lancaster members have been ringing Christmas bells as volunteers for the Salvation Army Lancaster Corp's Red Kettle campaign. Each year, club members can be found outside Lancaster City’s 300-year-old Central Market location. To enhance the experience and size of the crowd, Rotary invited students and their teacher from one of the Lancaster School programs it supports. This program called SWAN (Scaling Walls A Note at a Time), serves children of incarcerated parents by focusing on music instruction and participation, including music lessons, ensemble training, performance and mentoring to enrich their lives and their school experience.
This year’s bell ringing was accompanied and enhanced by an hour-long outdoor performance of carols by a dozen elementary age chorus members of the SWAN program. In 20-degree weather, the student carolers sang and dramatized the tunes of Rudolph, St Nick and the 12 days of Christmas. Market shoppers and tourists were thrilled and acknowledged the performance with generous Salvation Army Kettle donations.
As the SWAN students sang, Rotary members noticed that many of the students did not have winter coats despite the cold and wind of the day. This triggered “Service above Self” action with the Salvation Army “Coats for Kids” program. With Rotarian coordination, SWAN teachers provided the names, ages, genders, sizes and school for each student performer. Salvation Army staff selected and matched a winter coat for each of the identified students.
Exactly one week after the SWAN student Market performance, Rotarians delivered new and clean winter coats, donated by the Salvation Army, to each of the student carolers and their siblings at the students’ school. Now each student will be warm and comfortable for the holidays and the winter season.
Rotary Club of Lancaster Bell Ringing Leads to Coat Donation
The Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg North, in collaboration with Bethany Village, is holding a blood drive on January 29, 2025 from 11:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. in the Rife Center at Bethany Village (325 Wesley Circle, Mechanicsburg). This blood drive is in conjunction with the Central Pennsylvania Blood Bank. Please register in advance by email, phone or by scanning the QR code. Don't forget to eat within 4 hours of donating blood. We would like to see Rotarians and their friends donate blood!
The annual report covering the 2023-2024 Rotary year in D7390 is now available on the district website. Check it out! Please look at this excellent summary of all our successes last Rotary year. As I read through the document for final editing, I was struck by a sense of pride in being part of an organization that does so much for our South-Central Pennsylvania communities. You will see Rotarians and Clubs who have accomplished incredible projects, activities, and events. Thanks to each of you for your work in serving others. Thank you to all who took on leadership roles last year at the club and district level. You led us to through the body of work on display in the report. We D7390 Rotarians are grateful you said yes when asked to take on these roles. We can’t accomplish all we do without Rotarians doing the extra work to lead, plan, and push us. I hope you enjoy the report as much as I did. I ask each of us to see something in there we can bring to our own club or see some area that could use support to achieve even more in coming years. Take what we have accomplished in 2023-2024 and keep it going strong.
Positive Peace is built on ongoing and sustainable investments in economic development, knowledgeable institutions, and the predominance of societal attitudes that foster peace. In other words, positive Peace involves people, attitudes, and policies that can make positive peace a reality.
Hector is one of the more than 300 Positive Peace Activators and one of the 42 in North America and the Caribbean that Rotary and the Institute for Economics and Peace have sponsored to build positive peace in the world.
Hector is committed to spreading positive peace knowledge and understanding and is willing to train others on conceptualizing positive peace and the framework of peace-building models. It is not about telling one what to know, what to say, or what to do. In other words, “before you try to fix something, ask first” to understand it says Hector Ortiz who is presenting an opening availability to go to your Rotary Clubs and present about Positive Peace and Rotary.
PDG Hector Ortiz is available to speak at Rotary clubs, district functions, community settings, and other venues to promote the importance of positive peace and enhance community peace-building initiatives.
As Global Peacebuilder District, Rotary clubs and Rotarians play an essential role in supporting the work of the Rotary Peace Centers and our grassroots efforts in peacebuilding. It is time to invent and reinvent peace and it must start with us.
Pictured L-R: Melissa Kopp-Smith, President Karen Anthony, Holly (Ho Ho's Billiards), Carmen Calderon, Karen Tillman
On Saturday, January 11, 2025, the D7390 Passport Club held a successful fundraiser at Ho Ho's Billiards in Harrisburg. 18 teams participated in the tournament. There was also a silent auction and 50/50 raffle. This will become an annual event for the Club.
The Club would like to thank the following sponsors for support this event:
K A L Commercial Cleaning Services
Mr. Cliffs
Sonny's Auto Servicenter
Single Point Sourcing
Operation Braveheart
Dan Collison State Farm
Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation
Underwood Management
D7390 Passport Club Held a Successful Billiard's Fundraiser
A total of 27 inbound exchange students from several Districts, including the five from our District, spent the weekend learning more about our country by visiting the PA State Capitol and going to the Farm Show. During the Rodeo, when the announcer asked if there were anyone there from another country, he was greeted with a big surprise!
Youth Exchange Director Jill Tenny generously hosted everyone, including chaperones, in her full house, and the Harrisburg Club assisted with the dinner (incoming President Shaun Eng was stirring up meatballs over a hot stove as everyone arrived), making for a very interactive weekend. It was another opportunity by caring Rotarians to enhance good will and understanding for our young international guests!
Another essential youth-oriented activity comes from Rotarian Hagir Elsheikh concerning her major initiative in founding Kareem’s Mission, a plan to empower young individuals with autism to thrive and celebrate their unique abilities, through the creation of a facility, an Autism Center, to give them the opportunities they need to succeed, while providing their families with resources to navigate the many challenges they all face.
The facility will be located on the campus of Central Penn College and will require many support items, and a labor of love, in its buildout. Additional information about how Clubs and individual Rotarians can contribute in any manner can be learned by contacting Hagir.
The grand opening of the Autism Center is scheduled for April 19, 2025, during Autism Awareness Month, after which it will serve as a hub for education, resources, and community collaboration. Another compassionate act by a caring Rotarian!
Looking ahead, please plan to attend the Multi-District Conference in Hershey on April 4-6. There will be many activities pertaining to every aspect of Rotary, from friendship and fellowship, to profound engagement in the many life-changing missions that define us.
Best wishes,
Governor Paul Thompson
From the Governor: Inspirational Endeavors with our Youth
Join us for an evening of learning and sharing. Rediscover with us best practices in serving in the AG role and updated knowledge on the RI Strategic Pan and tips to influence ways to increase our impact in our area clubs. We would love to see you at the next AGs Quarterly Forum to be held on Thursday, Jan. 29, 2025. 7:00-8:00 pm EDT. Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81313802765?pwd=SgscaEJF40Xz2bpVI4DOLLvCjb9NoV.1
Quarterly AG Virtual Forums to discuss challenges and opportunities for AGs Guest Speaker: Tom Gump, Aide to Rotary International President 2024-25. Chair, RI Membership Growth Committee 2025-26 and RI Director Elect. Topic: Growth Through New Club Development: Rotaract, Companion, Impact, Passport, Satellite PDG Hector Ortiz & PDG Kathy Gallagher Zones 32 and 28 AG facilitators
Zones 28 and 32 Assistant Governor/Area Governor Quarterly Forums
The Rotary Clubs of West Shore, District 7390 Passport, Mechanicsburg North and Yellow Breeches will host the 74th RMB networking event in Rotary District 7390 history and the first event of the 2025 RMB season.
The event will take place on Thursday, February 13 from 5:00 to 7:30 PM at the Brand-New Joseph T. Simpson Library Learning and Book Sale Center at 45 West Allen Street, Mechanicsburg, PA.
The event will be FREE to attend. There will be light hors d’oeuvres, wine, beer and water provided.
This will be another in a longstanding series of great business networking opportunities for both profit and non-profit organizations. The Mechanicsburg Area RMB has drawn over between 50 and 60 participants every year. Do not miss it. Also, please consider bringing potential Rotarian guests, Rotaractors, and Family of Rotary.
When we do business with Rotarians, we support the mission of Rotary.
Rotary’s Mission: We provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.
Additional Sponsors are welcome and encouraged. For more information contact PDG John Anthony at Rotary7390DG2020@gmail.com or 610-587-1358
Our gratitude goes out to our sponsors: Venue Sponsor:
Joseph T. Simpson Library
Event Sponsors:
Rotary Club of West Shore Rotary Club of District 7390 Passport Rotary Club of Yellow Breaches Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg North
Mother Hubbard’s Custom Cabinetry
McKonly & Asbury
Fairway Independent Mortgage Corp of Mechanicsburg and State College
Members of the Rotary Club of York-East chose to celebrate the spirit of giving this New Year’s Eve by volunteering to serve lunch at The Daily Bread, a nonprofit organization dedicated to feeding those in need. The volunteers arrived early on December 31 to prepare and serve meals, ensuring that guests of The Daily Bread received a hot, nutritious lunch in a welcoming environment. "We wanted to end the year on a note of service," said Tim Koller a Rotary Club member. "The Daily Bread does such important work in our community, and we’re honored to be a small part of it." The Daily Bread, located in downtown York, serves free meals to individuals facing food insecurity. Its mission aligns with the Rotary Club’s dedication to supporting local communities through hands-on service and philanthropy. Volunteers described the experience as deeply meaningful, noting the gratitude expressed by those they served. "It’s a reminder of how impactful even a few hours of service can be," one Rotarian said.
The Daily Bread welcomes individuals and groups interested in volunteering. For more information on how to get involved, visit their website or contact the organization directly.
Pictured: Tim Koller, Sandy Graham, Jim Norton and Jeff Snyder
District leadership had goals for this Steps for Peace one mile walk and resolution.
Increase awareness of the District 7390 40 clubs throughout our 7 counties.
Underscore our designation to Positive Peacebuilder both globally and locally.
Engage Rotarians and families in Peacebuilding activities.
Alert the public to opportunities to engage in Positive Peace through District events.
More than 40 Rotarians and family members, plus 8 furry friends, stepped out for Positive Peace completing the one mile walk around the State Capital and under the camera lenses of WGAL 8 and WHTM 27. Those walkers represented a cross section of society and our community in ages, ethnicities and roles in Rotary.
Even on this cold and windy day, enthusiasm was high. District Governor Paul Thompson gave interviews as did other walk participants underneath the massive billboard on 3rd and Forster Streets in Harrisburg.
That evening and through the next day both TV stations ran their coverage multiple times during their pre-network and post-network news programs. Samples of their coverage are also available on each station’s website.
You can view the station’s videos by clicking on the links provided.
District Governor Thompson extends a heart-felt, “thank you to each of the brave walkers and their furry friends, to Andy Rebuck of the Harrisburg Club for the billboard placement and Bob Saline of the Mechanicsburg North Club for informing and engaging the TV stations.
Our initiative for Positive Peace both globally and locally continues via our contribution at the Rotary International level and scheduling of member and public learning sessions about Positive Peace. Everyone can also view the Rotary /EIP Positive Peace course at positivepeace.academy/Rotary on YouTube.”
Step by Step to Positive Peace Globally and Locally on TV!
Since 2002, 1700 individuals have become Rotary Peace Fellows and now work in 140 countries around the world. Many serve as leaders in governments; NGO’s; education and research institutions; peacekeeping and law enforcement agencies; and international organizations like the United Nations and the World Bank.
District 7390 is seeking individuals who have a background in peace work and would like to further develop their skills as a peace builder. Each year Rotary awards 130 fully funded fellowships for dedicated leaders from around the world to study at one of Rotary’s peace centers.
The Rotary Peace Fellowship is designed for leaders with work experience in peace and development. Fellows must be committed to community and international service and the pursuit of peace.
The Rotary Peace Fellowship provides training for a master’s degree or a program certificate (shorter length of study). Rotary Peace Fellowships may not be used for doctoral study. Rotary members and their family are not eligible to receive these fellowship (see more details below).
The application process for study in 2026-2027 will be open on the Rotary International website February 2025. Applications may be submitted between February and May 15. Please carefully review the qualifications for this prestigious fellowship and consider if your club knows a potential candidate you can encourage to apply. Interested applicants need to review the Peace Fellowship program, determine if they meet the qualifications, and compile the required information/documents.
District 7390 will provide a recommendation for an applicant if they prepare a competitive application. Contact Anna-Mae Kobbe, District 7390 Peace Fellows Chair at amkobbe@gmail.com or 717-457-0632 if you have questions.
Applicants must follow these steps to prepare a competitive application:
Research the curriculum and programs at each of the Rotary Peace Centers. For the master's program, you will be asked to rank the two centers you prefer if you meet the eligibility criteria for both programs.
Engage with Rotary. Use the Club Finder to locate the Rotary or Rotaract club nearest you. Connecting with a Rotary club or district is a great way to learn about Rotary's work in your community and around the world.
Read the Application Overview to learn the steps involved. An overview with more instructions on submitting a thorough and complete application is available when you start an application.
Gather required documents. Applications require a resume, academic and/or professional recommendations, personal statement video and essays, transcripts from postsecondary colleges and universities attended (master’s only), English language proficiency test scores (master's only), and social impact plan (certificate only). Allow time to request university transcripts and register for IELTS or TOEFL exams if your program requires these. All materials must be in English.
Submit your application between February and 15 May. All applications are considered final upon submission. Ensure your academic and/or professional recommendations and Rotary district recommendation are entered prior to submitting your application.
Await qualification notification and selection results. If you are selected for a fellowship, you will be notified in November which Rotary Peace Center will be the site for your studies.
Apply for admission to the university where your Peace Center is located. Being selected for the fellowship does not mean you have been admitted to the university.
Certificate program eligibility
Candidates for the certificate program at Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda, either must be from Africa, have worked in Africa, work with African communities or initiatives outside the continent, or demonstrate a compelling interest in learning about peacebuilding approaches within the region.
Candidates for the certificate program at Bahçeşehir University, Istanbul, Turkey, either must be from the Middle East or North Africa, have worked in the region, work elsewhere around the world with communities or initiatives related to the Middle East or North Africa, or demonstrate a compelling interest in learning about peacebuilding approaches within the region.
Selection process
Submitted applications are screened for eligibility requirements. Qualified applications move forward for further review and evaluation. The Rotary Peace Centers Committee, composed of Rotary members, and university representatives review the top candidates and select finalists. Selected candidates are notified in November.
Throughout the process, applications are reviewed based on the following criteria:
Qualification based on the eligibility requirements
English proficiency
Commitment to peace and development
Leadership potential
Compatibility with fellowship objectives and fit with Rotary
Academic record and compatibility with preferred university program
Feasibility and impact of Social Change Initiative (certificate only)
Eligibility restrictions
The following people are not eligible for the fellowship:
Active Rotary members, or Rotaract members who are also Rotary members*
Employees of a Rotary club or district, Rotary International, or other Rotary entity
Spouses, lineal descendants (children or grandchildren by blood or legal adoption), spouses of lineal descendants, or ancestors (parents or grandparents by blood) of any living person in these categories
Former Rotary members and their relatives as described above (within 36 months of their resignation)
* Rotaract club members who are not also Rotary club members are eligible to apply.
Candidates must have at least three years between the completion of their most recent academic degree program (undergraduate or graduate degree) and their intended start date for the fellowship. Candidates currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program, or who will be enrolled in the upcoming academic year, are not eligible to apply.
Rotary Peace Fellows who have completed the certificate program, master’s program, or a Global Grant Scholarship, must wait three years between the end date of that program and their intended start date for the fellowship.
The Rotary Club of Southern York County sure was busy in December! They closed out 2024 with serving Holidays Lunches at Kennard-Dale and Susquehannock High Schools, ringing bells for the Salvation Army, and a Guest Speaker visit from Senator Kristin Phillips-Hill.
That giant Peacebuilder Bulletin Board announcing that we are a Peacebuilder District, has been moved to downtown Harrisburg, where it is very visibly displayed only a block from the State Capitol, thanks to Rotarian Andy Rebuck.
That super location allows us to kick off the New Year with some very positive steps for Positive Peace in our community and the world.
New Year’s Day is a great time for everyone, especially runners and walkers, to set a Personal Record (PR) for health and physical activity. This year that PR can also be a Peace Resolution, during which you walk a mile with like-minded folks to advance understanding, good will, and peace.
Please join fellow Rotarians, family, friends, and dogs for a 1 Mile walk for peace and friendship on January 1.
Meet under the Peacebuilder Sign at the corner of Forster and 3rd Street in downtown Harrisburg at 12 noon.
There should be plenty of parking around the Capitol. Bulk up during the pre-Walk with coffee and doughnuts. Bring along any leftovers from the night before. Leftover leftovers will go to the local foodbank.
At 12:30, participate in a 1 Mile walk around the Capitol. The entire course is flat, on sidewalks, with no streets to cross: up Forster, right on Commonwealth, right on Walnut, and right on 3rd back to the Peacebuilder Sign.
Those not wishing to walk, should come and watch, while partaking of their favorite beverage from the night before. Those wishing to run the course, can do so at 12:45 with prizes for the top finishers.
At one pm there will be a group photo taken under the PeacebuilderSign!
There is no cost, but donations to the District Peacebuilder Initiative will be gladly accepted in the urn under the sign.
Have a wonderful, restful, and meaningful holiday season with family and friends.
See you on January 1 at noon at the PeacebuilderSign. Register here today!
Best wishes,
DG Paul
A District Conference with YOU in Mind
Our District Conference this year will be held on April 4, 5, and 6 at the Hershey Lodge. Rotarians from three other Districts will be joining us to bring total attendance to 500 Rotarians, plus family members, to share the purpose and spirit of Rotary.
If you have always wanted to attend one of those giant Rotary International Conventions, this Conference will provide you the opportunity to experience that same magic, while not having to travel to the far side of the world, or even Calgary in June. For a fraction of that cost, you can take part in a truly exciting event:
A super line-up of speakers, from a former President of Rotary International to our Zone Director representing U.S. Northeast, all of Canada, and Alaska.
A profound plenary session on Positive Peace and how we can each make progress toward attaining it, with Rotary Peace Fellows from Gaza and Canada, and reflections on freedom by a torture survivor from Sudan.
A Hall of Friendship, with music and dancing, vendors and exhibits, displaying Joint District projects on Peace and the Environment, and Club activities from all Four Districts.
A Keystone Dinner with Dueling Pianos and a Flag March-0n Ceremony by Exchange Students from over 15 nations.
A District session with student finalists for the 4-Way Test Speech Competition.
An inspirational comedian, a brunch, and a memorial service.
Five delicious Hershey Lodge meals, and many other Hershey Entertainment Amenities.
Don’t miss this unusual opportunity to feel the magic of Rotary. Sign up before December for a reduced rate!
Very best wishes for the holiday season, as Rotary families and friends gather to reflect on the many joys and challenges of this year, and become excited about goals and resolutions for 2025. Guided by the core values of diversity, integrity, fellowship, leadership, and service, we can develop the Rotary Object of friendship and fellowship as we advance understanding, good will, and peace, all of which enable us to engage in service above self.
Many Rotarians merit special thanks for their selfless contributions to our District, as Club Presidents, AGs, Committee Members, and as providers of time and energy for projects and youth interaction. Three in particular are mentioned here as they have found it necessary to step back from their significant positions. Gary Crissman, after directing the exceptional RYLA program for several years, and then co-chairing the Education Committee, is taking a well-deserved break, as is Bob McClenethan after his highly committed service on the Global Grants Committee, although he is remaining an AG. Vlad Beaufils is doing likewise after having energized the DEI committee by contributing his personal passion to its unique role. All will be missed, but all will also continue on as true Rotarians within our District. Thanks go to Fred Gellert, Jane Conover, and Hagir Elsheikh for taking on those responsibilities during this time of transition.
Over the past two weeks, Paul Harris’s spirit and I had the honor to visit the Lancaster-Sunrise, Yellow Breeches, Elizabethtown, and York-North Clubs, where we met many dynamic Rotarians who are making a difference in countless ways. Every Club culture and operation is different, yet very special, as Members nurture a tradition of rich history while adapting to changing times. Clubs shared stories about their achievements over the years, and in the present, even as they formed exciting plans for the future. It is particularly meaningful to see their involvement with the youth in each community. For the first time we saw parents of students of the month speak movingly at their child’s recognition ceremony (Hummelstown), and then witnessed an emotional farewell for a deceased Rotarian by a table place-setting in his name one final time (Carlisle). We will be paying honor to all our dearly departed Rotarians during the Multi-District Conference in April.
A reminder that, along with meeting Santa’s schedule, comes the reality of tax considerations for any end of year donations to the Foundation and other great Rotary causes. And, In your seasonal giving mode, please remember that tickets to the Multi-District Conference in April make great stocking stuffers.
The District Conference is really taking shape with a lineup of very profound speakers, a dynamic House of Friendship, and lots of free time to interact with hundreds of Rotarians. You can participate in all that without traveling thousands of miles, so please sign up to attend on April 4-6.
A final note of seasonal intrigue, as we unwrap the magic of Rotary, is to look for a soon-to-be announced event taking place on January 1st.
With the conclusion of the 2024 Council on Resolutions (COR), you can review the Report of Action. In this report, you will find:
A letter from Council Services
Resolutions that were adopted
Vote tallies for the adopted items
Voting results for all 2024 resolutions can be found on My Rotary.
Please note that the deadline for submitting resolutions to the 2025 COR is 30 June 2025. A link to the submission form, plus helpful resources, can be found on the Councils page of My Rotary.
Rotary Global Grants Scholarships fund an awardee’s first year of graduate study abroad in one of Rotary’s seven Areas of Focus (listed below). Candidates must live in or attend college in District 7390, which encompasses Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Lancaster, Lebanon, Perry and York counties in Pennsylvania.
Scholarship highlights…
Plan to pursue career in one of Rotary’s Areas of Focus (listed below).
Award is for first year only of graduate studies abroad
District 7390 will not fund any applicant’s study which is for the second or later year of a multi-year graduate study program abroad.
Minimum study budget of $30,000 per year. Award capped at $30,000.
Must be proficient in language of host country.
Based on…
Academic merit
Studying a Rotary Area of Focus
Residence in or attendance at a college in District 7390
Rotary’s Areas of Focus are…
Promoting peace
Fighting disease
Providing clean water, sanitation, and hygiene
Saving mothers and children
Supporting education
Growing local economies
Supporting the environment.
The deadline to apply for a Global Grant Scholarship is January 25, 2025. The interviews will be held February 15, 2025 and applicants MUST be available for the interviews on that date.
Join Uptown York Rotary Club to eradicate polio on Tuesday, November 26 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at Collusion Tap Works, 105 South Howard Street, York, PA. Enjoy a special beer crafted by the brewmaster at Collusion Tap Works, and released for our event! A portion of the proceeds from sales of "York 275" through December will go to end polio. Donations to the Rotary Foundation's Polio Plus fund will also be accepted.
Created to celebrate the 275th Anniversary of York County, York 275 transports you directly to a bar stool in a classic English Pub. This beer is light bodied, supremely well balanced and full of malt flavor. Mild hop bitterness blends with the biscuit malts to give this old world style a new, fresh perspective. Pairs perfectly with bangers and mash, fish and chips and long conversations with friends.
Visits to the Hershey, Hanover, West Shore, and Manheim Clubs made for a fulfilling week of interacting with fellow Rotarians, and several new Members, while hearing about many club projects, and watching Clubs and educators engage with youth through students of the month and interact clubs. Rotary's relationship with the youth in our District is highly inspirational, definitely keeping Paul Harris forever young!
More engaged Rotarians from those Clubs joined our Peace Council to contribute their extensive passion and wisdom to District stages of holding positive peace workshops and undertaking public discourse with the public sector. Others joined the Environment Committee, where Joe McNally is collecting ideas from all Members for local projects. Both Peace and the Environment will be featured at the House of Friendship during the Multi-District Conference set for April 4-6 at the Hershey Lodge. Please add Conference registration to your plans before the end of the year, along with any Foundation-related donations that reflect your intent to make a difference in the community and the world.
Very best wishes for a meaningful Thanksgiving with family and friends.
At the Rotary Club of York’s November 13th meeting, Club members in attendance and guests who are veterans or active duty military were honored during the Club’s annual Veterans Day meeting.
Paul Harris and I had a great visit to the Eastern Lancaster County Club where we each got cool Rotary Rocks shirts, hot from the recent fundraiser by their own inhouse musical group for the benefit of the local Fire Company, a natural recipient from many of our clubs, as volunteer organizations find ways to support each other.
Down the road in Paradise, it was spellbinding to hear from RYLA participants who told of great happenings last June during another highly effective annual youth session generously supported by our clubs. The students even discussed creating an app to enable all 80 plus of them to continue the relationships established at RYLA.
In Palmyra, the annual community flag placing operation was planned along with the projection that there could be as many as four peace poles emerging from that part of the District. For Veterans’ Day we returned to Mt. Joy to partake of a meaningful annual veterans breakfast, thanks to that Club’s patriotic support.
The Foundation Dinner provided a monumental setting as the paths of Abe Lincoln and Paul Harris crossed at 1 Lincoln Square--two sympatico souls seeking a better world, leaving legacies of hope and inspiration, each in their own way. With DGE Mary Brunski brilliantly presiding, the Dinner recognized grand achievements by Clubs as the generosity of Rotarians continues to reach unimagined heights. In brief remarks, the visiting RI rep, Celeste Herbert, illustrated the essential role of the Foundation in allowing Rotary to fulfill its many critical goals. PDG Juliet Altenburg then showed a professional video summing up Clubs’ projects for the past year. Foundation chair, Kathleen Stoup, then completed the cycle by describing the many remarkable goals of this year and beyond.
Two of those 100% participation recognition banners were already on display at the Northern Lebanon County Club as it provided reports of community projects, new and completed. That was followed by a visit to the Lebanon Club, which is connected to the community through four local schools, one of which just created a dynamic Interact Club.
The week closed with another of those PDG Alden Cunningham inspired, multi-club hosted, Rotary Means Business events, demonstrating why Rotary first got started and how it continues to provide the setting for good business and community relationships.
Time now to think about the next great District gathering, the Multi-District Conference in April!
Harrisburg Keystone Rotary Club is working with some folks from the Hershey Med Center in Kenya. They are doing a research project to determine how having access to menstrual products will affect the attendance of girls in school. This is functioning as a needs assessment for a potential global grant.
There is an urgent need for actions that ensure adequate parental and teacher support to adolescent girls to ensure that they receive the understanding, guidance and resources they require to navigate the crucial phase of menarche with confidence and dignity. The study will employ exploratory qualitative design to examine the influence of menstrual practices, knowledge and attitude on school absenteeism among adolescent girls in a selected school in Isiolo Sub-County, Kenya. Isiolo Sub-County is home to various ethnic groups, including the Borana, Somali, Samburu and some Bantu communities, each with its own cultural norms and practices regarding menstruation. These cultural factors can influence menstrual management practices, including the use of traditional methods and taboos that may hinder proper menstrual hygiene. The area is a dry water-stressed region with the majority of its population characterized as poor (NMDA, 2022). As such, in many rural and marginalized areas of Isiolo Sub-County, access to affordable and hygienic menstrual products, such as sanitary pads, may be limited. The lack of access could lead to poor menstrual management, including the use of unhygienic alternatives like pieces of cloth.
Penn State College of Medicine aims to conduct a needs assessment of adolescent girls in Kenya with our existing partners in the Meru College of Nursing. The study involves 150 - 200 adolescent girls aged 12-15 years from Isiolo Sub-County, Kenya. The study will be conducted in 2 phases, phase one will target adolescent girls in junior secondary school in grade 7 and 8 while phase 2 will target girls in form 1 and 2 in senior secondary school. A team of 7-people, 1 researcher from Penn State and 6-enumerators would conduct this research. Data will be collected in cycles. Each cycle will involve four stages involving observation to understand the problem, planning for probable solutions, action taking to ensure change and reflection to understand what has worked and what has not worked. If the actions taken in one cycle fail to effectively address the problem, another action cycle involving different approaches will be considered until change is visible.
In addition to benefiting young women to better manage their menstrual cycle without shame and detriment to their education, a goal of this project is to prove its success and make it replicable throughout other counties in Kenya and perhaps other nations. Our hope is that this may result in a project that will be eligible for a Global Grant in the future.
The Lancaster Hempfield Rotary Club recently partnered with nonprofit organization Parish Resource Center to support expecting mothers in the local region. On Sept. 25, volunteers from the Lancaster Hempfield Rotary Club assembled 92 kits of items for infants at Parish Resource Center's facility, located at 2160 Lincoln Highway East, Lancaster. The kits will be distributed to expecting mothers through Union Community Care, a medical provider that offers prenatal services at a variable cost depending on clients' budgets.
In the first phase of the project, the Lancaster Hempfield Rotary Club received a list from Parish Resource Center of the items needed for the baby kits. Each kit includes a diaper bag, diapers, sanitary wipes, a nasal aspirator, a blanket and clothing items such as onesies, sleepers and hats. The Rotary Foundation helped fund the purchase of the baby kit items through the Rotary District 7390 Grant Program, matching the contributions of the Lancaster Hempfield Rotary Club.
The project was proposed by one of the Lancaster Hempfield Rotary Club's members who discovered Parish Resource Center's community outreach initiatives. The club decided to pursue the partnership due to the baby kit program aligning with one of the Rotary Club's missions to advocate for mothers and children.
"The baby kits are a good starter package to make sure new mothers have what they need after they have their children," said Tony DeVito, president of the Lancaster Hempfield Rotary Club. "We like to do service projects that are locally based, and Parish Resource Center does outreach right here in Lancaster."
In addition to serving mothers and children, the Rotary Club has other missions that focus on areas including promoting peace, fighting disease, providing clean water, supporting education, growing local economies and protecting the environment. In recent years, the Lancaster Hempfield Rotary Club has completed projects to install new benches at local parks and has donated books to elementary schools in Hempfield School District. The organization also hosts community meals throughout the year at a local church, and it completes a biannual project to pick up trash along a 4-mile section of Harrisburg Pike.
The Lancaster Hempfield Rotary Club holds regular meetings from 7:15 to 8:15 a.m. on the first, third and fifth Tuesdays of every month at Loxley's Restaurant on Centerville Road. During meetings, members discuss potential service projects and host guest speakers to highlight a variety of topics and other organizations with similar goals. The last meeting featured a local historian who spoke about the artwork inside the dome of the Capitol building in Harrisburg.
The Lancaster Hempfield Rotary Club holds an annual Christmas wreath fundraiser to help support its community service initiatives. This is the first year that the club will sell wreaths at a roadside stand in addition to accepting presales. On Saturdays Dec. 7, 14 and 21, club members will operate a stand near Pinnacle Family Dental Care on Harrisburg Pike in Landisville.
For more information about the Lancaster Hempfield Rotary Club, visit lancasterhempfieldrotary.com.
The Rotary Club of Hershey hosted and sponsored on November 13 the 73rd RMB networking event in District 7390's history and the fourth and final event of RMB's 2024 season, and it could not have been more successful. Roughly 35 to 38 Rotarians and guests attended the event representing 11 district clubs from all parts of the district as follows: the Rotary clubs of Carlisle, Carlisle Sunrise, Colonial Park, District 7390 Passport, Hershey, Lancaster Hempfield, Lancaster Penn Square, Lebanon, Palmyra, Uptown York, and West Shore. Englewood Brewing provided a perfect venue with plenty of space in a very convenient location and excellent hors d'oeuvres, beer, and wine.
President Chip Bayer and President-Elect Thomas Jones provided strong leadership and oversight ably supported by Mike Kinney and Jim Gainer. District 7390 RMB thanks them for their support over the years so important for RMB's success this year and in the future. DGE Mary Brunski stepped up as she has done so often to lead the Circle Exercise making it fun and productive. Kudos to all and especially to those that attended for their enthusiastic participation.
The District 7390 Annual Rotary Foundation dinner was held Saturday, November 9 at the beautiful and historic Hotel Gettysburg. Foundation recognitions from the 2023-2024 Rotary year were handed out after dinner and a video of projects from the 2023-2024 Rotary year was also viewed.
Highest total Rotary Foundation Giving during the 2023-2024 Rotary year: Hanover, York, Lancaster
Highest annual fund giving during the 2023-2024 Rotary year: York, Lancaster, Mechanicsburg-North
Highest annual fund per capita giving in the 2023-2024 Rotary year: Mechanicsburg-North, York, York-East
This recognition is given to clubs in which every dues paying member contributes a minimum of $25 to the Rotary Foundation, and the average contribution is at least $100 per capita to any Rotary Foundation gift designation. The following Clubs achieved this recognition: Carlisle-Sunrise, Hanover, Harrisburg-Keystone, Mechanicsburg-North, Northern Lebanon County, Palmyra, The Yellow Breeches, West Shore
This recognition is given to clubs in which every dues paying member contributes a minimum of $25 to the Annual Fund, and the Annual Fund per capita giving is at least $100. The following Clubs received this recognition during the 2023-2024 Rotary year: Carlisle-Sunrise, Hanover, Harrisburg-Keystone, Northern Lebanon County, Palmyra, The Yellow Breeches
Global Grant Service Streamers were presented to the following Clubs: Carlisle – Blue Streamer for Water & Sanitation in Togo, Carlisle-Sunrise – Blue Streamer for Water & Sanitation in Togo, Lancaster – Red Streamer for Disease Prevention & Treatment in Zambia, York-East – Red Streamer for Disease Prevention & Treatment in Zambia.
The following Clubs received a certificate of appreciation for their financial support to the End Polio Now: Countdown to History Campaign during the 2023-2024 Rotary year. Each club contributed at least $1500 to Rotary’s Polio Eradication efforts: Carlisle, Carlisle-Sunrise, Gettysburg, Harrisburg, Hershey, Lancaster, Lancaster-Hempfield, Lancaster-Sunrise, Mechanicsburg-North, Palmyra, Paradise, The Yellow Breeches, York, and York-East
During the 2023-2024 Rotary year, Rotary D7390 became a Global Peacebuilding District. This was accomplished by donations from generous Rotarians and Rotary Clubs. The following individuals and Clubs were recognized for their donations to the Peacebuilding Effort: Mary Brunski (Carlisle), Joel Hillison (Carlisle), Fred Gellert (Carlisle-Sunrise), Glen Bootay (Elizabethtown), Anna-Mae Kobbe (Gettysburg), Tom Jones (Hershey), Jim Gainer (Hershey), Ed Hauck (Lancaster), Steve Bell (Lancaster-Sunrise), Steph Acri (Mechanicsburg-North), Rob & Juliet Altenburg (Mechanicsburg-North), Dave Getz (Mechanicsburg-North), Danika Dallam (York-North), Kim March (York-North), The Rotary Clubs of Lancaster, West Shore & York.
New Major Donors were also recognized for their giving achievements during the 2023-2024 Rotary year.
Pictured L-R: Nigel & Colleen Foundling (Northern Lebanon County), Jill & Tom McCracken (York)
Celebrate Rotary’s 4-Way Test by engaging with high school students in your local communities! The March 7, 2025 deadline for your club’s entries in this year’s District 7390 4-Way Test Speech and Essay Contests is fast approaching. If you have not already started planning your contests, now is a great time to start.
All of the information about both contests can be found at https://www.rotary7390.org/page/four-way-test-speech-contest. At this page, you can find rules, information, guidelines, suggested timelines and prize information which will help your club organize and hold its own contests, with your club’s winning entries being submitted to the District Contest by March 7. Both contests ask students to either speak or write about how the 4-Way Test can impact their everyday life.
The Speech and Essay Contest Committee stands ready to serve as a valuable resource to your club. Please contact Mike Handshew (mrhandshew@gmail.com)for questions about the speech contest and Steve Grubb, (stevengrubb@comcast.net) regarding the essays.
Participate in the District 7390 Speech and Essay Contests!
The Rotary Club of Carlisle and the Rotary Club of Carlisle-Sunrise will host their annual holiday dinner and auction on Friday, December 13th at the Carlisle Comfort Suites Hotel. The proceeds from this event as explained in the auction brochure (click here to download the brochure) will support the transportation needs of Tomorrow’s Neighbors, a Carlisle based nonprofit designed to ease the post-prison re-entry process.
Rotarians can support this auction in one of two ways. First, by donating an item by contacting the Auction Chair, Bill Blankmeyer at blankmeyer66@comcast.net or (717) 590-7229 and Marv Salsman at (717) 448-5374 or kmsals@comcast.net. Secondly, tax-deductible sponsorships can be made to support the auction. Checks should be made out to “Carlisle Rotary Club Foundation” and mailed to Carlisle Rotary Club, PO Box 301, Carlisle, PA 17013.
Carlisle Rotary Auction to Support Tomorrow's Neighbors
The Rotary Club of Southern York County recently hosted a Pet Vaccination for Rabies Event with the Stewartstown Vet Services, a Pints for Polio Event with New Freedom's Vortex Brewing Company, and a 4 Way Test Speech and Essay Contest Presentation by District 7390 Chair Michael Handshew.
With Paul Harris in tow, I drove way up river to discover that the Millersburg Club has a unique association with an aging ferry on the Susquehanna, seaworthy enough to host an annual social event with the Perry County Club. Any Rotarian wishing to get underway in that fashion should contact the very focused Millersburg Club. Then, I met with the very established Lititz Club which is about to celebrate 100 years in existence, still preserving many fine traditions. The weekly visits culminated at the Hummelstown Club at its new meeting location just off the Town Square, an engaging club with veteran members and several new ones to the point that the Club received a certificate in recognition of its growth over the past year.
What happened at the Hummelstown Club set a new bar for the appreciation of the Paul Harris way of life. In a display of creative thinking for the Club, President Janet Coit awarded Paul with a certificate of thanks, and a donation in his name to the Hummelstown Food Bank.
It should be noted that Paul Harris has been well received at every meeting and event along the way. Rotarians are always welcoming and inclusive when they see him and often eager to pose for a photo. When they hear about his precarious early days, and his lonely times in Chicago, they invariably want to hug him, hence the sling on his right arm. He never misses an opportunity to explain his views on Friendship, Fellowship, Fun, and Fulfillment which together have led to the ideal of community and global service, along with advocacy for international understanding and peace.
This Paul Harris awareness leads to the realization that November is Foundation Month, a time to take stock of the engine that provides the ability for Rotarians to do the things we do. There are many aspects to the Foundation that enable the core purpose of Rotary. If you wish to be involved in the Foundation on the fundraising side (to include fund-investing) or the fund-spending side of the Foundation, please let your President or our Foundation Chair know.
The Foundation Dinner is this Saturday, November 9, at the Hotel Gettysburg. I hope to see you there.
In an inspiring show of community spirit and global service, the York East Rotary Club raised $7,200 for the fight against polio at their "Pints for Polio" event held on October 21, 2024. The event, held in conjunction with the Victory Athletic Association, drew local supporters and raised critical funds for Rotary International’s campaign to eradicate polio worldwide. The fundraiser attracted community members who enjoyed an evening of camaraderie, food, and local brews, all while supporting a global cause. The Victory Athletic Association provided the venue, with volunteers from the Rotary Club organizing raffles, auctions, and informative displays about Rotary International’s polio eradication efforts. “We’re so grateful to our community for turning out to support this effort,” said the Rotary Club president Greg Kern. “Every dollar raised will be matched twofold by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, making an even greater impact on the lives of children around the world.” Rotary International launched its campaign to end polio in 1985, and the organization remains committed to eradicating the disease. With only a handful of cases reported worldwide in recent years, polio is closer than ever to becoming the second human disease in history to be eradicated. The club’s efforts highlight the impact of local support in advancing Rotary’s mission, showing how a small community can contribute to a global movement with far-reaching consequences.
Many clubs around the world have celebrated their Polio walk in different ways. Glenn Musser from the Rotary Club of Mount Joy was in Zambia for a couple of weeks with the Rotary Club of Lusaka East doing research for a possible water/sanitation global grant.
On Saturday, October 26, Glenn got to walk with over 250 Zambia Rotarians through the streets of Lusaka, the capital city of Zambia. The eight clubs in Lusaka came together to promote their polio vaccination drive by have 15 Polio survivors lead the parade behind the banner.
Rotary District 7390 has a Service Above Self Meet Up Group!
Join for free to expand the reach of your club events!
District 7390 has a “Service Above Self” Meetup Group which is a way for clubs to post service activities, fundraisers, and other events. Anyone can join our group at no cost regardless of Rotary status but only Rotarians are given the administrative rights to post activities which allow clubs to expand their reach! See below for more information about this great way to connect with your community and learn more about what Rotary clubs throughout the District are hosting!
What is “meetup”? Meetup is a social media platform that allows people who share interests to “meet up” together to engage in activities of interest. District 7390 pays a monthly fee to maintain its Meetup group.
What are the advantages of advertising through a meetup group beyond other social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and twitter?
For members of the Service Above Self meetup:
Messages in your email inbox and through phone text message reminding you of events you signed up for. Those reminders come on the day of the event and right after you signed up for the event.
The ability to query all events in a geographic locale regardless of your membership status in a meetup group running the event.
For your club:
Great advertising for all your fundraisers and volunteer activities for both Rotarians and the public.
Notifies members of any changes in plans through the meetup site which sends the change to their email inbox.
Informs you of other Rotary clubs holding events thus facilitating partnerships!
How do I post my club’s activities on the meetup site? When you join make sure you indicate which Rotary club you are a member of. A representative of District 7390 will then give you “event organizer” status that will allow you to post events.
While visiting clubs from Gettysburg to Perry County, it was a pleasure to see Rotarians benefiting from fellowship and conviction, while planning meaningful projects to better their communities and themselves. It is, indeed, a phenomenon that such special gatherings occur, and that one does not have to look far within the District to find welcoming clubs.
Perry County (L-R): Paul Thompson, Jairee Counterman, Mark Keller, Bill Lyons, Rebecca Myers, Tom O'Connell, Ed Barben, Genna Brownback, Larry Brodisch, Jamie Steffen, Frank Campbell, Aaron Hoke
Other activities included the convening of the District Executive Board for a monthly meeting with all major committee chairs, four AGs and the District leadership in attendance. The Executive Board was recently created by the amended bylaws of July 1, 2024, to serve as an advisory panel, enabling participants to become current with and to evaluate District activities.
In another venue, Past District Governors Paul Burkhart, Alden Cunningham, Dennis Zubler, Hector Ortiz, Connie Spark, and Juliet Altenburg were hosted by Immediate PDG Fred Gellert and his wife, Donna. The District has indeed been well served over the last decades by such luminaries, who have exemplified the spirit, compassion, and vision of Paul Harris.
On Saturday, the District Learning Assembly brought together several highly motivated Rotarians to engage in the Rotary ritual of life-long learning, in this case sharing valuable experiences about membership, service projects, and fundraising. Learning Committee Co-Czars Gary Crissman and Fred Gellert assembled an all-star faculty to provide insights based on their own club experiences.
During the event, PDG Hector Ortiz launched the District Positive Peace Initiative and inspired all Rotarians to become individual advocates through taking the peacebuilder course at https://www.positivepeace.academy/rotary and participating in community peace events. Hector is available to speak on the topic to clubs and attend club peace pole dedications.
The week ended with a flavorful, festive, 7 course, chili cook-off competition Polio fundraiser, served up by Palmyra Rotarian Eric Spangler, while Club member District Governor Nominee Rebecca Zalit presided over a Rotary trivia contest. I did well on the Chili consumption part, but am still learning about Rotary.
Hope to see you on November 9 at the Hotel Gettysburg for the Foundation Dinner. Join special guest speaker Celeste Herbert from Rotary International Headquarters and our inbound youth exchange students for a fun evening.
The Rotary Club of Hanover recently participated in a packing project for Jared Box. Together, with the local Lions Club and Kiwanis Club, Rotary of Hanover packed more than 100 boxes for this event. Boxes were filled with toys and activities for children ages 3-8 who are admitted to local hospitals. These boxes were delivered to Wellspan Hospital in York, PA. For more information on The Jared Box Project, visit https://thejaredbox.org/
Two dynamic Club Visits, Conversation with 20 AGs and Presidents, Exciting District Committee meetings, and a Wild Bike Ride for $1000 to fight Polio
This week, I had the pleasure to visit two super Lancaster Clubs, both intensely engaged in community projects. I spoke with some great prospects for District Committees and met one of the youngest entrepreneur Rotarians in our District.
On Sunday, October 20, over a dozen Rotarians from five Clubs joined the Ride to Eradicate Polio, biking between Columbia and Marietta, where they enjoyed lunch, in a biker’s bar, of sorts. It was a quick and delightful way to raise a thousand dollars for the cause! There are still opportunities this month to participate in club Polio fundraisers.
The monthly meeting with AGs and Club Presidents took place this week, with predictably brilliant interjections on Club activities and operations by those Presidents in attendance. For specific details on many of the great things occurring, please review the weekly Reporter, always an info source for Rotary life.
The Environmental Committee met to plan projects, from water improvement to tree planting. There are also two joint District events under consideration: one will undertake the planting of Mangrove trees as part of a global grant; the other will be to create an interactive peace/pollinator garden concept for the District Conference in Hershey on April 4-6. Please contact Chair Joe McNally (mcnally@jtmcnally.com) with ideas or offers to join this dynamic Committee.
The Peace Committee held discussions to plan a joint District global project on peace, to be announced at the District Conference in April. If you wish to join ongoing District Peace initiatives, please contact Bob Saline (bsaline@prworks.info) with any thoughts or offers. And, if you wish to be deputized as a peace activator, contact PDG Hector, dr.hrortiz@gmail.com.
The Finance Committee met to audit District finances for the past fiscal year. Results of that review will be sent to all Club Presidents. Please contact Committee Chair PDG John Anthony (rotary7390dg2020@gmail.com) with any questions.
On October 26, plan to attend the District Learning Assembly atMessiah University. PDG Hector Ortiz, our District Peace Activator, will present an overview on advocating positive peace at the local level. In preparation, please become a peace advocate by taking the short online peace course at The Rotary Positive Peace Academy.
At the Assembly, there will be several enlightening sessions on Club Membership and how to increase it. The District leadership team will also be around, so if you wish to have coffee to talk about any aspect of the District or Rotary, drop by anytime all morning. I will be available for conversation on whatever topic you wish to discuss.
On November 9, plan to attend the Foundation Dinner, one of the few opportunities all year to interact with Rotarians from the entire District. The celebration of giving will be very rewarding.
Students of the Month, Happy Dollars, Paul Harris Fellows, Succession, PolioPlus, and Peace!
It was my good fortune this week to make three more forays to experience solid Club Cultures and Operations, and experience the good will exhibited by very engaged Rotarians in our amazing District. Rotarians not already immersed in essential Club Leadership and Fellowship opportunities should look for ways to become so. Numerous Club and District activities offer committee roles as well as service projects where great satisfaction is to be discovered as well as the prospect of finding new Members.
It is inspirational to participate in welcoming Paul Harris Fellows and recognizing those at higher levels. And, it is always moving to witness the process of sharing Happy Dollars, testimonials that clearly achieve the objective that Paul Harris had in mind when he conceived the rotation aspect of Rotary, thereby choosing the organization’s name. Each endearing, compassionate statement becomes a snapshot of that person’s interests, as Club members hear about the cares and concerns of the speaker, leading to greater friendship, and fellowship.
Students of the Month enjoyed a meal and a chance to dress up and share their accomplishments and aspirations, while connecting Clubs to the future of Rotary and Community.
While at the Keystone Club, Hector Ortiz, our Positive Peace Activator, handed over the Peacemaker in our Midst Award, recently presented to our District by the World Affairs Council of Harrisburg. It is an honor to be recognized by the World Affairs Council and to now plan future community peace events with its members.
In his new Peace Activator role, Hector will be conducting an introductory workshop on Positive Peace at the District Learning Assembly on October 26. Please attend that Assembly to learn about many important aspects of Rotary, especially at the Club level. District Governor Elect Mary Brunski, District Governor Nominee Rebecca Zalit, Immediate Past District Governor Fred Gellert, and I will be there to meet with you concerning District Strategic Priorities of Club and Community Outreach, Impact, Member Engagement and Adaptability, along with anything else Rotary on your mind!
Remember that October is Polioplus Month, and World Polio Day is October 24, so be sure to have a Pint, more or less, or figure out a way to participate in winning the battle against polio. Another option is to join the 4th Annual Ride to Eradicate Polio on October 20. Whatever you do, it is a very satisfying path to victory, and every Rotarian should take great pride and satisfaction in participating in the campaign.
Best wishes to all,
DG Paul Thompson
Mechanicsburg-North (Pictured L-R): DG Paul Thompson, President Myra Badorf, Past President David Blain, John Robinson
The Rotary club of Hershey will host and sponsor the 73rd RMB networking event in Rotary District 7390 history and the fourth event of the RMB 2024 season. The event will take place on Wednesday, November 13 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM at Englewood Brewing (1219 W End Avenue, Suite B, Hummelstown). The Rotary clubs of D7390 Passport, Hummelstown and Palmyra have been invited to participate.
The event will be FREE and will provide light hors d’oeuvres, wine, beer, soft drinks, and water thanks to the Rotary Club of Hershey. Click here to RSVP now!
This will be another in a longstanding series of great business (for-profit and non-profit) networking opportunities and fun and fellowship events. Do not miss it. Also, please consider bringing potential guests who would make great Rotarians, Rotaractors, and Family of Rotary.
The York East Rotary Club gave out Paul Harris Fellow Awards to 3 individuals who have demonstrated exceptional service and dedication to their communities. The award is named after Paul Harris, who founded the first Rotary Club in Chicago in 1905. It's a way for Rotary clubs to recognize individuals for their contributions to the club's goals of promoting peace, fighting disease, providing clean water, supporting education, and more. Rotary clubs typically award Paul Harris Fellowships to individuals who have made significant contributions, either through monetary donations or substantial volunteer efforts. These contributions might be directed towards local or global initiatives that align with Rotary's values and objectives.
The awards were given by Rotary District Governor Paul Thompson to Lydell Nunn, Todd King and Dan Calloway. The Paul Harris Fellow recognition is a significant honor within the Rotary community and is accompanied by a certificate and a medallion. It signifies a person's commitment to the Rotary's motto of "Service Above Self" and their dedication to making positive changes in the world.
Pictured left to right: Lydell Nunn; Kris Pollick, Committee Chair; Paul Thompson, District Governor; Todd King (Dan Calloway not pictured)
Join us for the 4th Annual Ride to Eradicate Polio on Sunday, October 20, 2024 on the Northwest Lancaster Rail Trail. We will meet at 1:30 p.m. at the Columbia Crossing River Trails Center (41 Walnut Street, Columbia). There is plenty of parking available! The group ride will commence at 2:00 p.m.
The cost to ride is a $50 donation to the Rotary Foundation End Polio Now Campaign. Your registration donation will be mailed to the Rotary Foundation in your name and you will receive Paul Harris credit for it.
Members of the York East Rotary Club have been dedicated to keeping Edgewood Road clean for over three decades. Twice a year, in both spring and fall, the group volunteers to pick up trash and litter along the stretch between Prospect Street and Kingston Road. These efforts typically coincide with Penn DOT's Road Cleanup Day, reflecting the club’s long-standing commitment to community service and environmental care. This tradition, which began in 1998, has made a significant impact on the local environment. Each year, the volunteers remove a variety of debris, ranging from cans, cups, and bags to more unusual finds like tires. Occasionally, participants even come across unexpected treasures while clearing the roadside. In recognition of the club’s dedication, the York East Rotary was recently honored for its 30 years of participation in the road cleanup project. This milestone highlights the group’s enduring contribution to maintaining the beauty and cleanliness of the community. As they continue this important work, York East Rotary remains a shining example of how consistent, local actions can have a lasting positive impact on the environment and the community.
From left to right: Hunter Mink, Jim Norton, Tim Koller, Nate Tile and Kris Pollick
Another Rewarding Week, Another Four Dynamic Clubs
One does not need to go far in our District to find Rotarians expressing the Paul Harris vision of friendship, fellowship, and fulfillment in a welcoming setting, where the development of acquaintance leads to community/global outreach along with member engagement through service and contributions of many sorts.
My good fortune this week was to accompany my Paul Harris facsimile to another four District Clubs, where that magic of fulfillment was resulting in the form of students of the month presentations, fundraising activities, happy dollar proclamations of inspiration and aspiration, plans for holiday social events, reports on service projects, and many special fellowship opportunities.
The pictures that follow are from Breakfasts with Lancaster Hempfield, Myerstown ELCO, and Mechanicsville North, and lunch with Mount Joy.
Mount Joy
Myerstown-ELCO Students of the Month
October is highlighted by World Polio Day and dedicated to taking stock of the remarkable role Rotarians play in eradicating polio, one of the greatest challenges undertaken by a nonprofit and one of the greatest successes. That goal has been a rallying cry for four decades as Rotarians have answered the call to take on one of greatest threats to our health.
As a measure of Rotary’s commitment and willpower, since the 1980s over $2 billion dollars and untold thousands of hours of service have been provided by dedicated Rotarians.
This month, be sure to participate in Pints for Polio and other aptly named events to bring this battle to a successful end. A District event to consider the bike Ride to eradicate Polio on Sunday, October 20. I look forward to seeing you at one or more of these activities.
Rotarians in District 7390 are sharing our heartfelt sympathies with the victims impacted by Hurricane Helene. This catastrophic event has impacted people in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. We grieve with the families who are mourning the loss of life - currently, over 200 lives have been claimed by the storm. Emergency response workers are still working through impacted areas. Families and businesses are surveying the property damage, estimated to cost between $15 billion and $26 billion. Our thoughts are with people who have been displaced because of the storm.
Rotarians are People of Action motivated to assist in the short-term, mid-term, and long-term relief of communities impacted by natural disasters. For individuals and clubs who would like to make a difference, we would like to share these resources with you for consideration:
Immediate Relief: Zones 33/34, the regional structure designed to support Rotary Districts in the impacted area, has a Foundation independent of The Rotary Foundation. This is a quick way for your dollars to respond to local needs that will support the efforts of volunteers by providing equipment, tools, storage, mobile storage, etc. This is a 501(c)3 eligible for tax-deductible contributions by IRS regulations. To donate, please visit their website here.
The Rotary Foundation: Rotarians who would like to donate directly to The Rotary Foundation Disaster Relief Fund can make a tax-deductible donation by visiting here. Note that The Rotary Foundation does not designate disaster relief by incident. Rotary Districts can apply for a general pool of money to address short-term, mid-term, and long-term needs. RI Director Patrick Eakes of Zones 33/34 has indicated they will take advantage of the Rotary Disaster Relief Fund by making applications across the impacted districts.
Options for Supporting those Impacted by Hurricane Helene
Next Meeting - October 17th at 7 p.m. (the third Thursday of the month). Join us. New members are welcome! Click HERE for the Zoom link.
Thanks to everyone who attended the September Environmental Committee meeting. We are moving forward with assembling materials that individuals and clubs can use for their environmental projects. We are also looking ahead to the multi-district conference in April and are in the process of planning a joint environmental project and presentation with our neighboring districts. We also plan to have a hands-on activity or a workshop at the conference where Rotarians and family members can participate.
If you would like to participate in these activities, have questions about how to start your club’s environmental project, or would like to highlight your club’s environmental achievements, please let us know. If time permits, consider sitting in on our next meeting (October 17th) too. For more information, contact Joe McNally, Environmental Committee Chair, jtmcnally@jtmcnally.com
Many educational and social events are coming up on our District calendar to enable you to increase your knowledge of Rotary, and to benefit from a greater understanding of the object of rotary: the development of acquaintance, the respect for individual professions, the advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace, all to enhance the ideal of service!
Please consider the following as you make plans for the next several months: (click on the event to learn more!)
Finally, to prepare for Peacebuilder events throughout this time, please take the online course on Positive. Peace at: https://www.positivepeace.academy/rotary
The Rotary Club of Harrisburg's largest fundraiser is on Saturday, October 12th from 9:00 AM to Noon. The 26th Annual Pancake Breakfast is held at the John Harris Harrisburg High School (2451 Market Street, Harrisburg- enter through the new Gymnasium) of the Harrisburg School District. Our presenting sponsor is Peggy Grove. Proceeds go to the Harrisburg Rotary Foundation for the Harrisburg School District homeless student initiative and the Rotary College Scholarships. We really need the support to make this a successful day. Hope to see fellow Rotarians from other clubs here to share in the Magic of Rotary!
The York East Rotary Club announced the recipients of its annual grant awards totaling $10,200 at its recent ceremony, continuing its tradition of supporting critical community programs. This year's beneficiaries included Veterans Gold Star Memorial Gardens, Byrnes Health Education Center, Veterans Helping Hand, and Mr. Sandy's Homeless Veterans Fund, with each organization expressing their gratitude and outlining plans for utilizing the funds to further their important missions. During the award ceremony, representatives from the selected organizations spoke passionately about how the Rotary Club’s generosity would be used to benefit veterans and advance health education within the community.
Gold Star Gardens was granted a portion of the funds to help maintain and enhance the memorial space dedicated to local veterans. The funds will be used to update landscaping, repair monuments, and create a more welcoming environment for families and veterans to honor those who have served.
Byrnes Health Education Center, an organization committed to improving health literacy and education in the region, will use its grant to fund new ceiling fans in the great hall. This initiative will support youth health education, covering important topics such as mental health, nutrition, and substance abuse prevention.
Veterans Helping Hand, a community organization providing resources to veterans in need, plans to utilize the Rotary's grant to bolster its outreach program. The funding will assist veterans with job placement, emergency financial assistance, and accessing health care services, ensuring they have the support needed to transition back into civilian life.
Mr. Sandy's Homeless Veterans Fund, known for its work with homeless veterans, received a portion of the grant to maintain its shelter services. These funds will help provide housing for veterans facing homelessness, with the ultimate goal of helping them find permanent housing Speaking at the ceremony, the incoming president, Kris Pollick, shared the importance of continuing the club’s mission of "service above self" and the pivotal role that these grants play in making a lasting impact on the community.
Pictured: Sandi Walker, Veteran’s Helping Hand: Chris Izzo, Grant Committee Chair: Lyndsey Mackie, Byrnes Health Education
During a brief pause in meeting with Clubs, I spent an exhilarating week hanging with the future of Rotary, the youth of the world. It was inspiring to experience first-hand the 4th Object of Rotary, clearly one of our most enriching Guiding Principles: that of advancing international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional people united in the ideal of service.
At the Youth Exchange inbound orientation, students from Belgium, Mexico, Japan, Denmark, and Brazil received an orientation to begin their year as youth ambassadors to our District. As Jill Tenny, our District Youth Exchange Director notes, this is one of the more important missions of Rotary. The students will be interacting with our Clubs and attending our District events all year, so please find ways to engage them. Remember that our incoming Rotary International President next year, Mario, was an exchange student from Sao Paulo, Brazil to St. Paul, Minnesota 50 years ago, an experience that was formative to his life-long Rotary association.
Later in the week, Celestine from Belgium met with her host Club in Hershey and over snacks described how she played in a soccer game the very next day after her arrival. The event hosts, Brian and Julie Harris, requested that Paul Harris also join the event and treated him like a lost cousin.
The 4th Object of Rotary was illustrated in many ways at this quarter’s Rotary Means Business reception, hosted by the Carlisle Clubs and Dickinson College. There were several business representatives in attendance to share information about their community enterprises, but the group this time included a focus on a younger generation of non-Rotarians with the presence of about two dozen Dickinson student leaders from many exciting multiple majors and studies, coming from around the U.S. and also Uzbekistan and Viet Nam. The students related their remarkable campus outreach activities, while learning more about the role of Rotary in the local community. Per RMB coordinator, Alden Cunningham, the students got some unique community business and leadership exposure with the possibility of partnering with Rotary on local projects and possibly joining a Rotaract Club.
It was a profound week for our District, as our YE team, our RMB team, and our Hosting Clubs demonstrated great commitment to the youth movement, and clearly advanced the opportunity for understanding, goodwill, and ultimately peace, at every level, as doors to world fellowship were flung wide open.
On September 12, the Rotary Clubs of Carlisle and Carlisle Sunrise hosted and sponsored in partnership with Venue and Special Event Sponsor Dickinson College's Popel Shaw Center and its A.C.E. Peer Mentor program one of the most successful and innovative District 7390 RMB events since its inception in 2014. Some 34 Rotarians and guests from six district clubs (Carlisle, Carlisle Sunrise, Hershey, Mechanicsburg-North, D7390 Passport, and West Shore) and roughly 15 A.C.E. Peer Mentor students gathered to network, make connections and enjoy the fun and fellowship of RMB. The A.C.E. Peer Mentor program seeks to assist incoming first year students adjust to campus life with the help of the sophomore, junior and senior year students.
Special kudos to the work of Travis Soprano and Kim Lockwood in explaining Rotary and what it does in the world. The A.C.E. Peer Mentors Senior Coordinator, Isaiah Banuelos Class of 2025, helped Rotarians understand what the A.C.E. Student Mentor program does to help incoming first year students. He did a wonderful job and showed great enthusiasm and belief in the value of the program. PDG Alden Cunningham talked briefly about the Vision and Purpose of RMB and its evolution from its beginning in 1905. Dr. Yvette Davis also took a few moments to further explain the A.C.E. Mentor Program and the Popel Shaw Center's mission within Dickinson College. DGE Mary Brunski did a fabulous and very innovative job running the Circle exercise for what was a very large group of roughly 50 Rotarians and Students. She made the Circle fun for all. Carol Cunningham as the event photographer took some special photos of the event and its various phases.
All in all a very special time was enjoyed by everyone. Thank you to all involved. Our next RMB event will take place in November hosted by the Rotary Club of Hershey. Stay tuned for future announcements regarding this event.
As things can happen, we’ve had a small challenge with the Foundation Dinner! The original hotel is not able to host us, so, we’ve rolled with it! New date – and a new venue. Our dinner will be November 9th at the Gettysburg Hotel, a beautiful setting to celebrate all we’ve accomplished in the 2023-2024 Rotary year.
Please join us at One Lincoln Square on the 9th, starting with a cash bar at 4:45 p.m. After enjoying a bit of fellowship, we’ll enjoy a pleasant meal and then hear about the fabulous projects done in 2023-2024. We’ll feature a project or two and distribute Rotary Foundation awards.
The cost to attend is $65 per person. Registration will CLOSE on November 1 at 12:00 Noon.
4:45 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. - Cash bar/Networking
5:45 p.m. - Welcome and YE Parade of Flags
6:00 p.m. - Dinner
7:15 p.m. Formal Program and 2023-2024 Rotary Foundation Awards
Wednesday, September 11, 2024, was the dedication ceremony for the RCWS's 5th Annual Flags for Heroes event.
Nearly 60 people gathered at the West Shore Theatre to commemorate the events of September 11, 2001; to celebrate the heroes in our own lives; and to dedicate the flags that are on display on the grounds of the Penn Harris Hotel.
For the fourth consecutive year, ABC27's Dennis Owens emceed the event. He reminded attendees that we must never forget the courage and sacrifice that our nation saw that day and where we were at on September 12.
Speaker Rev. Dr. Dilip Abayasekara shared about the heroes among us whether they be instant heroes, heroes for the long run, or purposeful heroes.
Baritone Matthew A. Robinson gave us goosebumps as he sang the Star Spangled Banner and God Bless America.
Dr. William Stowman, Chair of the Department of Music at Messiah University, sent chills up and down spines with his haunting rendition of Taps.
Pictures and video are available on the club's Facebook page and the club website has been updated should club members wish to share the event with family, friends, sponsors, and/or potential sponsors.
Club member Rod Hite did an excellent job representing the club and we received excellent coverage from ABC 27 to include a live broadcast from the event itself.
Thank you to the Flags for Heroes Committee for their hard work and to the club members who were able to attend the ceremony: Samantha Stewartz, Gary Lougher, MaryAnn Payne, Rob and Amy Hall, Mark Knodel, Rick Sample, Bim Arthun, Rod Hite, Joe McNally, and Harry Scheidler.
As you're out and about in the community, please remember to also thank our corporate sponsors for their support!
2nd Annual September Songs - A Night of Music for Suicide Prevention
Matthew A. Robinson has supported Flags for Heroes since its first year in 2020. Dennis Owens has been the event emcee for four of the five years. Now we have a chance to show our support to Matthew and Dennis.
Tickets are on sale now for the 2nd Annual September Songs - A Night of Music for Suicide Prevention.
This event will include District 7430, 7390, 7490 and 7410, providing a wonderful opportunity for celebration, inspiration and fellowship. Not only will you enjoy the Conference but you will have access to a large range of family-friendly activities while here!
Total Conference registration is $375. Just want to attend on Saturday? Saturday ONLY registration is $200.
Positive Peace is defined as a more lasting conceptualization of peace. Positive peace is built on “sustainable investments in economic development, institutions, and the societal attitudes that foster peace.” Positive Peace includes attitudes, institutions, and policies. It provides a framework to understand and address the many complex challenges facing the world.
For many years Hector Ortiz has been committed to peace creation, peacebuilding structures, and peace advocacy. Service above self has been his motto and a way to connect with the whole community. Hector is a fan of the Rotary Peace Centers and is delighted to know that 1,800 peace fellows are working for peace in the world.
After taking the Positive Peace Academy and participating in a one-day positive peace workshop in Singapore, before the Rotary International Convention, Hector got the motivation to keep growing in his positive peace journey. Hector was fully impressed by the information presented and the way the Institute for Economics and Peace conceived positive peace. Hector's doctoral thesis was on human rights, which catapulted him to an advocate for cultural, economic, and social rights.
Hector’s passion was strengthened after receiving the Positive Peace Activator nomination as part of the 32 North America & Caribbean cohort of peace activators is what influenced the commitment to create awareness, foster understanding, and promote peace-building initiatives to reinvigorate the need to recreate positive peace in our communities.
The Rotary Positive Peace Activator Program is a competitive application program training active Rotary members, Rotary Peace Fellows, and other Rotary stakeholders in specific regions on IEP’s Positive Peace framework and Rotary’s peace ecosystem. After a 20-hour training, Activators agree to a two-year service commitment, providing presentations, leading trainings, and supporting projects with Rotary-affiliated stakeholders.
Hector is committed to spreading positive peace knowledge and understanding and is willing to train others on the conceptualization of positive peace and the framework of peace-building models. It is not about telling one what to know, what to say, or what to do. In other words, “before you try to fix something, ask first” to understand it. See what is needed from your sight and see it from the sight of others; it is all about calling for unity by respecting and practicing listening skills to exercise effective communication and see things from other points of view. Hector will be available to speak at Rotary clubs and district functions to leverage the importance of positive peace and enhance community peace-building initiatives.
As you may realize, I am delighted that Rotary District 7390 is now considered a Global Peacebuilder District, due to the contributions Rotarians have made to the Rotary Foundation, the Peace Centers, and the peacebuilding and conflict prevention area of focus during the Rotary year 2023-24. As Global Peacebuilder District, Rotary clubs and Rotarians play an essential role “in supporting the work of the Rotary Peace Centers and our grassroots efforts in peacebuilding.” It is time to invent and reinvent peace.
What we all may agree is that Positive Peace must start with us, and it must be embedded in our attitudes, both individually and collectively. Stay tuned, it is just the beginning in our region as we move to create peacebuilding initiatives and reinvent ways to create more peaceful societies. Hector is willing to coordinate and speak at our Rotary Clubs at the club’s discretion.
PDG Hector Ortiz
Proud Rotarian and
Positive Peace Activator
A New Beginning in Creating Positive Peace in Our Communities
It was a privilege to visit two more clubs this week, the Rotary Club of York, and the Passport Club, each filling a major mission for their members in the community and the District.
Talking with members from both clubs about their projects provided a great segue into the theme for September, that of Basic Education and Literacy. This area of focus is essential for Rotarians who, as life-long learners, keep informed about ways to make a difference in the world.
Then, please consider supporting our District Peacebuilder initiative by sending a contribution to the District 7390 Peacebuilder plan in care of Melissa at the District office. All Checks should be made payable to Rotary District 7390 and mailed to P.O. Box 7116, York, PA 17404. Melissa will combine all the payments and send one District check to the Foundation marked for the peace movement.
If you make the payment by September 18, it will also count toward the $1000 dollars that PDG Fred Gellert is trying to raise to qualify himself for the Zorb Ball Bounce and Roll for the Foundation competition at the upcoming Zone conference in Toronto. That event hopes to raise $200,000 for the Rotary International Peace effort.
Our District Peace effort has several other elements beyond your role as a contributing Positive Peace activist. We will soon be sharing our Peacebuilder District status with the public via a huge billboard. That will be followed up by positive peace workshops held by PDG Hector Ortiz at various District locations. Some District Clubs will also be displaying Peace Poles around the District to show their commitment to this fundamental, grass roots, movement. More to follow.
The Rotary Veterans Initiative (RVI) together with the Penn State Harrisburg LaunchBox is hosting our 2ndVeteran’s Business Bootcamp. We’re excited to help veterans in our community get the support they need to launch their business ideas. During this program, we’re helping participants build their business plans and have an opportunity to win seed funding. We are looking for team coaches and program mentors.
We have 2 levels:
1) TEAM COACHES. We are looking for dedicated coaches who will:
Meet weekly with mentee between 10/1 - 11/12
Be willing to offer candid and constructive advice
Assist mentee with their evolving business plan and pitch presentation
Attend final Veteran's Pitch during our Startup Challenge Weekend, Nov 17, 3pm - 5pm
2) Program Mentors. Program mentors will:
Be available via email during the 8-week program to answer questions based on their availability
Review business plans and offer general advice
Offer general advice and expertise in key areas: Finance, HR, marketing, etc.
The Rotary Club of York was pleased to welcome District Governor Paul Thompson to our weekly club meeting on September 4th to recognize two club members, Tom McCracken and PDG Ben Hoover, for achieving major donor giving status to The Rotary Foundation. Congratulations Tom & Ben!
The District Learning Assembly is a chance for everyone to be inspired and learn more about how to make your club a success and for you to have an amazing year. It is relevant for all Club officers, leaders, and Rotarians to have the opportunity to increase their Rotary knowledge. We will be offering two tracks - you can decide if you want to attend the "Newer Rotarian" track or the "Experienced Rotarian" track based on your level of Rotary knowledge!
You will depart with an in depth understanding of topics such as member experience, service projects and fundraising (TRF and Club).
Join us Saturday, October 26, 2024 at Messiah University (One College Avenue, Mechanicsburg, PA) in Boyer Hall.
Our District 7390 Rotary Veterans Initiative is sponsoring its second Veterans Business Bootcamp in partnership with Harrisburg Launchbox (Powered by Penn State). Please see the picture and share it with any Veterans you know who may be interested in starting their own business. They can learn more and register at: https://harrisburg.launchbox.psu.edu/veterans-business-bootcamp/.
Applications are due NLT Sept 20, 2024! Veterans or currently enlisted/commissioned in the US military are eligible. EVERY D7390 Rotarian is invited to see the Final Pitch Event. Think ‘Shark Tank,’ but kinder and gentler. This event will be conducted at Penn State Harrisburg’s Educational Activities Building on Sunday, Nov. 17th, from 3:00 to 5:00 P.M. For more details, please contact Rick Coplen at rickcoplen@gmail.com or 717-706-0380.
If you would also like to help establish a new Veterans Rotaract Club, please contact Rick Coplen.
The membership and club development month of August concluded with super visits to five District Clubs whose members displayed great Friendship, Fellowship, Fun, and Fulfillment, as they enriched their Club’s culture and engaged in its operations, while taking action on plans for service and support that will make lasting change in the world, their community and themselves. Paul Harris’s observation that ‘shared efforts have no limits’ was evident, and the pictures show from the Rotary Clubs of Harrisburg, Susquehanna Township, Eastern York County, and Denver Ephrata show it all!
The Rotary Club of West Shore will hold their annual Flags for Heroes dedication event on September 11th at 11:00 AM at the West Shore Theatre (317 Bridge Street, New Cumberland , PA). The event is open to the public and free of charge. The Emcee is ABC -27’s Dennis Owens and the speaker is Dilip Abayasekara, a retired Pastor and Toastmaster speaker.
Paul Harris perceptively observed that "the motive power of Rotary is Friendship", and profoundly proclaimed that there could not be a better foundation. Friendship leads to engaged, caring, Members who in turn contribute steadfastly to Club Culture and Operations with the result that the parts become greater than the whole, and many good things come from all that. Visits to two dynamic clubs this week, Carlisle and Southern York County, bore out Paul’s assertion, each club displaying great energy, engagement, and member fulfillment, clearly based on friendship and fellowship.
That result of membership development manifested itself late last week when I had the unique honor to dine with the person who will soon carry the Paul Harris banner for Rotary, International President-Elect Mario Cesar Martins de Carmargo, from Sao Paulo, Brazil. His passion for everything Rotary, especially membership growth and development will be the central theme during his presidency. There may have been something lost in translation, but the gist of his message was that the Members are the Club and the Club the Members, and always the two shall meet. He will carry that banner proudly because he firmly believes that Paul Harris figured out the phenomenon that sovereign, independent, humans truly need friendship and fellowship in a welcoming, civil society, that can otherwise be intimidating, even alienating.
Exactly fifty years ago, RI President Elect Mario was a Rotary inbound exchange student from Brazil, coming to spend the school year in St. Paul, Minnesota. (hope you note that geographic symmetry!) Now, with fluency in 6 languages and a pragmatic Rotary world view, he has already jumpstarted his Presidential year correctly deciding that it all starts with member development.
To complete that cycle, an inbound exchange student to our District, Celestine, just arrived from Belgium, ready to start her year in Hershey. Seeing her engaging demeanor, excitement, and determination to explore America, it occurred to me that, with proper nurturing from her host and sponsoring Clubs, she could very well be President of Rotary International 50 years from now, not just a random thought.
Ever noticed a white pole with various languages on each side?
It’s likely been a peace pole meant to encourage the community to live in peace.
In 2023-2024, our district began collecting $25,000 to establish ourselves as a Peace Building District. We achieved that goal and can now claim that title for District 7390. That inspired me to begin looking at setting up a Peace Pole – and hopefully more than one – throughout our district.
To set up a Peace Pole in your area, the guidance is – link with a group of people within your community, it could be a group within your club, or partnering with local government or other organizations. Discuss possible locations and once a site is selected, determine if it is permissible to plant the Peace Pole there. You’ll have to determine who will maintain the area right around the Peace Pole. Then it’s time to order the actual pole.
There are several sites, however, I found shoppeace.org to be clear on the process and offer options, including a Rotary emblem, QR Code and even a Braille Brass Plate (add $20). An 8-foot large pole with 8 language options is $330, shipping included. Or you can go with a 6-foot, 7-foot or 8-foot with four languages for $280, again shipping included. You might even do a search to determine what are the most common languages in your area. My community which holds the Army War College and Dickinson campus, as well as several refugee communities within, has a minimum of 52 languages to chose from.
Next, you’ll create a community ceremony to plant your Peace Pole, inviting all of your club and community members to attend. Don’t forget the media – and to take plenty of photos! Send the photos and information to local news media (if they are unable to attend) and to your district Public Image Chair (Juliet Altenburg for 7390) and to Rotary International.
After that, let’s hope that Peace can spread throughout our area, our country and the world. It’s a big task – but as Rotarians, we can bring people together.
This week provided a very rewarding opportunity to pursue the theme of Membership and New Club Development by a visit to two dynamic Clubs, Carlisle Sunrise and Uptown York. Both Clubs illustrate how to achieve the object of Rotary by providing a welcoming setting for members to find fellowship, friendship, fun, and fulfillment, and from that firm foundation to enable the development of acquaintance for the opportunity to serve and contribute.
It is a moving story, repeated daily by Clubs throughout our District. From early morning coffee to late afternoon wine, from multi-stage drawings to happy dollars, there were super examples of ways to have fun and make a difference in a positive environment that exemplified Paul Harris’s view that ‘shared efforts have no limits.’ By the way, Paul accompanied me on the road (in cutout form), and was well received at both stops! If you look carefully, you can see him in the photos.
In discussions with Club members, the relevance of Rotary was very evident, as members discussed ways to engage themselves, first at the Club level, then in the community and beyond. It is, in fact, essential for all members to ensure their club possesses the culture and operational capability to provide a meaningful experience for everyone. That includes veteran members who have already completed the leadership cycle and recent members who are just beginning to engage.
The strategic priorities of increasing Rotary’s reach and impact through greater engagement and adaptability can first be practiced at the Club level before being done likewise in the community and the world. For both member development, and club development, especially if there is a plan to form a satellite, e-club, or cause-based club, it is incumbent on every Rotarian to assess current Club culture and operations to ensure readiness and responsiveness. Every member can find ways to undertake that Club health check, and then address any Club needs, from internal operations to the execution of service projects, and youth involvement.
It is not a magic number to paraphrase Paul Harris that member engagement in Club operations should be ongoing, and at the 100% participation rate! I plan to bring him to the next meeting!
Join the next Zone Forum on Wednesday, August 28, 2024 at 7:00 PM EDT via Zoo: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81313802765?pwd=SgscaEJF40Xz2bpVI4DOLLvCjb9NoV.1
7:00 PM - Brief Introductions
7:10 PM - Topic: Change Management: It’s Growth. Not Change. - Presenter: Gregg Guetschow, Treasurer, District 6360 and President & CEO, Gregg Guidance: Forty years’ experience in Government Management and Consulting
7:30 PM - Breakout Networking Questions for Discussion:
What can you do as an AG to foster a growth mindset in the Rotary clubs you serve?
How will you highlight the growth potential found in the Rotary Action Plan?
Breakout Reporting:
8:00 PM - Closing: Hector and Kathy are available to stay on if there are any additional questions or comments.
Mark your calendars! Upcoming AG Forums via Zoom are:
October 30, 2024 at 7:00 PM EDT - Ways to Grow Rotary: Networking, Service, and Partnerships
January 29, 2025 at 7:00 PM EDT - Growth Through New Club Development: Rotaract, Companion, Impact, Passport
April 30, 2025 at 7:00 PM EDT - Growth: It’s Not Just a Number: The Importance of Club Experience
On behalf of the Rotary Club of Southern York County, Rotarians Keith Gordon and Stephen Onifer presented $5,000 raised from the annual Flags for Heroes Event to Pennsylvania State Police Sergeant Jason Groff for the Troopers Helping Troopers Foundation in honor and memory of fallen Trooper Jacques F. (Jay) Rougeau, Jr.
Southern York County Present Check to Troopers Helping Troopers Foundation
As ShelterBox approaches our 25th year in global disaster relief, we would like to invite all club members in District 7390 to our “ShelterBox All-Hands Rotary Roundup”, on Wednesday August 28th at 12 pm PT / 3 pm ET via Zoom.
This 30-minute session will focus on the power of our partnership with Rotary and will feature ShelterBox USA President, Kerri Murray, a member of the Rotary Club of Montecito, Ca. and ShelterBox Response Team member, Brian Glenn, from the Rotary Club of Denton-Lake Cities, Texas.
Kerri and Brian will outline how Rotarians fill integral roles throughout the disaster response process. They will focus on the collaborative efforts of ShelterBox and Rotary in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake in Morocco. There will also be updates on our disaster relief efforts in the Caribbean and elsewhere.
From fundraising and networking to field support, our mission relies heavily on the dedication of Rotary members from all over the world. We hope you will join us to learn about the partnership and how you can be involved.
Pictured L-R: Dale Forshey (Hershey Club Youth Exchange Chair), DG Paul Thompson, DYE Chair Jill Tenny, Ben Stafford (OB Exchange Student to Brazil 2023-24)
This month’s theme of Membership and Club Development is illustrated brilliantly by the Chair of our District Youth Exchange Committee, Jill Tenny.
Among the many special Rotarians in our District who make measurable life-changing differences in the lives of others, Jill magically connects every element of our strategic priorities from expanding global outreach, enhancing community impact, and increasing member engagement, to constantly adapting to the ever-changing modes of youth interaction and communications. As a school teacher, and consummate volunteer, she depicts a nurturing, compassionate, and compelling Rotarian, a model of leadership for the Youth Exchange Program.
Rotary’s remarkable role in student exchanges, (500 students from this District alone), embodies the essence of the Rotary object of ‘the advancement of International Understanding.’ Jill was one of those students in the early 1980’s (before the core value of diversity included female members in Rotary) and carried the exchange banner for a year to France. Years later, she joined the Harrisburg Club and encouraged her two children to experience their own exchanges. Now she runs the District Program!
The dynamic scholars and ambassadors Jill and her highly dedicated team deal with are the first line of diplomacy for the greatest challenge facing the world—how to create lasting Peace. From those students come many a true Rotarian, such as Jill, and Brian Harris, who was an outbound student to Australia sixty years ago, recently joined the Hershey Club, and is now paying back in every way possible. And, our District is connecting many prior exchange students by creating a Rotaract Club on Global Issues.
Whenever possible, Clubs should seek ways to sponsor and host 3 week short-term or 10 month long-term student exchanges. Individual Rotarians should host, advise, and get engaged in the Youth Exchange Program, the future of Rotary, and the path to peace.
The Rotary Clubs of Carlisle and Carlisle Sunrise will host the 72nd RMB networking event in Rotary District 7390 history and the third event of the RMB 2024 season. The event will take place on Thursday, September 12 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM at the Dickinson College Holland Union Building (HUB), 28 N College Street, Carlisle, PA. Parking is available on the street and in the parking lot adjacent to the HUB on the Louther Street side.
The event will be FREE and will provide light hors d'oeuvres, wine, beer, soft drinks and water thanks to Venue Sponsor and Special Event Sponsor Dickinson College and its A.C.E. Peer Mentors and the Popel Shaw Center for Race & Ethnicity who will provide the venue and cover all other costs except the wine and beer. The wine and beer will be covered by the Rotary Clubs of Carlisle and Carlisle Sunrise. Dickinson College students will be invited to participate as well.
This will be another in a longstanding series of great business networking opportunities and fun and fellowship events. Do not miss it. Also, please consider bringing potential Rotarian guests, Rotaractors, and Family of Rotary.
Join us on August 24th in the 100 block of N. Queen Street for a cold one! Decades and Penn Square Rotary are celebrating the return of Lancaster's favorite beer festival with local and regional breweries. Details and ticket ordering at lancastercraftbeerfest.com. Tickets are limited, so act now!
The Rotary D7390 Office will be closed August 12-15, 2024. It will re-open on Friday, August 16, 2024. If you need immediate assistance, please contact your Club President or Assistant Governor.
As a part of this month’s theme addressing Membership and New Club Development, there is a three part experiential homework assignment for you to undertake.
It deals with the existential aspect of being a true Rotarian and of participating in an annual major event that deals with one of the most compelling missions of Rotary, that of conflict free society and peace.
Part one is to do a quick self-assessment to ensure you are fully prepared to deal with fellow citizens in an engaging, neighborly, community-building campaign. Are you ready to relate to others in a communal setting of fellowship, fun, and fulfillment, based on your use of truthfulness, fairness, good will, and helpfulness in all statements and actions, while exhibiting civil values of service, fellowship, leadership, integrity, and diversity? With other Members of your Club can you advocate for safe water, health, education, economic development, the environment, and peace/conflict resolution?
Part two: If your self-assessment is strong and you are ready to engage the community, please demonstrate that you are conversant in negative peace and positive peace and have become a Peacebuilder (positivepearce.academy/rotary). Enroll in the Rotary Positive Peace Academy, complete the free, self-guided course in under two hours, and get your own Certificate of Completion!
If you can accomplish this task, please have your Club President send me the number of Members in that special group of caring citizens. You are welcome to admire my Certificate until you earn your own:
Part 3: If you are now a true Rotarian/Peacebuilder, you are ready to attend the major civility event of the year--your community’s National Night Out, on Tuesday, August 6. This is a unique opportunity to engage the community in public discourse about the positive elements of policy-enforcement and neighborhood camaraderie, as well as a chance to discover community vulnerabilities and needs. Reach out to other civic organizations and public participants to see where Rotary might get involved, and extend its impact. Invite someone to do a service project or come to a Club meeting. Talk about positive peace, and see how it forms the basis for a global solution. You will experience personal fulfillment, while advancing District strategic priorities.
Many Clubs already have plans to participate in National Night Out, so join them or start up your own involvement where you reside.
I look forward to seeing you Out There.
In Rotary,
Paul Thompson
2024-2025 D7390 Governor
The Relevance of Rotary to Member, Club and Community
The York East Rotary Club gave out Paul Harris Fellow Awards to 8 individuals who have demonstrated exceptional service and dedication to their communities. The award is named after Paul Harris, who founded the first Rotary Club in Chicago in 1905. It's a way for Rotary clubs to recognize individuals for their contributions to the club's goals of promoting peace, fighting disease, providing clean water, supporting education, and more. Rotary clubs typically award Paul Harris Fellowships to individuals who have made significant contributions, either through monetary donations or substantial volunteer efforts. These contributions might be directed towards local or global initiatives that align with Rotary's values and objectives.
The awards were given to Chris Izzo, Friedel Liebe-Elser, Sandra Graham, Todd Kurl, Christina Vranich, James Norton and Kris Pollick. The Paul Harris Fellow recognition is a significant honor within the Rotary community and is accompanied by a certificate and a medallion. It signifies a person's commitment to the Rotary's motto of "Service Above Self" and their dedication to making positive changes in the world.
The Rotary International Convention: Unforgettable moments, enduring relationships
The Rotary International Convention is where you’ll find people of action from around the world brainstorming solutions to some of the most pressing challenges and celebrating our works of service that create lasting change.
The convention is where you’ll renew connections, discover fresh perspectives, and create unforgettable moments and enduring relationships.
At the convention, you’ll:
Participate in engaging breakout session discussions
Attend motivating general sessions
Network with fellow changemakers
Mingle with old and new friends
Browse exhibits and visit the House of Friendship
Explore an exciting host city
Enjoy live entertainment and enriching attractions
The convention is our largest event of the year, a chance for members to show the general public who we are and what we do. Join us at this year’s Rotary International Convention and show the world who you are and all that you do.
Rotary Leadership from Global Peace to the Local Environment and Far Beyond
This week provided two examples of the reach and impact of Rotary in the world and in the community as events in Hershey and Camp Hill highlighted Peace and the Environment.
On Monday, the Hershey Rotary Club hosted 80 international students, from 77 nations, assigned to the Army War College for a year to study strategy and the instruments of statecraft. Over lunch the students learned about Rotarians’ historic role in conflict resolution and peace initiatives from the 1930’s onward. That engagement has manifested itself for close to a century through such actions as creating Institutes of International Understanding, sponsoring the London Conference at which UNESCO was conceived, sending the largest non-governmental delegation of 49 Rotarians to the UN Charter Conference in San Francisco, arranging with WHO and UNICEF to conduct a world-wide polio eradication campaign, and funding Peace Scholarships and most recently Peace Universities. It is a remarkable story about Rotarians showing relentless efforts to learn about, talk about, and achieve Peace, a torch our District must now carry forward.
Six past District Governors attended the lunch and assisting in explaining Rotary’s mission to the students.
Pictured L-R: PDG John Anthony (Mechanicsburg-North), PDG Fred Gellert (Carlisle-Sunrise), PDG Alden Cunningham (Carlisle), DG Paul Thompson (Hershey), PDG Kevin Cogan (Carlisle-Sunrise), PDG John May (Hershey), PDG Tom Davis (Hershey)
At the local level, the Rotary Club of West Shore participated in the Camp Hill community event of STORMFEST where every aspect of water treatment was the theme. The Club set up a booth and passed out 4 types of trees, thanks to the generous support of Bartlett Tree Experts, while explaining to the many visitors how Rotary is engaged in water preservation and other environmental issues in the area. Club member and Hydrogeologist Joe McNally, Chair of our District Environment Committee, is busy planning projects to increase our environmental outreach and thereby our member engagement in volunteer opportunities. If you have an environmental concern or interest, please contact Joe and join his Committee.
Would you like to participate in an international hosting opportunity?
Here's your chance! We are looking for people to host (September 17 - September 20), 10 Australians who will be visiting our District. They are a lot of fun and speak English. (Australian English, anyway!) The hosts provide a place to sleep, and breakfast, and as a group, take them to see things of interest in your immediate area. Any activity with a fee they pay for themselves.
If you'd like to meet new people and make lifetime friends, please email shushmapatel.rotary@gmail.com to discuss this opportunity.
Rotary Friendship Exchange Seeking Hosts in D7390!
Pictured L-R around the table: Becky Morgenthal, PDG Kevin Cogan, PDG Dick Brown, Vlad Beaufils, Bill Hartman, Courtney Piccolo, DG Paul Thompson, Marty Helman, Glenn Miller, Kathleen Stoup, Josh Olewiler, DGE Mary Brunski, Tom McCracken, PDG Ben Hoover, Lynne Morrison, John Bailey, PDG Dennis Zubler.
The July Rotary theme of Leadership was demonstrated this week during two major Rotary Club activities relevant to education and the study of Peace.
On Wednesday, July 17, our District leadership, and several District Committee Chairs, joined the Rotary Club of York’s President, Courtney Piccolo, and Club Foundation Committee Chair Bill Hartman along with several Foundation Committee Members to meet with Rotary Foundation Trustee Marty Helman and discuss fundraising and fund spending. Marty stopped by the Rotary Club of York for a few hours at the personal invitation of Club President Courtney Piccolo to emphasize the Mission of the Rotary Foundation: that of enabling Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty.
The ‘enabling’ wording in the above sentence constitutes the operative language for what makes the Foundation viable. Clearly one convincing way to increase fundraising is to demonstrate the many good things that come about because of those funds, and we had the rare opportunity to talk to a key Trustee about that.
During the meeting, Marty fielded several questions about the District’s newly achieved status as a Peacebuilder District, something we all, (with then Governor Fred Gellert’s leadership) reached through sufficient funding ($25K) on June 29, and then awarded the Certificate to us.
Pictured L-R: PDG Dennis Zubler, DGE Mary Brunski, Marty Helman, DG Paul Thompson, Kathleen Stoup, Vlad Beaufils, PDG Kevin Cogan
She suggested one visible way of showing Rotary’s commitment to Peace is to have the District and Clubs erect peace poles, each with a QR code providing access to information about Rotary Peace efforts. Think about a location where your Club might erect a peace pole: https://worldpeace.org/2023/05/rotary-international-h
Marty also spoke in detail about the District’s efforts to compete for the Program of Scale concerning a project called Operation Braveheart in the Philippines. If successful, the Program would result in a $2 Million dollar grant from the Foundation, enabling the project to be taken to the Philippine national level. Our District application will go forward next year as we continue to seek investment partners.
Marty then had lunch with the entire York Club during which she shared her thoughts about the future of Peace and the role of Rotary in creating as many Peace advocates as possible through education. Our sincere thanks to President Courtney and the members of the Rotary Club of York for graciously hosting this event and welcoming us.
A triumphant bookend to the week’s emphasis on Peace and the many ways Rotary is showing leadership in Peace initiatives occurred on Thursday at the Carlisle Rotary Club, where we heard from this year’s District Global Grant Scholarship recipient, Dickinson grad Sally Aldrich, as she prepared to leave for her Rotary-sponsored year of graduate studies in Leiden, Holland. Led by President Travis Soprano, many Carlisle Club members expressed very moving sentiment about the role of Rotary in Peace studies and the highly inspiring remarks of Sally, who plans to join our global studies Rotaract Club, sponsored by the Carlisle Club.
Global grant students study one of Rotary’s seven areas of focus.
The Rotary Leadership Institute is an opportunity to meet with other Rotarians, share experiences, and learn new skills to take back to your club. You don't have to be in the leadership chain to benefit from this institute. If you want to learn more about this wonderful organization that we call Rotary, and find out what you can actually do to start changing the world, put attendance on your schedule.
When Can I Attend RLI? - Saturday, October 12, 2024 from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at Central Penn College (600 Valley Road, Summerdale, PA 17093).
What is the Cost to attend RLI? - Rotary Clubs should pay for their members to attend RLI. The cost is $125 per Rotarian to attend.
What is RLI? - A leadership and development program to strengthen Rotary Clubs through education, collaboration, and the exchange of ideas among its future leaders. A three-part curriculum facilitated by experienced, trained faculty members engaging participants through open discussion, problem solving and creative role-play.
What will I learn at RLI? - More about Rotary, The Rotary Foundation, Membership, Ethics, Service Projects, Communications, Strategic Planning and Analysis. You’ll also make new friends and enjoy fellowship and networking opportunities.
Course Levels: Parts I, II, III and Graduate (Capturing the Value of our Impact)
Where can I find more information about RLI? www.rlinea.org.
Come to StormFest 2024 - an Environmental Showcase
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
5:30 to 8:00 PM
Camp Hill Borough Hall,
2145 Walnut Street
Camp Hill, PA 17011
Stormwater control and management are critical to maintain healthy streams. Learn more about the importance of stormwater at StormFest 2024. The Rotary Club of West Shore will highlight Rotary‘s environmental initiatives and give away trees to showcase how trees help to control stormwater and maintain healthy streams. In addition to displays by more than 50 environmental vendors, there will be hands-on activities, free raffles, a scavenger hunt, giveaways, live music, and food trucks.
This community event is open to the public. Admission and parking are free. This is a great opportunity for Rotarians to learn more about this important environmental topic. Hope to see you at StormFest24! Wear your Rotary gear and show your support for Rotary’s environmental focus area!
More information can be found at Camp Hill Borough’s Facebook page, or Instagram @camphillborough or here!
The 2023-2024 Rotary Youth Exchange Outbound Class will be holding a Rebound get-together on Saturday, August 10, 2024 at Central Penn College (600 Valley Road, Summerdale, PA 17093). We will be meeting in the ATEC building. Click here to view a map of Central Penn College. We will be on the upper floors of the ATEC building in classrooms 200 & 202.
The students and parents are required to attend a de-briefiing session from 1:00 until 3:00 p.m.
At 3:00 p.m. Rotarians, family, and friends are invited to attend! This is a chance to hear more about the fantastic experiences our students had throughout the year.
Light refreshments will be provided. The cost for Rotarians, family, and friends to attend is $10 per person.
Further Ruminations on Leadership Month, the Rotary theme for July.
The topic of Leadership could not be more relevant to us since we have remarkable leaders throughout our District! In reality, all our Members are leaders by being true Rotarians. They know who they are, what they stand for, and where they are going; and, if called upon, at any point, they can lead the effort. They have knowingly joined Rotary to expand meaningful acquaintances in order to do good in the world, and they are constantly seeking ways to do just that.
Their Rotary rationale is impressive: the 4-way test is clearly a well-blazed default path to everything they think or do; the ideal of ‘service above self’ is programed into the consideration of every need they come across during their engaging lives. They know an army of fellow Club members who care about what every other one cares about, and together, when mobilized, they become people of action to soon resolve the task at hand. And they do all this while benefiting from interacting and having fun--because they can.
The gratifying news about Rotary is that good leaders are also good followers. Rotarians gladly support the plans, participate in the performance, and meet the priorities, illustrating how Rotary is a bottom-up, member-centric, organization where enlightened, self-starting, members provide the magic for success!
From that grass-roots foundation, our District is very fortunate to have strong Committee Chairs who attend to the major aspects of who we are and what we do to meet our plan of action. They oversee the finances (John Anthony), they attract and retain members (Juliet Altenburg), they help us learn everything Rotary (Gary Crissman), they tell our story to the outside world (Juliet plus), they connect us to the foundation of fundraising and grant/scholarship/peace expenditures (Kathleen Stoup), help us achieve real DEI awareness (Vlad Beaufils), expand our role in sustaining the Environment (Joe McNally), deal with essential youth and education programs (Jill Tenny), and International and community service (Dennis Zubler), and business and professional development (Alden Cunningham). There are many more essential roles and activities. And, on every one of those Committees are numerous, highly dedicated Rotarians. And then, when one considers all the Club Boards and Committees to carry out their important operations, it is inspirational, indeed. See a full list of District committees here.
So, leadership opportunities await every Rotarian in our District. Think about where and when you want to join the amazing group of volunteers who enable District and Club operations.
To become involved in the execution of so many exciting Committees and activities, check the District website. If you wish to round out leadership techniques and insights, there are about 50 courses on Club and District Leadership at the Rotary Learning Center (rotary.org/learn). That site also has dozens of courses on professional development. The content of these courses applies to Rotary leadership but also to effective functioning in any community and professional setting. So, explore that vast archive which is easily accessible and included in the cost of RI membership. And, then put your leadership skills to work, to contribute to our many Rotary actions.
The rewards of engaging in leadership for the Club, or District, are exponential, and complete the Rotary vision of people of action uniting to create lasting change in the world, the community, and themselves.
On Saturday, June 29, the District held a fantastic night to celebrate the past year under DG Fred Gellert and installed the new DG Paul Thompson for the 24-25 Rotary year. We also celebrated incoming club presidents and Assistant Governors! Our district is blessed with kind, passionate, and giving Rotarians!
Pictured L-R: DGN Rebecca Zalit (Palmyra), DGE Mary Brunski (Carlisle), DG Paul Thompson (Hershey), IPDG Fred Gellert (Carlisle-Sunrise)
The Rotary Club of Lancaster-Sunrise recently awarded three grants in the community, for a total of $15,000. Each organization below received $5,000.00 from the Club:
But they are just words until we put them in action. How do we create LASTING CHANGE through Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention, Disease Prevention and Treatment, Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene, Maternal and Child Health, Basic Education and Literacy, Community Economic Development, and Environment?
Where will our efforts have the greatest impact for lasting change? As Rotarians and Rotary clubs we do many “nice” things, but do they really impact lasting change? Think about what your Rotary club does, and continue to do things in your community that make you feel good.
But as Rotarians, WE CAN DO SO MUCH MORE! Many Rotarians in District 7390 have participated in Global Grants over the years. Many of these Rotarians have witnessed unbelievable conditions.
Be one of the Rotarians that create lasting change that will have a significant impact in the world. I met such a Rotarian in Kenya. Lilian works daily with remote communities that don’t have running water or electricity, or something we would call a house. Many of these children receive little education. Lilian works with these communities helping them to learn how to work together for the wellbeing of their communities. She has also developed a program to select children that have the ability to learn but no finances to attend school. The program provides money for their education, then follows up with home visits to see if there are any issues that would hold them back from learning. The students also do office visits and share their progress. If support is needed the students will receive individual help with classes. This program provides students with a future and generational lasting changes. Without education there is no hope and no future. This is not just spending money, it is making sure the investment is making a difference.
This program has been supported by The Rotary Foundation, Rotary Districts, Rotary Clubs, and Rotarians in Africa, the UK, Canada, and the Unites States. The Rotary Vision Statement is certainly being carried out with this program. Just another Rotarian with an idea to make a lasting change. If you would like more information please contact Dennis Zubler,
District International Service Chair. dennis.zubler@gmail.com
The Elizabethtown Rotary Club hosted Emma Boccacci from Italy in 2022 as part of the Short-Term Exchange Program. For 3 weeks, Emma was hosted by the Grinnell family. At the end of Emma's 3 weeks in the United States, Bailey Grinnell traveled to Italy with her to stay with Emma and her family for 3 weeks. While the experience alone was fantastic, the girls formed a strong bond! Emma returned to Elizabethtown to stay with the Grinnell family for a full semester in the Fall of 2023. Emma returned again in January 2024 and the Emma and Bailey also connected again this summer in Paris! These girls and their families are forever connected!
Emma & Bailey at the Eiffel Tower in Paris
Emma's (basketball) & Bailey's (cheer) senior night in January
Hello District 7390 teammates. This is my final DG note to you. Hard to believe we are at this point in the year. It seems like yesterday I was contemplating what to tell you in my first DG note. I will say more tomorrow night at the DG Installation in Hershey, but for now let me simply offer my heartfelt thanks for all you have done and continue to do to support your community, your club, our district, and the goals of Rotary International. I stand in awe of all I have seen this year. Your individual and collective efforts are generous, effective, and appreciated. I also thank you for the confidence and support so many of you have provided to me this year as I served in the governor role. Bravo to our District Leadership Team and so many others who make this district a success. Leading a Rotary District is a team sport!
I was invited by two clubs this week to participate in their club leadership changeover events. Thank you to Elizabethtown and Uptown York for the invitation and opportunity to close out the year where I most enjoyed my DG time – with you at the club level. To all our club leaders, thank you for your leadership, energy, talents, and willingness to serve. This year with all its successes and challenges will forever be a part of our Rotary stories. Thanks for being a part of my District Governor story.
In my DG visits, I asked you to consider three words: service, learning, and leadership. Those words were meaningful to me when I started this governor job. They are now forever etched in my heart. I ask you to consider them as you move forward in Rotary. What makes this organization so awesome is all the small actions going on everyday to serve others. It is truly an honor to be a Rotarian. And for my own continuing leadership service, I recently accepted a request to serve as an Assistant Rotary Coordinator, focusing on membership support to 4 districts, for our Zone 32 team. I am glad to continue serving Rotary and Rotarians across Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
I’ll still see you around the district (and the Zone).
End of Year Deadlines for Foundation Contributions
The Rotary Foundation has announced deadlines for final contributions for the 2023-24 Rotary year. Making your gift as soon as possible will result in faster processing, better customer service, and will avoid any last-minute complications.
Options for donations and 2024 deadlines:
Checks—Both the postmark on the envelope and the date written on the check must be no later than, Saturday, 29 June 2024, and processed by the bank no later than Friday, 5 July 2024. It is essential to make checks payable to The Rotary Foundation. The check and The Rotary Foundation Contribution Form must be sent to The Rotary Foundation at 14280 Collections Center Drive, Chicago, IL, 60693, USA.
Credit Cards - Online Via Rotary.org must be authorized on or prior to midnight on 30 June 2024 Central Standard Time. For security purposes do not send credit card contributions electronically or via email.
Wire Transfers Wire transfers must be initiated prior to Friday, 28 June 2024 and received by Saturday, 6 July 2024.
If you have questions or difficulty making a donation, contact the Rotary Support Center at 1-866-976-8279 for assistance.
New District Foundation Chair My three-year term as 7390 District Rotary Foundation Chair will conclude June 30, 2024. I have thoroughly enjoyed serving in this role and working with Rotarians throughout the district. Because I believe in the work of The Rotary Foundation and the amazing life-changing impacts that are realized each year, it has been a great experience. Thank your club members for all they have done to advance the humanitarian work of Rotary.
I will assume a new role in the district July 1. District 7390 plans to strengthen work in the Peace and Conflict focus area and establish a Peace Fellows (peace studies) program. I am looking forward to giving leadership to these efforts. Rotary International has had a strong program in this area and just opened a new Peace Center in Istanbul, Turkey and has plans to open another in Asia. There are seven Rotary Peace Centers in the world where Peace Fellows may study. If you have an interest in this focus area, send me a message at amkobbe@gmail.com.
Kathleen Stoup will become the District Rotary Foundation Chair July 1. Kathleen has been the District Global Grants Committee Co-Chair. Kathleen brings extensive knowledge of Foundation programs and will be an excellent Chair for a broader effort in fund development and grants management. Kathleen is a member of the Carlisle Rotary Club. Congratulations, Kathleen!
Paul Harris Society (PHS) Update At the beginning of June, the Paul Harris Society had over 33,000 member in 155 countries. PHS members have given over US$36 million so far this Rotary year to the Foundation. If you have pledged an annual gift of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation as a Paul Harris Society member and have not fulfilled your commitment, please submit your gift by the deadline (refer to dates in the first article above). Thank PHS members for their generosity.
Quote of the Month “Let us keep our hearts strong, enthusiasm fresh, and hope high as long As we keep imbued with this spirit, Rotary can never die.” Paul Harris, Founder of Rotary International.
Created by: Anna-Mae Kobbe, Ph.D. District Rotary Foundation Chair – amkobbe@gmail.com
Uptown York Rotary Club awarded a total of $5,000 in grants to seven nonprofit organizations to help support the York community.
The following organizations received grants:
Bell Socialization Services - $1,000
Friends of Lebanon Cemetery - $1,000
York Fresh Food Farms Community Gardens - $1,000
B.P.O. Elks Lodge #213 - $500
LifePath Christian Ministries - $500
Summit Search & Rescue - $500
Susquehanna Service Dogs - $500
All grants approved by the Uptown York Rotary Club support programs that service York and the York County community. Many of the funded initiatives support Rotary’s Six Areas of Focus: Maternal and Child Health, Basic Education and Literacy, Economic and Community Development, Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution, Disease Prevention and Treatment, Water and Sanitation.
Uptown York Rotary Club attracts a diverse group of professionals who share a passion for giving back to our community and making a difference in the world. Our service focus areas are downtown revitalization, environmental sustainability, and community and youth development. Although we are serious about our service, we are a fun-loving and welcoming group! As a happy hour club, we gather weekly to celebrate our service, share professional and personal successes, and learn about businesses, organizations and programs that impact the quality of life in York City, York County and the global community.
The York East Rotary Club has launched a commendable initiative to support literacy and education at Logos Academy by donating a book each week to the school's library. This ongoing contribution is made in honor of the club's guest speakers, symbolizing a commitment to knowledge-sharing and community enrichment. "We're thrilled to partner with Logos Academy in this way," said York Rotary Club Committee Chair, Chris Izzo. "Our guest speakers are experts from various fields, and it's wonderful to commemorate their contributions to our meetings by giving back to the community, particularly in a manner that fosters education and lifelong learning." Logos Academy, known for its dedication to providing a high-quality education to a diverse student body, has warmly welcomed the donations. The new additions to the library are expected to greatly benefit the students by expanding their reading options and enhancing their learning environment. The book donation initiative also serves as a reminder of the vital role local organizations play in supporting education. The York East Rotary Club's efforts have not only provided tangible resources for Logos Academy but have also strengthened the bond between the school and the broader community.
Pictured: Chris Izzo, Committee Chair, students and Racquel Bratton, Logos Development Manager
York-East Rotary Club Enhances Logos Academy Library with Weekly Book Donations
I certainly express my gratitude to RI President Gordon McInally for his designation to serve as RI President Rep to the 4355 District Conference held in Pucon, Chile from June 14 to June 15 said PDG Hector Ortiz. Thanks to District 7390 and my club the Rotary Club of Harrisburg Keystone. It was amazing seeing, hearing, and feeling how Rotarians live, transpire and practice the principles of service above self and the multiple ways Rotarians have developed to Create Hope in the World.
I had the opportunity to learn about the many community projects our fellow Rotarians are doing and how much fellowship is shared in any place where Rotary exists. It makes me reaffirm without doubt that Rotary is one of the greatest organizations of the world. PDG Hector and Marisol shared the transcendental work that Rotary does in the world, the work of the Rotary Foundation and the examples of how people have created Hope in the world during this year.
One of the highlights of District 4355 is the creation of a D2D program that allowed members of D4355 and D6110 engaged in a sisterhood/brotherhood of districts to increase fellowship, enhance collaboration, and explore partnerships in supporting global grants.
Another success is the creation of two satellite clubs, one of them a formed women’s support committee that is now a satellite women’s club. There was folklore, food, and the traditional Latino/Hispanic camaraderie as well as the well-known Rotarian fellowship. The Pucon Major, the Rotary Club of Pucon and DG Ana Maria Badilla played a transcendental role in making this conference an informative yet very enjoyable one, said PDG Hector Ortiz.
PDG Hector Ortiz Represents RI President Gordon McInally
The Hershey Rotary Club invites you to join us on July 22, 2024 at the Hershey Lodge Aztec Room when we will welcome the incoming class of International Fellows of the Army War College in Carlisle. The Army War College International Fellows Luncheon is a "can't miss" event! The Hershey Rotary Club invites approximately eighty senior military officers from around the world to have lunch with our Club.
Each year, by an invitation from the Chief of Staff of the United States Army, these valiant men and women spend a year attending the U.S. Army War College. The academic year is full of studying, research, and fellowship as these officers are instructed in areas ranging from military concepts and doctrine to national and theater level strategies.
The hope is that if ever our countries are anticipating war, US officers will see a friendly face across the table and work together to bring about peace, thereby avoiding battle. REGISTER to join us for this annual International Fellows Reception.
You're Invited - Army War College International Fellows Luncheon
The 2024 RYLA Conference was an exciting and fun-filled week. The conferees spent 5 days at Messiah University learning more about their leadership styles and honing their specific leadership qualities. The closing celebration was held Thursday, June 13 where the top Conferees were announced. The top conferees are selected by their peers and staff.
Pictured L-R: Assistant Conference Direct David Deitz, Conference Director Alanna Stuart, District RYLA Chair Gary Crissman, Top Conferee Terrell Russell (Lancaster-Sunrise), Connor McQueen (Red Lion/Dallastown Area), Rachel Theodore (York-North), Eva Heistand (Eastern York County) and Alivia Haugh (Eastern York County)
Outstanding RYLA Conferees Announced at the Closing Celebration
In an effort to engage the many talents and passions of Rotarians throughout our District, we are interested in hearing from YOU about ways you would like to grow in service and leadership at a District level. Please complete the questionnaire hereby June 21, 2024. Thank you in advance for your willingness to share your time and talents with us!
Rotarian Input Needed on District Service Questionnaire!
Giving up something that costs $3.33 a day would mean so much to others that have nothing. Would you miss the $3.33 a day if it automatically came out of your account or charged to your credit card? As Rotarians, we are making a difference around the world by giving to The Rotary Foundation. For most of us, $3.33 a day would not be considered a sacrifice. As Rotarians, we do so much for our local communities, which already have so much, in comparison to other communities around the world. Please consider making a real difference to humanity and give to The Rotary Foundation on a regular basis. Then talk with your club about how you can make the world a better place through the use of Rotary Global Grants.
If you have Children, Think about everything you have given them.
Hello all. Another great week of Rotary. We continue to serve our communities in big and small ways. We are making a difference.
I spent this past week as part of the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) conference at Messiah University. What an awesome event! (Scroll down to see more details) We had 84 high school rising-seniors particpate this week who were sponsored by 29 clubs. I am impressed with RYLA as a leadership education conference. Thank you to our sponsoring clubs and Rotarians who paid for the students to attend. Thank you to the RYLA committee led by Corey Graybill (Eastern York) for the work to promote, fund, administer, and conduct the conference. Thank you to Gary Crissman (Hershey) for creating a wonderful program for these exceptional student leaders. We further thanked Gary at our closing program for his more than 25 years of service to our RYLA program. He has left us an awesome program and a legacy of student leaders, some of whom have returned as counselors and staff in the RYLA program. Thank you to the resident Rotarians who spent the week with us – Carmen Calderon (Passport) and Heather Steavens-Jones (Passport) – and provided their own inspiring leadership examples to the students. We had a great group of leadership and vocational speakers, Rotarians and non-Rotarians, who taught and inspired us all with their stories and words of wisdom. Bravo to each of them and thank you to Carmen for finding our vocational speakers and to Steph Acri (Mechanicsburg North) for the leadership speakers. We told the RYLA students to return to their sponsoring clubs to report on their experiences. You’ll be inspired when you hear them speak. What a gem RYLA is for Rotary!
Please remember to be vigilant in your cyber security measures. Last week a few Rotarians received an email posing as me to ask to support a $1500 donation. As happened last fall, this email came from an email account that is not mine but did go to Rotarians in the district. Whether Rotary or other organizations, be suspicious of emails and text messages that just “pop in” that you are not expecting. These may well be phishing attempts to get you to reply or click on something that then grabs your contacts or other information to further the phishing scheme. I get these emails too and it is maddening. Sorry this happens in our district.
Only about two weeks left in this Rotary year. Hard to believe how fast it has gone. I am grateful for all the Rotarians I have met and worked with this year. Thank you to the club presidents and club officers who are the true leaders in Rotary. Your leadership this year has been awesome!
Thanks for all you do in Rotary. I’ll see you around the district.
This trail care event is hosted by the Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg-North in partnership with the Keystone Trails Association (KTA) as part of their Trail Care Days. The event is made possible through a Rotary District 7930 Environmental Grant. We will start with a safety talk and tutorial on the type of trail work we'll be doing, then likely split into small groups to tackle some trail projects. The type of work may involve trimming back vegetation with loppers, pruners, and handsaws, as well as raking, digging, and grading new treadways.
About KTA: From its headquarters on Main St. in Mechanicsburg, KTA protects and preserves PA's hiking trails to promote outdoor recreation and connect people with our natural environment. Please consider supporting this event.
Hosted by Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg-North: Trail Care Day at LeTort Spring Garden Preserve - June 18 @ 9:00 a.m.
Susquehannock High School Senior Keira Woods and Kennard-Dale High School Senior Hannah Carl each were recipients of $1500 scholarships from the Rotary Club of Southern York County Scholarship Fund of York County Community Foundation.
But what does this have to do with Rotary? Some people want to hide from the fact that there are people in need in this world. These are not Rotarians. Rotarians see and acknowledge what shouldn’t be. Rotarians hear and are aware of what shouldn’t be. Rotarians speak and share with others what shouldn’t be. However, unlike just seeing, hearing, and speaking, Rotarians take action to correct the wrongs that others are subjected to. We can all think about so much injustice that happens all around the world.
In my opinion, one of the worst is the abuse of children, from verbal abuse to kidnapping for child slave labor and prostitution. But let’s just start with verbal abuse. We think about cruel words spoken to children, but what about spousal abuse witnessed by children? This happens in every neighborhood around the world. We know that these children survive, however, how many of them will carry on this cycle because it is what they experienced as children? Think about it.
One Rotarian decided to make a difference in their communities and developed a module for men and women to learn how to get along and respect each other. Yes, just one Rotarian who saw, heard, spoke, and took action to make a difference in society.
Think about injustice to others in your communities and around the world. Will you stand by and ignore, or will you get involved and take action? Rotary has Rotary Fellowships and Action Groups that want to make a difference like the Human Trafficking Fellowship and the Rotary Action Group for Peace.
Let all of us open our eyes, our ears, and our mouths, then decide how we can take action. We all can contribute to making the world a better place for all.
Click on the link to the Phillies Rotary Strike-Out Hunger landing page Phillies.com/RotarySOH or use the QR Code
Click the Buy Now box at the bottom.
Type in your District-Club Code (click here to view the list of codes) where it says “Enter Offer Code” and click the SUBMIT box.
Select “How many tickets?” and click on the desired highlighted Section in the ball park. You will get the best seats available, so order early. You may order tickets in multiple sections and at different times.
To see your seats or choose different seats, click on the words SEAT MAP then the SECTION desired. Next click on the seats you want from the highlighted seats available and click CONTINUE.
Then click ADD TO CART.
If you don’t have a PASSWORD, click SIGN UP then click the LOG IN button. If you don’t have an account, you can create one now.
Enter your Credit or Debit Card information and click PAY NOW. All your ordered tickets will be sent to your email address. You can forward individual tickets to others.
Each year, the York East Rotary Club presents a $2,000 scholarship to two area high school senor students who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement and who also exemplify “Service Above Self”, the motto and core mission of Rotary. This year’s scholarship award recipients are Kirra Hyser of York Suburban High School and Macey DiBastiani of York County School of Technology.
Members of the Rotary Club commended the students for their exceptional dedication and encouraged them to continue their outstanding work. We have no doubt that they will continue to excel and contribute meaningfully to society. In recognizing and supporting these exceptional students, the Rotary Club reinforced its commitment to fostering education, leadership, and community engagement among the youth, ensuring that the future of the community remains in capable and compassionate hands. Each of the recipients excelled academically and received numerous academic accolades. Further, each demonstrated outstanding service qualities to their schools in leadership roles of various organizations, as well as to the community at large through many hours of volunteer service.
In June 2024, partnering organizations will gather across the city to celebrate the economic, social, and community significance of Juneteenth for communities in the Greater Harrisburg area! We will host various events and workshops geared toward education, celebration, rest, and economic uplift! Last year we had over 3000 participants in attendance at 12 events! We will end the week with Juneteenth Jubilee, a day-long event centered around education, community resources, arts, and celebration. This year we expand to include neighboring municipal leaders in the festivities!
Pennsylvania was the first state in the union to have partial abolition, setting off the 85-year march toward freedom. The Juneteenth holiday is recognized as the official emancipation day of those who were enslaved in the United States. While the Civil War ended almost 2.5 years prior, it took until June 19, 1865, for the word to reach Galveston, Texas that slavery had officially ended. Taking our lead from our southern compatriots, we have now created a legacy event that enriches culture, and connects us to the past, with an eye on the future!
Click here to view a list of all the Juneteenth Events!
The Rotary Club of Harrisburg hosted a great event on May 23 at Capital Blue Cross Connect facilities in the Hampton Marketplace in Enola with 28 Rotarians and guests attending not only from District 7390 but also from District 7430. There were six clubs from District 7390 (Carlisle, Harrisburg, Lebanon, Mechanicsburg-North, West Shore and York). There were three clubs from District 7430 (Allentown West, Bethlehem, and West Reading-Wyomissing).
Venue Sponsor Capital Blue Cross provided a wonderful venue and Special Event Sponsor BELCO Community Credit Union provided excellent hors d'oeuvres and drinks. Thanks go to Ellen Brown President of the Rotary Club of Harrisburg for hosting this networking event and to Scott Stevens incoming President of the Rotary Club of Harrisburg for organizing it. Kudos to DGN Mary Brunski for running the Circle exercise with humor and grace. Well done all!
Hello Rotarians. What an incredible adventure I have had in Singapore at the 2024 Rotary International convention. While I look forward to being home, I won’t forget the incredible energy among the 12,000-plus Rotarians as we learned from each other all that Rotary is doing and will be doing. Every facet of Rotary was on display throughout the 4 day and the breakout sessions were excellent learning opportunities. I came away with a new appreciation for the emphasis Rotary International is placing on Peacebuilding and addressing environmental concerns.
Together, these two areas of focus account for much suffering among our fellow humans and growing costs for our international system of national governments. There are many challenges but also opportunities for service that Rotary is making possible. I look forward to talking with you about the convention and all Rotary is doing. Feel free to invite me and our other District 7390 convention a1endees to your club to speak about it in the coming months. And now registration for the 2025 convention in Calgary, Alberta, Canada is open. Please consider joining me, DG Paul and Maria Thompson, and thousands of other Rotarians at the next convention and experience for yourself the Magic of Rotary.
Please join us at the District Governor Installation on June 29th in Hershey. The Hershey club and the event committee have created a great event to close out our current Rotary year and begin the new by installing Governor Paul Thompson and the district leadership. Please come celebrate the current year with your fellow Rotarians. I look forward to thanking each of you for all that we have done this year to make South-Central Pennsylvania a wonderful home. And I look forward to welcoming Paul to the district governorship. It is an awesome experience being a DG!
The Rotary Club of Southern York County presented its 7th Annual Flags for Heroes Ceremony at the New Freedom Heritage Green on May 18, 2024. Special honor was given to Pennsylvania State Police Trooper Jacques F. "Jay" Rougeau, Jr. who died in the line of duty in 2023. In attendance were Trooper Rougeau Jr’s Widow, Chloe, and his Mother and Step-Father, Angela and Carlo Gervasio. York County President Commissioner Julie Wheeler and representatives from Troop J and Troop G of the Pennsylvania State Police, the Southern Regional Police Department, and the York County Prison Honor Guard were also in attendance. All proceeds raised during the Rotary Club’s Flags for Heroes Events benefit the Troopers Helping Troopers Foundation.
Flags for Heroes Presented by Southern York County
“In many cultures and religions, a lit flame is a symbol of faith, miracles, enlightenment, peace, concentration, life-giving power, and joy.”
Google, what does a lit candle represent?
I hope this reminds you of Rotary.
None of us can do it all, but each of us can do something. Many small somethings to The Rotary Foundation will change lives. Changing lives creates more peace around the world. Rotarians and Rotary clubs are using Global Grants to make life better for many who don’t have clean water, medical services, jobs, and the list goes on. In many cases, we are talking about those without opportunity or a future.
Now think about your life and imagine that you were born into a life with nothing. Think about how much you have and be thankful, be grateful for your life.
The Rotary Foundation was created to help make the world a better place for all. As Rotarians, we need to do our small part in the life-changing efforts that change the world for so many others. Click here to learn more!
Photo by Dennis Zubler
By Dennis Zubler, District International Service Chair
Hello Rotarians. As you read this note, I am experiencing long flights to Singapore to join thousands of Rotarians at the Rotary International Convention 26-30 May. There are 8 of us from District 7390 attending. Having been to two other Rotary International Conventions, I know this will be a wonderful experience learning all that is going on in Rotary and meeting hundreds of Rotarians from around the world. Immediately after this convention, reservations for the next convention in Calgary, Alberta Canada will go on sale. Please plan to join the experience in Calgary. And if not next year, the following year is in Taipei, Taiwan and the year after that is Honolulu, Hawaii (a place I can highly recommend).
Last week I visited with the PM meeting of the Mechanicsburg North club. What a great time I had! This alternate meeting was started a few years ago to o8er another opportunity to join in the fun of Mechanicsburg North Rotary for those who cannot make the regular morning meeting and the team is doing great. There are a number of clubs in our district who have alternate meeting options and/or a formal satellite/companion club. It is this sort of innovation that helps us remain vibrant in South Central PA. New is never easy, but often is worth the effort. Thank you to those leaders who have chosen to lead these meetings and go through the steps to start something new. Our district membership committee, led by PDG Juliet Altenburg, stands ready to discuss options for these type of meetings.
During my governor visit to our clubs, I talked about serving, learning, and leading in Rotary. As we make preparations for the next Rotary year, I am pleased that many of you have stepped up to various leadership and support positions in the clubs and at the district. Your e8orts will make your club and our district great groups to join and also to increase our impact in the community. Our district also has a number of Rotarians who have chosen to serve at the Zone or regional level. PDG Juliet Altenburg (Mechanicsburg North) will serve on the nominating committee to choose the next RI Director who will lead our paired Zones 28 and 32. PDG Una Martone (Harrisburg) will serve as the alternate nominator. PDG Connie Spark (York-East) will serve as our representative to the RI Council on Legislation. PDG Hector Ortiz (Harrisburg-Keystone) is serving as the Zone trainer of Assistant Governors covering 22 districts. And I couldn’t say no and have agreed to serve as the regional membership coordinator for our four MAPETS districts. Thank you to each of them and to all our Rotarians in leadership positions and incoming leaders for your willingness to serve us, your fellow Rotarians.
As we rapidly reach the close of the 2023-2024 Rotary Year, I am in awe of all that you have accomplished in your communities. Blessings to each of you for your good works.
Rotary’s Seven Areas Of Focus will impact the future of the world by improving children’s lives.
Think about how you and your club can make a difference by providing opportunities where none exist.
Providing Clean Water
Fighting Disease
Saving Mothers & Children
Supporting Education
Promoting Peace
Growing Local Economies
Protecting the Environment
We are People of Action who
Create Hope in the World
through The Magic Of Rotary!
What ideas do you have that can make a difference in the world? I would like to hear and discuss your ideas. Please email me at dennis.zubler@gmail.com.
I look forward to helping YOU to make a difference!
A Rotarian is a person who digs wells from which they will never drink,
A person who vaccinates children they will never meet,
Who restores sight for those they will never see,
Who builds houses they will never live in,
Who educates children they will never know,
Who plants trees they will never sit under,
Who feeds hungry people, regardless of race, religion, or politics,
Who makes crawlers walk half a world away,
Who knows real happiness, which as Albert Schweitzer said, can only be found by serving others.
Rotary clubs are important to their local communities, but are you also doing good around the world? When you give to your community, “my community” are you doing Service Above Self or Service For Self? Think about this. When I’m serving my community, I’m really serving myself. I want to help my community. My --- Mine --- Me Think about it.
Now please continue to serve your community through Rotary. Just give thought to taking a percentage of your giving budget and giving internationally.
During my recent visit to Kenya, Africa, I met children who have never had toys and girls who have never had doll babies.
No electricity, no running water, washing dishes outside. No education, no opportunity.
Please consider making a difference, children deserve a better life, an opportunity, and a future.
What % of your Rotary Club Giving is International?
Another Rotary week has flown by. As our 2023-2024 Rotary Year rapidly draws to a close, I am ever grateful for the experiences we continue to enjoy in Rotary and our South-Central Pennsylvania communities. Thank you for all you do to make this a great place to live.
Last night was a terrific event at the West Shore Theater learning about the pervasive effects of adverse childhood experiences. Thank you to President Bim and the West Shore Rotarians for using their District Club Grant money to create this wonderful community event and to Erin Sunday for leading the project. After some social time and receiving information about Rotary, the audience viewed the film “Resilience” about a groundbreaking study on the long-term effects on our bodies of adverse childhood experiences. The movie also showcased some practitioners and award-winning programs that are using this new set of data to develop treatment and prevention programs in schools and other organizations. Following the movie, a panel of experts in our community discussed the film, the programs, the realities of treating mental health, and various programs in our area. It was a superb session and very eye opening. This event is easily replicated in other venues on a range of topics of community need. What topic might your club help address in your community?
Another project just completed was in downtown York by the York club. Check out the attached photo of the beautiful planters and 4-Way test signs in York’s downtown Continental Square. This project not only made the York downtown that much better to visit, but also visibly showcases what Rotary is and stands for. Simple, elegant, and powerful. And check out the media coverage of the project on the web sites for WGAL, FOX, and several newspapers. Way to go President Aaron and York Rotarians!
Lastly, a reminder to invite someone to a Rotary event. Help others experience what we Rotarians experience every week in our community. I bet that nearly all of us were invited to check out a Rotary meeting, social, or service project by someone in our club. Pay it forward and bring a co-worker, friend, family member, or neighbor to a club activity. Let them see us Creating Hope in the World.
Greetings all. Hard to believe it is May already. There are only 2 months left in the Rotary Year. Where does the time go? I trust your club experience is going well and you are enjoying time with your fellow Rotarians. Keep up the energy. Our incoming 2024-2025 club and district leaders are busy preparing for the start of the year on July 1st. Check in with your club’s President-elect and see what plans they are formulating for the next Rotary year and where you might offer assistance and volunteer leadership. The same is true for our district-level committees and programs. Many hands make light work, and we will all be better for your individual efforts.
District conference. We had a wonderful district conference two weeks ago. We were glad to have about 90 Rotarians who participated in one or more parts of our three-part conference. Thank you to those that participated in the fun. My personal thanks to those who helped plan, coordinate, and conduct the conference. Our four speakers and learning session presenters were all outstanding and gave us much to think about. We were honored to have an RI President’s Representative join us. PDG Yavuz Atila from District 5230 in Central California was a wonderful guest speaker, fellow Rotarian in service, and Rotary leader. A special thanks to PDG Kevin Cogan (Carlisle Sunrise) for serving as Yavuz’s aide, chauffeur, and breakfast chef. Also from Carlisle Sunrise, thank you to Dan Collison for building Friday night’s program and serving as emcee, and Mike Zick for doing the same on Saturday plus creating the slide show with service project pictures. And Kim Lockwood (Carlisle Sunrise) and Joel Hillison (Carlisle) helped with our Saturday night dinner program. Our service projects on Saturday morning were appreciated by the organizations we supported. Thanks for finding worthy projects and coordinating the details go to AG Larenda Twigg (Carlisle Sunrise), Judy Wheaton (Carlisle), Joe McNally (West Shore), and DGND Rebecca Zalit (Palmyra). We also took time on Saturday to honor and remember those Rotarians who left us this past year. We are grateful for their service in Rotary and honor all they accomplished on behalf of others. Thank you to DGN Mary Brunski (Carlisle) and DGND Rebecca Zalit (Palmyra) for doing our memorial program. Our 4-Way Test Speech contest on Friday night did not disappoint. Thanks to Mike Handshew (Elizabethtown) and his team for conducting a challenging contest prior to the finals and then a superb event to select the final winners. We also heard the winning 4-Way Test Essay contest submission read by Mike. Thanks to Steve Grubb (Mechanicsburg North) and the essay contest team for reading all those essays. Thanks to Youth Exchange chair Jill Tenny and the YE committee along with our inbound and outbound students for giving us the international part of Rotary and helping us celebrate the flagship of Rotary’s youth program. And finally, a big thanks from all of us to Melissa Kopp-Smith, our awesome District Executive Administrator, for all her work on the myriad of details to conduct a conference that we know happen but can’t begin to count. Bravo to all!
Foundation giving. Please review your donations to the Rotary foundation for the 2023-2024 Rotary Year. There are only 2 months left to donate to the foundation for this current Rotary Year. Are you close to the next Paul Harris level? Was there an amount your planned to give this year? A portion of donations to the annual fund come back to the district in the form of District Designated Funds (DDF) in three years. Thus, it is important that each year we maximize our giving so that we have sufficient DDF in later years to support our local and international service projects. There are also other options for donations to the foundation such as Polio Plus, areas of focus, and the endowment. All have their place in Rotary’s international mission. Find the option that means the most to your Rotary service and philanthropy goals. It takes all of us to create our strong and capable Rotary Foundation that does so much good in the world.
Thanks for all you do for your community, your club, and Rotary. I’ll see you around the district.
At the request of several Rotarians from around the district, the District Finance Committee has put together a Model Club Budget and Year To Date Tracking document. Clubs can use the document, if they would like to. This resource is in google sheets. It can either be used in that format or converted to Excel if the club desired.
The District Finance Committee is excited to be able to offer this new asset for clubs and is working on bringing additional value to clubs in the coming Rotary year. The Committee stands ready to help any club that would like to use this document in their budget planning.
Please reach out to Melissa at the District office for more information. CLICK HERE to access the document on the District website under the Presidents Resources 2024-2025 tab.
The 2024 District Conference was fun and inspiring! Here is a quick look back at the events of the weekend!
The Four-Way Test Speech Contest was a great kick-off on Friday night! The five finalists compared the Four-Way Test to Laughter and weight loss, Justice, Friendships, and Parenting. The speeches were thought-provoking and entertaining.
Congratulations to the finalists on the top five places in the District!
Samuel Tennison (Manheim Township HS) - Rotary Club of Manheim
RJ Scacalossi (Manheim Township HS) - Rotary Club of Manheim
Keya Patel (Manheim Township HS) - Rotary Club of Manheim
Niles Nero (SciTech HS) - Rotary Club of Harrisburg
Alyssa Garber (Milton Hershey HS) - Rotary Club of Hershey
On Saturday there were several service projects throughout the District, learning sessions in the afternoon and the Governor's banquet Saturday night. The banquet featured presentations of District awards.
In a display of community spirit, members of the York East Rotary Club came together to volunteer their time and effort in revitalizing the beloved Gold Star Garden. On a Saturday morning, volunteers rolled up their sleeves and got to work, weeding and cleaning the garden with enthusiasm and dedication. The Gold Star Garden, located in the heart of York, is a poignant symbol of remembrance, honoring the brave men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to their country. Recognizing the importance of maintaining this sacred space, the Rotary Club mobilized its members for a day of service. Armed with gardening gloves, trowels, and buckets, the volunteers set out to tackle the task at hand with vigor. Despite the chilly spring breeze, their spirits remained high as they worked diligently to remove weeds and debris, restoring the garden to its former glory.
Pictured: Victoria Dick, Jim Walters, Tim Koller, Chris Izzo, Karen Comery, Todd Kurl, Kevin Walker
The Zone Membership team is excited to announce a series of webinars starting May 6, 7:30 PM Eastern. Join us each month for dynamic, fast paced sessions full of concrete strategies you can use to grow your clubs! Our May 6 kick off session: Simply Irresistible: Keys to building a thriving club. Everyone is welcome! Click here for the Meeting Link
The weather should be nice to participate in the District-wide day of service on Saturday, April 20! So roll up your sleeves and head out to one of the locations listed below!
The Rotary Club of Harrisburg will host the 71st RMB networking event in Rotary District 7390 history and the second event in the RMB 2024 season at Capital Blue Cross Connect (Hampton Marketplace, 4500 Marketplace Way, Enola) on Thursday, May 23 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. The event will be FREE thanks to major sponsor BELCO Community Credit Union and Capital Blue Cross Connect and will include light hors d’oeuvres, wine, beer, soft drinks, and water.
This will be another in a longstanding series of great business networking opportunities and fun and fellowship events. Do not miss it. Also, please consider bringing potential Rotarian guests and Family of Rotary.
Hello Rotarians! Another great week of Rotary in action. And in one week we will gather for the first part of our District Conference. I look forward to seeing those who have registered. Remember that even if you do not plan to join us for the formal conference events on Friday night and Saturday afternoon, you are encouraged to come out for one of the service projects on Saturday morning. The hosting organizations will be glad for your time and effort and our community environment will benefit. Thank you in advance for your help.
I had the pleasure to join the York club this week and help honor 43 Rotarians who achieved levels of giving as Paul Harris Society members and/or Paul Harris Fellows. It was a wonderful meeting to recognize those who have achieved these levels of contribution. Thank you to Club TRF Chairman Bill Hartman and his foundation committee members for their work to manage the donation process and encourage and recognize giving. And then Rotary service continued the next day as the club planted landscaping in Continental Square of downtown York. Check out President Aaron’s on-site interview with WGAL News 8. Awesome display of Rotary in Action! Thanks, York Rotarians, for your generous giving of money, time, and energy in supporting the York community and Rotary’s service mission.
These PHF recognitions are a reminder to all of us that regular, sustained giving of any amount adds up over time. Each of us can contribute to The Rotary Foundation and a portion of those contributions come back to us in the form of District Designated Funds (DDF) for use in Club Grant and Global Grant projects. I am proud that about two-thirds of our D7390 Rotarians give to the foundation each year – the average across Rotary is only 40% giving. How great would it be if we hit 100% giving this year before June 30th? Every donation counts and every donation helps. Thank you to our donors and future donors. You are making a difference in people’s lives.
At their April 10th weekly club meeting, The Rotary Club of York honored seven new members of The Paul Harris Society, each of whom pledged to make annual contributions of $1,000 or more to The Rotary Foundation. Pictured are: Jim Anderson, III (accepting for Jim Anderson, Jr.), Ashlee Etzweiler, George Hummel, Fred Rosenmiller, Jan Wolgamuth, Tom Donley and BJ Fegely (not pictured). Also pictured are Club President Aaron Jacobs and District Governor Fred Gellert.
The Rotary Club of York recognized 37 club members for achieving their next level of Paul Harris Fellow giving to The Rotary Foundation at the April 10th weekly club meeting.
York Rotary Recognizes Paul Harris Fellows and Paul Harris Society Members
Leadership Harrisburg Area is hosting the 4th Annual Central PA Volunteer Fair, which seeks to match the passions of potential volunteers with the needs of local nonprofits. Featuring a variety of nonprofits, food trucks, and raffle prizes, there’s something for everyone. The volunteer fair is taking place Tuesday, April 16 at Commonwealth Charter Academy (1 Innovation Way, Harrisburg, PA) from 4:00 p.m. – 7 :30 p.m. Click here to view all the details! The fair was advertised on Good Day PA. Click here to view the Good Day PA segment.
Our District is hosting a Rotary table at the fair educating attendees on Rotary and all the great service activities of our clubs. If you would like to help PDG Juliet Altenburg at the table for even one hour, please contact Juliet at DGJuliet2022@qrpc.com. You can bring club brochures and other giveaways to help spread the reach of Rotary!
Calling all Rotarians to Participate in the Leadership Harrisburg Area Volunteer Fair!
Church World Services (CWS) Harrisburg supports our region's refugees as they resettle, integrate, andthrive through programs and projects that encourage self-sufficiency including employment.
They must resettle 440 well-vetted, legally- arriving refugees this fiscal year ending September 30 as compared to 135 last year. Among the cases assigned to their care are single mothers, large families and persons with challenging medical conditions. Rotary Club support is needed with donations of time and money which will help with resettlement and basic needs such as housing and utilities.
To make monetary donations send checks to: CWS Harrisburg, 2101 North Front Street, Building 3 Suite 301, Harrisburg, PA 17110, or donate online at: Donate - Live - CWS Harrisburg
Questions and requests for club presentations should be directed to Erika Juran at Ejuran@cwsglobal.org. Thank you for your generosity in considering support for our most needy neighbors.
Happy spring in district 7390! Each week I get to go to one or more club’s activities and it is great to see our wonderful Rotarians in action. Thank you for all that you are doing to serve others in your communities.
The Carlisle club invited me to attend a special meeting they jointly hosted with the Popel Shaw Center at Dickinson College. This meeting included Carlisle Rotarians, Dickinson College faculty and students, and staff of the PA Human Relations Commission (PHRC). The keynote speaker was Mr. Chad “CD” Lassiter, PHRC executive director, who gave a passionate presentation about various challenges and opportunities in human relations in our state and in our backyard of Carlisle. Some of what he discussed was unsettling to be sure, but it was necessary to hear to better understand our community. I am grateful to our Carlisle Rotarians for doing this special session. The lesson I pass to all clubs and Rotarians in the district is to try one of these special meetings to learn more about your community. Invite state, county, and town officials or other agencies who can help illuminate areas of the community that may be hard to see as Rotarians but need Rotary’s help. Then talk as a club how you might make a difference based on what you discover. The community will benefit while making Rotary in south-central PA even stronger.
We are just over two weeks away from the district conference. You can register until April 10th. The conference is designed in three parts and you may attend one or more of the separate parts according to your intertest and availability. The details are on the district web site under the District Conference 2024 link at the top. Our Saturday morning service projects are coming together well. Even if you are not planning to attend the other parts of the conference, the service projects on Saturday are opportunities for service and fellowship. Bring yourself, your family, your neighbors, and your co-workers. Show them the heart of Rotary. I am grateful to the Rotarians who agreed to coordinate the separate projects on our behalf. AG Larenda Twigg (Carlisle-Sunrise) and Judy Wheaton (Carlisle) have a project in the Carlisle area at the King’s Gap Environmental Education Center to help them prepare for the new season. DGND Rebecca Zalit (Palmyra) has a project with Quittie Creek Nature Park near Annville to clear invasive species plants. And Joe McNally (West Shore) has coordinated two activities: the Watershed Association of York County (WAY) will hold a riparian buffer project to stabilize a riverbank; and the Susquehanna National Heritage Area’s Zimmerman Center will hold an educational event about the Susquehanna river. Thank you to all of them for their efforts in finding and coordinating worthy projects for our collective service.
I’ll see you at the District Conference and around the district.
Friday, April 19, 2024 will feature a kick-off event at the U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center (950 Soldiers Drive, Carlisle, PA 17013). The evening will have fun and fellowship, but the highlight will be the finals for the District Four-Way Test Speech Contest.
On Saturday, April 20, 2024 a District-wide service project will be held in the morning. At 2:00 p.m. all Rotarians will gather at Heritage Hills Resort (2700 Mount Rose Avenue, York, PA 17402) for some informational sessions until 4:30 p.m. Immediately following the conclusion of the sessions, we will start our celebration of the 2023-2024 Rotary year with a cocktail hour and then the Governor's banquet.
Greetings on a chilly spring day. I hope your Rotary experience continues to be great. Mine is awesome!
I had the pleasure of joining the York-East Rotarians this week as they celebrated several milestones of giving by Rotarians to our Rotary Foundation. PDG Connie Spark reached the second level of Major Donor status. Jim Walters and John Schmitt reached the first Major Donor level. And Bill Gierasch received his next Paul Harris level. Thank you to all for your sustained giving and your gift that creates hope in the world. Thank you to Club President Elizabeth Wolf for her leadership to the York-East Rotarians and for inviting me to join in the celebration. And a big thank you to Club Foundation Chair Kris Pollick for her work to recognize these Rotarians while fostering a giving culture in the club. Bravo to all!
We are continuing to accept donations for the Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution area of focus. However, for now please do not make donations directly on-line to the program. We are working with the Rotary Foundation on how they account for donations toward becoming a peacebuilding district. Please send your contribution to Melissa at the district office and we will submit these as a district.
I will see more than 60 of you tomorrow at the District Learning Assembly. I am so looking forward to this event. We have a wonderful slate of facilitators covering a range of topics that will make us informed and inspired Rotarians who in turn will make our clubs vibrant. Awesome!
Thanks for all you are doing to serve in your communities. Your efforts make a difference to so many people. It is an honor to be a part of this Rotary family. I’ll see you around the district.
The York East Rotary Club gave out Paul Harris Fellow Awards to 4 individuals who have demonstrated exceptional service and dedication to their communities. The award is named after Paul Harris, who founded the first Rotary Club in Chicago in 1905. It's a way for Rotary clubs to recognize individuals for their contributions to the club's goals of promoting peace, fighting disease, providing clean water, supporting education, and more.
Rotary clubs typically award Paul Harris Fellowships to individuals who have made significant contributions, either through monetary donations or substantial volunteer efforts. These contributions might be directed towards local or global initiatives that align with Rotary's values and objectives.
The awards were given by Fred Gellert, Rotary District 7390 Governor, Elizabeth Wolf, Club President and Kris Pollick, Rotary Foundation Chair to John Schmitt, Jim Walters, Bill Gierasch and Connie Spark. The Paul Harris Fellow recognition is a significant honor within the Rotary community and is accompanied by a certificate and a medallion. It signifies a person's commitment to the Rotary's motto of "Service Above Self" and their dedication to making positive changes in the world.
York-East members volunteer to pick up trash and litter along Edgewood Road between Prospect Street and Kingston Road twice a year: once in the spring and once in the fall, generally to coincide with PennDOT's Road Cleanup Day. The club has been doing it since 1998 and occasionally finds treasures and lots of trash (cans, cups, bags, and tires). We even found a wallet this year and hope to return it to the owner!
From left to right: Nate Tile, Kris Pollick, Greg Kern, Dan Hoff and Tim Koller
$40,000 To Be Awarded to Community Programs in 2024
Rotary Club of York and the York Rotary Foundation have just opened the 2024 round of their Rotary Club community grants. York Rotary Grants provide valuable funding support to address the changing needs of York through grant programs focused on improving our local community. Grants of $2,500-$10,000 will be awarded to projects or programs in 2024 taking place July 1, 2024-June 31, 2025. York Rotary Grants provide valuable funding support to address the changing needs of York through grant programs focused on improving our local community. Projects must match the grant request with other support.
The fields of interest for 2024 and examples of projects/programs that would fall under these fields follow. The Rotary Club grants committee only accepts letters of interest that fall under one or both of these interests.
CULTIVATE youth success
Programs and projects helping York City residents under the age of 18 prepare for their future as successful students, leaders, and community members.
Events designed to bring youth together to build connection, learning and understanding.
Educational programs to build skills needed for a successful future (No applications for scholarships will be considered. The Rotary Club of York already provides scholarship funding. If seeking a scholarship, please visit https://www.yorkrotary.org/page/scholarships).
IMPROVE the York City Environment
Programs and projects designed to improve the environment in the City of York to benefit its residents and visitors. Environment can be physical improvements to the built environment, the social environment, and/or the cultural environment. Projects under this scope include beautification such as murals, convening conversations to build bridges among communities, sense of place activities, and programs that remove barriers and improve access for all York City residents.
Letters of Interest by York County based non-profit organizations can now be submitted for projects and programs that meet these focus areas until April 5, 2024 at 5:00pm EST. Full grant guidelines and online Letter of Interest applications can be found here. Letters of Interest addressing one or both fields of interest that are selected to move to the full application stage can request $2,500-$10,000 in matching funds. All LOI applicants will be notified of their status by 5/1/2024
All proceeds from the 5K Run for Education will be used for scholarships for deserving seniors at Cumberland Valley, Cumberland Perry Area CTC and East Pennsboro High Schools
Where: East Pennsboro High School Track, 425 Shady Lane, Enola
When: In person registration begins at 11am, the 5K Run for Education is at noon and the One Mile Color Run at 1pm on April 28th (Sunday)
Medals will be given for best times by sex and age group at the 5K Run. We will also give out a monetary gift for the overall male and female winners.
We will have a walking taco stand and the Kona Ice Truck. There will be plenty of kids activities!
On Tuesday, April 30th at 6:30 PM Zone Rotaract Lead Abit Ragbeer will be the featured presenter hosted by our District Membership Committee on Rotaract! In years past, our District had many Rotaract clubs that were university based and disappeared during the COVID 19 pandemic. Abit will educate us how to start new Rotaract Clubs that can be University Based, Community Based or Satellite Clubs. She will also tell us how Rotaract has changed over the years and how it can bring new energy to your club and community. Click here to register and receive the Zoom link!
This Rotary Club of Hershey Annual dinner is the principle fundraising event of our Rotary year. 100% of the net proceeds from this event enables the Hershey Rotary Club to provide support to dozens of local organizations as well as some regional and international entities. We are also very active in supporting area youth through our Students of the Month program, Service Above Self Scholarships, and the Rotary International Youth Exchange Program.
Join us at The Hershey Lodge Chocolate Ballroom (325 University Drive, Hershey) on Saturday, April 27, 2024! The evening kicks off at 5:00 p.m. with a cash bar, hors d’oeuvres, live music and silent auction, then continues with dinner, followed by a live auction and dancing. Music provided by “Generations Big Band”. Ticket Price: $125/person
Evening’s Agenda
5:00 p.m. Registration, Silent Auction & Live Music
6:30 p.m. Dinner
7:30 p.m. Live Auction followed by Live Music & Dancing
What a great week we have had. Loving the weather! I know our clubs and Rotarians remain active doing service in our communities. Warm weather makes it just a little more fun. Last week I visited the Susquehanna Township club, my 41st and last official Governor visit. I am elated that I got to visit each of our clubs and experience the camaraderie that is a Rotary club while learning about all the projects, giving, and challenges each club undertakes. Even our smallest clubs are doing great things for their communities. It is an honor to serve in Rotary with you and I am inspired each time I interact with Rotarians. Thank you.
As the spring season opens, we look forward to new opportunities in life and in Rotary. Talk with your club leaders about where you might help do some “spring cleaning” in the club. Maybe all those pictures we took over the past months need to be sorted, labelled, and posted. Many of our web sites and social media sites need clean up and refresh. Maybe your club’s historical records need to be updated with the last few club events. Maybe the local community needs some help getting the parks and gardens back in shape for all to enjoy. It only takes a couple energetic Rotarians to get a project started. Could that be you? One service area we can really engage is in our youth programs. Our Youth Exchange students are a joy to be around. Could your club sponsor an inbound student this coming year or next? The deadline for submitting an application to attend RYLA is approaching. Does your club have a student or two who will benefit from this program? Our Interact clubs across the district are always looking to do meaningful service projects. Can your club engage with them and build those connections? Our 4-Way Test Speech and Essay contests are underway. Can your club conduct local contests and participate in the district contest program for next year? There are endless possibilities to engage with our youth.
District Learning Assembly is one week away. Over 50 of us are registered to attend on Saturday, March 23rd, at Central Penn College. There is still room for more Rotarians and guests to learn a little more about all that Rotary is and does. The list of sessions and registration details are on the front page of the district web site. We have a great group of instructors who will share knowledge and facilitate discussion, so we learn from each other and take back some cool ideas to our clubs. There is a specific session focused on our newest members to help them understand all that is Rotary. Maybe you could invite a prospective member to come attend that session to further their interest in Rotary. I look forward to learning with you next week.
District Conference 2024. Our conference this year will be a multi-part event on 19-20 April. We will have something to interest everyone. The details and registration link are all on the district web site. Friday the 19th will be at the Army Heritage and Education Center (AHEC) in Carlisle and offer several history related events. As we gather and socialize together, the AHEC staff will give us tours of the facility and show us what it has to offer the public – a great place to take the kids and grandkids. Then we’ll dine together and have our program. We will hold our 4-Way Test Speech and Essay contest final and select the winners. Always an inspiring event to hear our high school students teach us powerful ideas. And we’ll close with a presentation by one of our Army War College historians on some historical leadership lessons, which will be of interest to all of us who lead in our professional, personal, and volunteer lives. Then on Saturday morning, we have several hands-on service projects in different corners of the district. Even if you cannot attend the other parts of the district conference, you are welcome to join one of the projects and render service in our environment. Finally, we will gather at the Heritage Hills resort in York to have some learning sessions in the afternoon followed by a social and dinner with a formal program. Our learning session speakers will help us understand how to develop talent, the challenges on-going in our environment, and understand the larger Rotary organization we all enjoy. We are honored to have as part of our conference one of the RI President’s representatives who will be with us throughout the conference and offer some thoughts on Rotary. I look forward to seeing you at one or more parts of our conference. Let’s grow in Rotary together.
Thanks for all you do in your club, in your community, and in the world. I’ll see you around the district.
This event was highlighted on Good Day PA on May 1 - Check it out - https://www.abc27.com/good-day-pa/resilience-with-the-rotary-club-of-west-shore/.
The Rotary Club of West Shore is hosting a free community movie and panel discussion on Thursday, May 9, 2024 at the West Shore Theater (317 Bridge Street, New Cumberland)
This free public event that is made possible thought a District 7390 Club Grant. This event will focus on Rotary International President Gordan McInally’s focus on mental health. Let’s pack the theatre!
The women Rotarians in attendance at the March 6th meeting at the Rotary Club of York gathered for a photo wearing purple in honor of International Women’s Day on March 8, a day to celebrate a world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that's diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated!
You're invited to an exclusive VIP dinner hosted by the Uptown York Rotary Club at Gather256! Proceeds benefit UYRC's education initiatives, including sponsoring additional students for the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) program, and expanding our impactful dictionary project.
Since our charter in 2011, UYRC has sponsored an opportunity for one rising high school senior from the York area to participate in the RYLA program—an intensive leadership experience shaping the future leaders of tomorrow. Through your support at this fundraiser, we can extend this opportunity to two promising young leaders in our community.
UYRC is also engaged in the Rotary Dictionary Project, providing dictionaries to third graders as part of Rotary's global emphasis on literacy. Since 2021, UYRC has distributed dictionaries to approximately 340 third graders across four local schools, including York Academy and Logos Academy. Your support will help us reach even more young students as they transition from learning to read to reading to learn.
Join us from 6-8pm on March 23rd for a bespoke four-course dinner with Uptown York Rotary Club and Gather 256. Mingle and enjoy live music, then settle in and enjoy the meal with complimentary wine pairing.
In a bid to foster literacy and provide an enriching educational environment for students, the York East Rotary Club and District 7390 have made a significant contribution of $5,000 to Logos Academy for the establishment of a brand-new grammar school library. The generous donation aims to enhance the learning experience of students by providing them access to a diverse collection of fiction and non-fiction books, along with flexible seating, furniture, fixtures, shelving, rugs, and lighting. Logos Academy, known for its commitment to academic excellence and holistic development, has embarked on a mission to enrich its educational resources by revamping its grammar school library. The infusion of funds from the York East Rotary Club and District 7390 comes as a welcomed boost, further solidifying the academy's dedication and to ignite a love of reading to a wide variety of books. The donation was instrumental in the acquisition of hundreds of fiction and non-fiction books, catering to a wide range of interests and reading levels among students.
Additionally, the funds were utilized to procure flexible seating options, enabling students to comfortably immerse themselves in their reading endeavors. The library makeover will also include the installation of modern furniture, fixtures, shelving, rugs, and lighting, transforming the space into a vibrant hub of learning and exploration. "We are immensely grateful to the York East Rotary Club and District 7390 for their generous contribution towards our new grammar school library," expressed Racquel Bratton, Development Director of Logos Academy. The collaboration between Logos Academy, the York East Rotary Club, and District 7390 underscores the power of community partnerships in advancing educational initiatives. By pooling resources and expertise, these entities are working together to empower students and equip them with the tools they need to succeed academically and beyond. The impact of the $5,000 donation from the York Rotary Club and District 7390 will resonate far beyond the walls of Logos Academy, leaving a lasting legacy of educational empowerment and community support.
Club Members Pictures: Greg Kern, Kyle King, Sandi Graham, Chris Izzo and Tim Koller
Hello Rotarians. Maybe spring weather is here? Whether we have some more of that less warm weather coming or not, Rotary is an all-season sport and I’m glad we continue to serve year-round. Thanks for all you are doing in our communities and our world.
Rotary Means Business. Last night about 60 people gathered for Rotary Means Business (RMB) at the Rolls-Royce Museum in Mechanicsburg. What a great event! The museum has 30 vintage Rolls and Bentley cars, including one that is 100 years old. We had some tasty food supplied by the Market St Deli, heard everyone’s “elevator speech” about their business, and enjoyed pleasant conversations connecting with like-minded servant leaders. Thanks to PDG John Anthony (Mechanicsburg-North), for leading the event and to the Rolls-Royce Museum Foundation for hosting. Thanks to the club sponsors for the event: Mechanicsburg-North, D7390 Passport, Yellow Breeches, and West Shore. Also helping last night were DGN Mary Brunski (Carlisle), PE Scott Stevens (Harrisburg) as the emcee and circle leader, and VP Rob Altenburg (Mechanicsburg-North) as drink meister. Thank you to all for your efforts last night. RMB continues to thrive in District 7390 under the leadership of PDG Alden Cunningham (Carlisle) and his team. We are always looking for clubs to sponsor an RMB event in their area. You are welcome to attend any RMB, but hosting one in your area is a great way to connect with businesses and people in your own backyard – and it is a great Rotary recruiting event. You are welcome to visit an RMB to see the format and speak to the organizers. Alden has a great method to make the event smooth and successful. Give it a try.
District Learning Assembly. There are 30 people registered for our in-person learning event on the morning of 23 March at Central Penn College. Plenty of room for you to join us. There are 14 topics to choose from and each attendee can attend up to three classes, one per hour. We have instructors from various rotary clubs and a couple from outside Rotary. For our newer Rotarians, we have one class set as a new member orientation to help them see Rotary in all its facets. A panel of leaders from three of our clubs who are growing in membership will help us see some of what’s working for their membership efforts. And we have several classes focused on key positions in our clubs, such as secretary, treasurer, foundation, youth programs, and membership, to help strengthen our clubs and share ideas to make these areas of responsibility run smoothly. All the classes are listed on the district web site with the link for registration. The small cost of $22.50 covers a light breakfast and the facility rental. Central Penn is a great partner for us and continues to provide us good food, good facilities, and friendly support. We are lucky to have them right in the middle of our district. Come out and let’s learn together.
District Conference. We have a great set of events for our annual district conference 19-20 April. We have 20 registrants thus far. Jump on in and sign up. We’ll have a special guest with us that weekend as RI President Gordon McInally has approved us to be a district to have one of his official representatives attend our conference. He’ll share with us some of the happenings at Rotary International. It has been at least 10 years since our district had a President’s representative in attendance. The conference will have three parts. Part 1 on Friday evening, April 19th, will be at the Army Heritage and Education Center in Carlisle. We’ll tour the facility and learn how they support with various historical programs and data sources. Then we’ll have a buffet dinner and hear our 4-Way Speech and Essay test contest finalists. This is always a great event to see our young scholars wow us with their speeches and essays. Then we’ll have remarks from the RI President’s representative and our featured speaker, dr. Michael Lynch, a historian at the army war college and a published author who will speak on history’s leadership lessons. Then on Saturday morning Part 2 will be some service projects in several locations. Come on out and perform some hands-on service for our communities. Then we’ll gather for Part 3 on Saturday afternoon at the Heritage Hills resort and hotel near York to have three learning sessions followed by a reception and dinner where we’ll give out some district awards. Our learning sessions will be on talent development by the director of talent development for PA Governor Shapiro’s office, a talk on environmental issues by a War College professor, and our RI President’s representative will hold a session to hear about RI programs and field questions from you on anything Rotary. Over the two days we will have an eventful, informative, and impactful conference. So sign up, bring your family, and bring your club mates.
So far I have greatly enjoyed studying in the UK. I have had the opportunity to study alongside leading scholars in the field of international development and education, taking a variety of classes in the field. For instance, I have taken a course on the Role of the State in Education and in the Future of Learning in the Digital Age. Additionally, on campus, I have taken on the role of ESOL A1 Coordinator for the North East Solidarity and Teaching project. Essentially, this involves teaching refugees in the area English to better assist them in their integration within the UK and in the North East. In this role, I coordinate weekly lessons and manage a team of volunteers for our beginner-level classes. This semester, I will complete an international field placement, which will provide me with practical experience in education within an international context. I have also had the chance to explore the North quite a bit, and I was even able to see the castle in which the Harry Potter films were made.
10 AM – Noon – Train the Trainer Session hosted by Zone 28/32 DEI Committee
Focus: This will be an exciting meeting where we will discuss a 5-step process for implementing DEI Discussions at Club Meetings. Materials and speaking notes will be provided.
On 8 March, 2024, Rotary International is hosting a 60-minute panel discussion as a way to celebrate and recognize International Women’s Day, and we would love for you to join us! The discussion will focus on the importance of not only including but being a champion of women in leadership — in the workplace and beyond. We will discuss the importance of identifying leaders early, establishing mentorship and sponsorship programs, supporting women in joining women-led professional organizations, and focusing on allyship. We’ll also announce and celebrate the recipient of the 2023-24 Sylvia Whitlock Leadership Award.
This event is open to Rotary members and members of the public of all genders. Feel free to share with your networks.
Empowering and Elevating Women in the Workplace
Click here to see the event details in your time zone. Following the event, a recording will be available to everyone who registers.
As the world seems to be erupting in chaos, a bright light of international cooperation and peace came to the York East Rotary Club meeting. He is Amadi (Mohammed) Mphande from Mfuwe, Zambia. Mfuwe’s rural village is located in the Southeastern area of Zambia, Africa near the South Luangwa National Park. His first time on an airplane and his first snow fall, Mfuwe shared his village’s recent experience with a team of Medical, Eye-Care and Dental Care volunteers lead by local York-East Rotarian Connie Spark. Two-thirds of Zambians live below the poverty line with a monthly income of $211.00 US. There is a great need for medical supplies and medical professionals.
Our York East Rotary Club and other Rotary Districts participated in the largest Rotary International Foundation Vocational Training Team Grant. This type of grant requires that our team train doctors and nurses in the partner locations as well as give direct aid. These over $210K grants provided eye, dental, and medical treatment in November, 2023. More than 20 Rotary Clubs and districts around the world helped make this project a success. In 6 days our team of over 50 Rotarians and volunteers around the world helped over 3200 local people.
Amadi Mphamde is the Headmaster at Mfuwe Primary School in the Village of Mfuwe, Zambia which is one of the largest primary schools. As one of the founding members in 2012 of the Mfuwe Rotary Club, he is currently Club President and has been very active in promoting Rotary through the community. Mohammed is very honored to be a part of this international mission and will present his experience at the Mid-Atlantic Rotary Presidential Training conference where he will be a featured speaker along with other mission participants Rotary International.
Pictured: Amadi Mphamde and Elizabeth Wolf, Club President
Rotary Club of Hanover recognizes those members who have achieved memorable years of service as a Hanover Rotarian. Rotarians are presented with a mantle clock as a continuous reminder of our commitment to the principles of Rotary: To be truthful and fair in our personal and business transactions, and to build goodwill and friendships that benefit everyone.
The following Rotarians were recognized for their years of membership:
The Zones 28/32 Diversity-Equity-Inclusion Committee is hosting a Train the Trainer Session to help District/ Club Leaders and DEI District/Club Committee Chairs and members gain skills in facilitating DEI Club Discussions. This will be an exciting meeting featuring education on a 5-step process for fostering a sense of belonging in clubs. All materials, tools, and speaking notes will be provided. Click here to register today!
The next meeting of the District 7390 DEI Committee is taking place April 1st at 7 PM. The committee welcomes new members at any time and wants to be a resource to all clubs in creating diverse and welcoming club cultures. Contact Committee Chair Vlad Beaufils for more information at: vrbjeb@gmail.com.
Growing Rotary By Fostering a Culture of Belonging
The District Membership Committee continues to host educational opportunities live on Zoom which are recorded for on demand viewing. Take advantage of viewing these great events alone or in groups! All district hosted sessions can be found on the rotary7390 You Tube Cannel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKUDQLpRCujfBu7g9h2MWfA/
The Rotary Public Image Center presented by District Membership Chair PDG Juliet gives tips on how to use the Center to create promotional materials. View it on the rotary7390 You Tube Channel at: https://youtu.be/REGM_Us9_7w
Rotary Club Growth Success Stories featuring the District 7620 Membership Team with presenters Marilyn Nevy Cruz, Rotary Club of Washington DC, Dr. Pallavi Gowda, Founder/President Potomac Passport Club, Justin Saltzman, Key City Rotary Club, Frederick MD. https://youtu.be/Wa9OmPiLi30
Zones 28/32 Membership Recordings
Part 1 "How to Build a Successful New Club from the Ground Up" https://youtu.be/X3HHZAN6vZ0 Four experienced Rotarians give advice on how they started multiple new clubs in their districts including traditional, satellite, Rotaract, cause-based and non-traditional clubs. Topics include how to get started attracting new members and useful tools.
Part 2 "How to Build a Successful New Club from the Ground Up" https://youtu.be/ptqzoqP4nY4 This 2nd session focused on building momentum with your core group of future members and getting your new club chartered. The session will include topics such as: Defining club leadership, new club and satellite club bylaws, accessibility, membership dues styles, creating a club name, and getting the new club involved in their community.
Part 3: “Nurturing and Sustaining New Clubs”. https://youtu.be/t__GpTO5PGQ This 3rd session will focus on sustaining the new club once it is chartered. It's important to start new clubs, but of course, we want them to thrive and grow! This session discusses new clubs that are thriving and provides lessons learned from new clubs that have failed.
"Bringing the Action Plan Alive: Lessons from the 2023 North America Growing Club Study": https://youtu.be/oVz5xp4sQGg
Happy February. What a roller coaster of weather we are having. Luckily Rotary is an all-season sport. I love hearing about all that you are doing in our communities. Thank you for your efforts!
Leader transitions. Preparing for the upcoming season of leader transitions in Rotary has begun. This past week we held our Pre-Presidents-Elect Training Seminar (PETS) session. We had most of our incoming club presidents join us to hear about the upcoming Rotary year. This will help our presidents-elect begin planning for the new Rotary year. I was pleased to see so many wonderful Rotary leaders and hear their excitement. They will need all our support, so talk with your incoming president to see where you may help. Every club has need for Rotarians to roll up their sleeves in service and raise their right hands as leaders. Next step for the presidents-elect will be to attend the PETS in King of Prussia next week. DGE Paul has asked them to come prepared with some homework to discuss goals and opportunities for service. I look forward to hearing all that our clubs are planning to accomplish.
Cyber security. Recently some Rotarians received an email purporting to be from me telling them I needed them to reply to the email. The email came from the address rotarydistrictss@gmail.com. The is not an address I use or as far as I can tell is any Rotary related address. Fortunately, several of the receivers contacted me to inquire. I have changed passwords that hopefully stop the use of email contacts in my system. This incident does remind me that we all must be vigilant in our personal cyber security. Each week my spam folder is filled with 50 or more emails and now some of my fellow Rotarians got spam pretending to be me. Regularly changing account passwords is a good practice. Using password protecting software and using strong passwords helps too. Being suspicious of emails that don’t seem right is a good defense. This goes for our Rotary club websites and emails too. Whoever manages those accounts should be watching and acting. We’ll never completely prevent nefarious use of emails, but we can minimize the occurrence and effects.
District Learning Assembly March 23d. Registration is open for the District Learning Assembly (DLA) at Central Penn College. The in-person sessions will occur in the morning. Each participant can take up to three classes out of 15 offered. The focus is on topics of interest to Rotarians and of help to our clubs. The small registration fee covers a breakfast and the rental of the facility. We’ll finish by lunch time, so you have the remainder of the day available. We have not had a district learning assembly in 4 years. I’m excited to be able to conduct an in-person learning event! Won’t you please join us and learn while meeting your fellow Rotarians and then take the information back to your club as we grow Rotary in South Central PA.
Join us Saturday April 6th, 2024 from 3 PM to 7 PM at the campus of the Central Penn College, 600 Valley Road, Summerdale, PA for an unforgettable day of fun and celebration at the Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg-North's Beer & Wine Festival. Indulge in the exquisite flavors of locally crafted spirits while immersing yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of live music. As our guest, you'll receive a complimentary sampling glass to savor a wide variety of beer and wine, perfectly complemented by the captivating tunes of Second Time Thru.
In addition to the delectable beverages and live entertainment, enjoy food from our selection of regional food trucks. Bring your lawn chairs and blankets, settle in, and relish the live performances while enjoying the locally crafted spirits. All proceeds from this event will directly support the Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg North community initiatives including scholarships for local students, assistance to local seniors, contributions to local food pantries, support for local charities, and investments in local libraries.
Tickets for the event are $40. Special $5 ticket entry for designated drivers which will include a voucher for purchase at the food trucks. Tickets can be purchased using the below QR code or visit the Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg-North website at www.mechanicsburgnorthrotary.org and go under the 2024 Beer and Wine tab to purchase tickets.
Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to experience the best of locally crafted spirits, live music, and community support.
The goal of the District RYLA Conference Committee is to have each Rotary Club in the District be represented by at least one young man and one young woman at the Conference. If the Rotary Club serves an area that has more than one high school, the Club should select at least one male and one female student from each high school. Approximately 90 students attended RYLA in 2023! We hope to better that total in 2024. Please attempt to have an equal balance of young men and women.
RYLA will be held Sunday, June 9 to Thursday, June 13, 2024.
Students will submit their applications on-line . The registrar will contact your club for verification of student attendees. After you verify your Conferees to the District, please contact the students and confirm their attendance. The District will mail/email confirmations to the students after the April 12 application deadline!
Fee: $550 per attendee
The Family Night Celebration Event will be held Thursday, June 13, 2024 Cost for Rotarians, parents and guests will be $20 per person for heavy hors d'ouevres. There is no cost for Conferees to attend the banquet.
If your student DOES NOT Attend RYLA, your Club WILL NOT receive a credit or refund!
There are several RYLA scholarships available that a Club demonstrating economic need can apply for. If you would like to apply for a scholarship, please send a letter/e-mail to Melissa Kopp-Smith, P.O. Box 7116, York, PA 17404 or office@rotary7390.org. All requests will be evaluated by the RYLA committee. Full scholarships will not be granted. However, a club may apply for a half scholarship. The deadline to apply is March 4, 2024. Clubs that are selected to receive a scholarship will be notified by March 8, 2024.
All Rotarians in District 7390 are invited to attend the District Learning Assembly on Saturday, March 23, 2024 at Central Penn College (600 Valley Road, Summerdale). We will be meeting in the theatre. Every Rotarian can attend one class during each session. Cost—$22.50 per Rotarian!
Rotary’s monthly theme for February is Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention/Resolution. Our district campaign to become a peacebuilding district ($25,000 in donations to the peace area of focus) continues and fits well with this month’s theme. The February issue of Rotary magazine has a wonderful article showcasing the creation of Rotary’s newest peace center and the work of some peace center graduates. These accomplishments can only happen when we Rotarians donate to help fuel the good works. Thus far, your donations to peacebuilding have topped $3000. Thank you to those who have given to this worthy cause. Please consider a donation to help Rotary do peace and conflict prevention education and events at home and abroad. For those that give $250 or more, we will recognize you as District 7390 peacebuilders at our district conference in April.
February is Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention Month
The District Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee is happy to welcome Vladimir Beaufils as the new Leader of the Committee. Vlad is a member of the Rotary Club of Harrisburg since 2022 and is the Chair of its DEI Committee. Vladimir was born in Haiti, where he lived in hiding for wo years before escaping to the US in December of 1960.
He is a disabled Vietnam Veteran of the U.S. Air Force and is serving in his fourth career owning and operating a Commercial Cleaning Company. Previous occupations included firefighter, insurance manager, and running a non-profit called Sound Community Solutions. In addition to his business, he serves his community in many ways including as a Minister/Chaplain’s Assistant, Life Coach, Certified Grants Specialist, Offender Workforce Development Specialist, Trainer and Facilitator.
On a personal level, Vladimir is proud of his two amazing kids (Jacqueline & James) 39 and 37 respectively. Both are Penn State grads and his daughter Jacqueline also gave Vlad his first and only grandchild Jayden.
Vlad describes himself as loving God, loving people and striving to be a blessing when and where he can. He is committed to the ideals of Rotary and appreciates all that Rotary stands for and the service it provides.
Join Vlad and members of the DEI Committee at their next meeting on Monday, February 5th at 7 PM on Zoom. The committee welcomes new members at any time and wants to be a resource to all clubs in creating diverse and welcoming club cultures. Contact Vlad for more information at: vrbjeb@gmail.com.
Growing Rotary by Fostering a Culture of Belonging
About four years ago, Bob Geiger joined the PennLive team as Vice President, Sales. He also joined the Rotary Club of Harrisburg (RCH) as soon as he could.
Along with his day job of promoting PennLive/Patriot News and its services, he is an accomplished singer/songwriter who has released several solo albums.
Enter Toni Mark, a 5-year member of RCH, and a brief conversation following a Monday Rotary meeting. Toni had heard of Bob’s music passion and asked if he knew Steve Schwartz, then an active member of RCH. Toni knew they shared a love for music.
At that time, Steve was heavily involved in promoting a Christmas album featuring local musicians titled Joy to the Burg. The CD was sold as a fundraiser supporting two winter walk-in shelters for the region’s homeless population. Steve’s entire career has been spent helping those less fortunate with housing, life skills and quality of life.
The Rotary Club of Harrisburg was one of the founding sponsors of the Joy to the Burg albums. Numerous RCH members and their bands contributed songs to the albums, and fellow RCH members donated endless hours to volunteering at the shelters for men and women experience homelessness through the ministry of via Christian Churches United.
Geiger’s role that started from that casual luncheon conversation blossomed into contributing key songs to the 2022 and 2023 albums, as well as becoming one of the co-chairs of the annual Joy to the Burg program. Bob has been so involved over the last two years that he attracted the attention of his fellow department members at PennLive. Several are helping to make this year’s program a major and continuing success. The organization certainly sees the value of community engagement.
The Rotary connections story doesn’t end there. Harrisburg based television station WHTM learned of Joy to the Burg and when interviewed about the album, Bob mentioned how a chance conversation at a RCH meeting led to interconnected agency promotional planning for the fundraiser album. Bob took the opportunity to mention Toni’s name and her work with the region’s Salvation Army. A win-win for all.
Bob constantly recognizes the power of a Rotary connection and now serves on the RCH Board. His musical passion has grown and those he’s met through Rotary are now “best buds.”
Since the inception of the Joy to the Burg in 2019, the project has raised over $150,000 to provide over 10,000 nights of winter shelter to more than five hundred men and women. About 120 of those individuals have been assisted finding long-term housing.
If you would like to hear the songs on the Joy to the Burg album, simply go to www.joytotheburg.com and purchase a download. For information about the Rotary Club of Harrisburg go to https://portal.clubrunner.ca/6522. To contact Ms. Mark, Resource Development Director at The Salvation Army Harrisburg Capital City Region go to Toni.Mark@USE.SalvationArmy.org
Recent Harrisburg Transplant "Sings" About the Power of Rotary Club of Harrisburg Connections
Friday, April 19, 2024 will feature a kick-off event at the U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center (950 Soldiers Drive, Carlisle, PA 17013). The evening will have fun and fellowship, but the highlight will be the finals for the District Four-Way Test Speech Contest.
On Saturday, April 20, 2024 a District-wide service project will be held in the morning. At 2:00 p.m. all Rotarians will gather at Heritage Hills Resort (2700 Mount Rose Avenue, York, PA 17402) for some informational sessions until 4:30 p.m. Immediately following the conclusion of the sessions, we will start our celebration of the 2023-2024 Rotary year with a cocktail hour and then the Governor's banquet.
On Friday, April 19, 2024 a kick-off celebration for the District Conference will be held at the U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center (950 Soldiers Drive, Carlisle, PA 17013). The evening will begin at 5:00 p.m. with cocktail hour. A buffet dinner will begin at 6:00 p.m. and the program will begin at 7:00 p.m. The program for the evening will be the finals of the Four-Way Test Speech Contest and the presentation of the winning Four-Way Test Essay.
$65 per person from March 1, 2024 at 12:00 a.m. until April 10, 2024 at 12:00 p.m.
On Saturday, April 20, 2024 we will gather at Heritage Hills Resort (2700 Mount Rose Avenue, York, PA 17402) beginning at 1:30 p.m. Break-out sessions will be held from 2:00 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. Cocktail hour with appetizers will begin at 5:00 p.m. At 6:00 p.m. dinner service will begin. Dinner Choices are: Crab topped tilapia with Beurre Blanc Sauce, Sliced Bistro Tenderloin with Bordelaise Sauce or Penna Pasta Primavera (Vegetarian/Vegan).
$85 per person from March 1, 2024 at 12:00 a.m. until April 10, 2024 at 12:00 p.m.
Total Package (Both Friday Night and Saturday) - This package includes registration for Friday, April 19, 2024 and Saturday, April 20, 2024.
$150 per person from March 1, 2024 at 12:00 a.m. until April 10, 2024 at 12:00 p.m.
Conference registration will close on April 10, 2024 at 12:00 Noon!
REGISTER TODAY! District 7390 Annual Conference - April 19 & 20, 2024
The District Membership Committee continues to host educational opportunities live on Zoom which are recorded for on demand viewing. Take advantage of viewing these great events alone or in groups! All district hosted sessions can be found on the rotary7390 You Tube Channel. Click here to view the channel!
Upcoming Live Presentation on Zoom
February 5th at 6 PM on Zoom hosted by District 7430: “ Companion Clubs”. Learn about ways to attract new members through the creation of companion clubs including Next Gen Clubs and IMPACT clubs which are more nontraditional clubs focused on service. Click here to Register TODAY!
District Membership Recordings
The Rotary Public Image Center presented by District Membership Chair PDG Juliet gives tips on how to use the Center to create promotional materials.
If the video is not visible, click here to view it on the rotary7390 You Tube Channel.
Rotary Club Growth Success Stories featuring the District 7620 Membership Team with presenters Marilyn Nevy Cruz, Rotary Club of Washington DC, Dr. Pallavi Gowda, Founder/President Potomac Passport Club, Justin Saltzman, Key City Rotary Club, Frederick MD.
If the video is not visible, please click here to view it!
Zone 32 Membership Recordings
Part 1 "How to Build a Successful New Club from the Ground Up" https://youtu.be/X3HHZAN6vZ0 Four experienced Rotarians give advice on how they started multiple new clubs in their districts including traditional, satellite, Rotaract, cause-based and non-traditional clubs. Topics include how to get started attracting new members and useful tools.
Part 2 "How to Build a Successful New Club from the Ground Up" https://youtu.be/ptqzoqP4nY4 This 2nd session focused on building momentum with your core group of future members and getting your new club chartered. The session will include topics such as: Defining club leadership, new club and satellite club bylaws, accessibility, membership dues styles, creating a club name, and getting the new club involved in their community.
Part 3: “Nurturing and Sustaining New Clubs”. https://youtu.be/t__GpTO5PGQ This 3rd session will focus on sustaining the new club once it is chartered. It's important to start new clubs, but of course, we want them to thrive and grow! We will talk about new clubs that are thriving and provide lessons learned from new clubs that have failed.
"Bringing the Action Plan Alive: Lessons from the 2023 North America Growing Club Study": https://youtu.be/oVz5xp4sQGg
Next District Membership Committee Meeting: Tuesday, February 27th at 6:30 PM. New members and drop-ins are welcome. Click here to register TODAY!
The Rotary Clubs of Mechanicsburg North, West Shore, Yellow Breeches, and Passport will partner to host the 70th RMB networking event in Rotary District 7390 history and the first event of the 2024 RMB season.
The event will take place on Thursday, February 29from 5 to 8 PM at the Rolls Royce Museum (189 Hempt Road, Mechanicsburg). The event will be FREE to all attendees thanks to the following event sponsors:
We have time to add sponsors so if your business would like to help cover our costs, sponsorships are $100.00.
Sponsorships include:
Acknowledgment in the weekly Rotary District ENews Letter
Opportunity to be recognized and speak for a few minutes at the event
Opportunity to bring a standing banner to the event
Opportunity to distribute materials at the event
Acknowledgment on the Rotary District Facebook Page
All attendees receive a list of all attendees with contact information.
This will be another in a longstanding series of great business networking opportunities and fun and fellowship events. Do not miss it. Bring potential Rotarian guests and Family of Rotary as this event is open to everyone!
Do you want to learn more about RYLA? Join us for an informational meeting on Monday, February 5 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. to learn about all things RYLA and how to sponsor a student! Pre-registration for the meeting is required.Click here to register. After you register, you will receive a zoom link for the meeting.
RYLA registration is now OPEN! Click here to view all the important RYLA Information!
A report highlighting all the great people and activities of our district during the 2022-2023 Rotary Year is now available for viewing. (Click here to view the report). This report can be a great resource for educating new Rotarians on the variety of activities happening throughout our District and ways they can get involved. Thank you to the many leaders throughout our District who IMAGINED ROTARY in big and little ways throughout the 2022-2023 Rotary year!
2022-2023 District 7390 Annual Report NOW Available!
Clubs intending to apply for Rotary Foundation District Club Grants or Global Grants must complete the annual District Grants Training.
At least one club member must complete training each year for the club to be eligible to apply for a district club grant or a global grant. Additional club members are encouraged to complete the training if they are involved in their club's grant process or want to better understand the grants program of The Rotary Foundation. Members trained in previous years must recertify annually.
The training will include information on The Rotary Foundation, District Club Grants, Global Grants, and Community Needs Assessments. Participants are required to complete all four training components and complete a quiz related to each.
Regardless of which grant type your club is planning to apply for, participants are expected to watch the full two-hour training session. Once you have completed the training, you will need to complete an online quiz for each of the training components. A score of 70% or higher is required for successful completion of the training.
Clubs must also submit a completed/signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) agreeing to implement the financial and stewardship requirements of District 7390 and The Rotary Foundation.
Share Some Love (dollars) with The Rotary Foundation (TRF) and District 7390 will Share Some Love with you by donating Foundation points to your Foundation account in celebration of Valentine’s Day.
A donation of $100 payable to TRF’s Annual Fund-SHARE during the week of Valentine’s Day (From February 11 through February 17) qualifies you to receive 100 Foundation points.
This campaign will assist new members and those working to achieve the Paul Harris Fellow designation PHF +1 to PHF +8 to reach it faster and easier. Points are like cash. Points and cash that equal 1,000 allow donors to receive the Paul Harris Fellow designation.
Consider honoring a friend, family member, or Rotary colleague when you contribute. Share Some Love knowing that your donation is making a difference and recognizing someone you know at the same time. To receive your 100 Foundation points, send a copy of your acknowledgement receipt from the Foundation (include your member number) to office@rotary7390.org.
There are four ways to donate:
Donate on-line. Go to www.Rotary.org/contribute and click on Donate. You will need a credit card and a member access account on the RI website.
Send acheck made payable to The Rotary Foundation (or use your credit card). Download and fill out the donation form. Click HERE** to secure the form. Mail the completed form to the Chicago address listed at the bottom of the form.
Donate by phone. Call the Rotary Contact Center at 866-976-8279 Monday—Friday 8 am to 5 pm CST. Have your credit card ready to contribute.
Enroll in The Rotary Foundation’s recurring giving program, Rotary Direct. Go to the Rotary Direct Enrollment Form.
Thanks for supporting The Rotary Foundation. Your contributions to TRF make it possible for Rotarians to successfully address some of life’s most challenging issues by supporting education, promoting peace, fighting disease, providing clean water, sanitation, and hygiene, saving mothers and children, growing local economies, and protecting the environment.
Questions regarding Rotary Foundation contributions and programs can be directed to your Club Foundation Chair or District Rotary Foundation Chair, Dr. Anna-Mae Kobbe at amkobbe@gmail.com.
Support The Rotary Foundation - Earn Foundation Points February 11-17
For more than 20 years the Rotary Club of Carlisle has supported the needs of poor communities in Kenya.
Most recently the Rotary Club of Nairobi sent an update on an Eye Care project that provides exams, glasses and other treatments to youngsters attending school in very poor communities. Rotarians are joining teachers in organizing the eye exam programs in schools and performing preliminary checks using vision boards and charts purchased with global grant funds. Opticians and optometrists complete the exam process and recommend glasses and other treatments as appropriate. Again the costs are covered by a global grant. So far, more than 250 students have had eye exams through this project.
RC of Carlisle provided supplemental financial support for this global grant project sponsored by RC of Campbell River, Canada.
Volunteer conducting eye exams in poor school in Kenya.
This project was recognized with a global grant streamer at the District 7390 Foundation Dinner on November 4, 2023.
The Rotary Club of Colonial Park Foundation has announced that the 2024 scholarship applications for high school seniors attending Bishop McDevitt, Central Dauphin East, Central Dauphin, Dauphin County Technical and Harrisburg Christian Schools was made available on January 16, 2024. In 2024, twenty-two scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $21,000 will be available for students totaling $76,500. In 2023, the Rotary Foundation developed their own scholarship application software program to evaluate each application based on many grading factors.
Each year the Rotary Foundation awards scholarships to high school seniors and as of June 2023, has awarded over $875,000. The Rotary Club of Colonial Park and the Rotary Club of Colonial Park Foundation have awarded over one million dollars back to the community in the form of scholarships, student leadership programs and over $275,000 to community organizations.
Colonial Park Foundation Announces Scholarship Applications
I am pleased to announce that the District Governor Nominating Committee has met and is recommending Rebecca Zalit, Rotary Club of Palmyra, to serve as our District Governor for the 2026-2027 Rotary year.
Becky Zalit has been a member of the Rotary Club of Palmyra for the past five years. She was elected as President for two consecutive terms, from 2019-2021. Her tenure as President was marked by initiatives and service projects benefiting the local community and partnering with neighboring Rotary Clubs and other service organizations. Becky continued her service in Rotary by taking on the role of Assistant Governor for Group C in 2022. In addition to these leadership roles, she is committed to ongoing learning and involvement within Rotary. She completed Parts I & II of the Rotary Leadership Institute and has attended several President Elect Training Seminars and District Conferences. She is also currently serving as a member of the District DEI Committee, District Safety Committee, and the District Four Way Test Speech Contest Committee.
After graduating from Millersville University with a BS in Elementary Education in 2010, Becky obtained a master’s Certificate in Early Childhood Education Pedagogy from the University of Colorado. Over the past 13 years, she has dedicated herself to the field of Early Childhood Education, gaining valuable experience as both a teacher and childcare center director. Becky currently serves as the Lead Preschool Teacher at Catherine Hershey Schools for Early Learning.
In accordance with the guidelines established in article 14 of Rotary International Bylaws, you are hereby advised of this recommendation. Any Club that has submitted a candidate during the 2023-2024 Rotary year may submit a challenging candidate for consideration to the nominating committee. The challenging candidates must be submitted no later than February 2, 2024, in conformity with article 14.020.8 in the Rotary International ByLaws. In the absence of such action or any other objections, Rebecca Zalit will be designated as the Nominee for District Governor for 2026-2027.
Many thanks to PDG Juliet Altenburg and the members of the District Governor Nominating Committee for their diligent and timely actions.
Have you wanted to attend a Rotary Leadership Institute Northeast America training session but haven't yet found one near your home or workplace that you can attend in-person? Is it difficult for you to to attend a Rotary Leadership Institute session on a Saturday? Then, we have great news for you, since we have not one, but TWO virtual Rotary Leadership Institute sessions coming soon on weeknights!
Part I, II, III, and this year's Graduate session on Succession Planning will be offered at both sessions. (Remember, you can take as many Graduate courses as you like; the topics change every year.)
The cost for each of these virtual sessions is only $25.00/ course. Why not take advantage of this super opportunity and take both RLI sessions? The cost for each of these virtual sessions is only $25.00. Why not take advantage of this super opportunity and take both?
You will still have the benefit of "meeting" Rotarians from all over Northeast America from whom you can learn lots about Rotary as you interact with great facilitators - without ever leaving your home or office. Plus, you will still have the benefit of "meeting" Rotarians with whom you can share ideas.
For both virtual sessions, you must attend both nights in order to receive credit for the part you are taking. Our first RLI virtual session, sponsored by District 7930 in Wakefield, MA, will be held on Zoom Tuesday, February 27th from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm AND Thursday, February 29th and 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. For more information on this session, please contact Event Chairs Alexander Falk (Site Chair) at al@falk.us or Joan Arsenault (Regional Vice Chair) at Joan@massteximaging.com.
Our second virtual RLI session, sponsored by District 7870 in MA and VT, will be held on Zoom on Tuesday, March 19and Thursday, March 21st, also between 6:00 pm and 9:00 pm both nights. For more information on this session, contact Site Chair Carol Powis at carol.powis@comcast.net or Vice Chair Liz Cullen at lizgcullen@yahoo.com.
Welcome to February! Rotary’s monthly theme for February is Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention/Resolution. Our district campaign to become a peacebuilding district ($25,000 in donations to the peace area of focus) continues and fits well with this month’s theme. The February issue of Rotary magazine has a wonderful article showcasing the creation of Rotary’s newest peace center and the work of some peace center graduates. These accomplishments can only happen when we Rotarians donate to help fuel the good works. Thus far, your donations to peacebuilding have topped $3000. Thank you to those who have given to this worthy cause. Please consider a donation to help Rotary do peace and conflict prevention education and events at home and abroad. For those that give $250 or more, we will recognize you as District 7390 peacebuilders at our district conference in April.
The spring will be a great time to attend some district events designed to educate and inspire us. On March 23, we will hold our District Learning Assembly at the Central Penn College. We have a good slate of class topics to inform our Rotarians and strengthen our clubs. The small fee covers some food and the use of the facility. Please register on the district website and come out ready to learn, to meet other servant leaders, and take great ideas back to your club. Club leaders, please encourage multiple members to attend the session as there will be multiple classes in each hour. You’ll want to get all the learning back to the club.
Then in April we will gather for our annual district conference on April 19-20. Friday the 19th in the evening we will be at the Army Heritage and education Center in Carlisle. After a tour of the facility, we’ll have dinner, hear our Rotary 4-Way test speech and essay contest, and have a speaker discuss some historical lessons for today. Then on Saturday the 20th we will do service projects around the district in the morning before gathering in the afternoon at Heritage Hills Hotel and Golf Resort in York. We have three dynamic speakers for the afternoon learning sessions to discuss talent development, environmental issues, and Rotary International. We are honored that Rotary has assigned a Rotary International President’s representative who will attend our conference and speak to us about all that Rotary is doing. We’ll then have our dinner program and recognize some deserving Rotarians. This will be a great event! Registration is live on the district web site.
Thanks for all you do for our neighbors and communities. I’ll see you around the district.
The long history of a Rotary International President launching a theme for their presidential year is going away in 2025-2026. This decision was made by the RI Board of Directors at their October 2023 Meeting. (Read the details of decisions from that meeting here.)
The rationale behind the decision is based on the importance of standardizing branding and communications. The presidential themes were to be used only for internal communications to motivate Rotary members. However, too many clubs and districts used the theme as a logo to promote Rotary projects and events to the public. Additionally, the themes changed every year, and some clubs and districts preferred promoting a past theme over the current theme due to personal preference. This causes confusion with helping the public understand the focus of Rotary and what we stand for.
Meanwhile, the 2024-2025 Rotary Theme for RI President Elect Stephanie Urchick was announced last Monday as part of the International Assembly held in Orlando Florida. The Theme is:
As Stephanie stated, "We are not going to end polio or bring peace to the world by waving a wand. It's up to you. You create the magic with every project completed, every dollar donated, and every new member."
Click here to learn more about President-elect Stephanie Urchick's theme for 2024-25, The Magic of Rotary.
If the video does not show, you can watch it here.
Rotary Presidential Theme to be Eliminated Starting in 2025-2026
The District Membership Committee is pleased to host another educational opportunity where clubs can learn best practices for growing and retaining members. On Tuesday January 23rd at 6:30 PM a 30-minute presentation followed by time for questions will feature three speakers from District 7620 which is located in the Washington DC area.
The U.S. Rotary Club & District Liability Insurance Program provides U.S. Rotary clubs and districts and Rotaract clubs with commercial general liability insurance and directors & officers/employment practices liability insurance, subject to policy terms and conditions.
The Rotary Risk Management team would like to inform you that effective 1 January 2024, the insurance broker of the U.S. Rotary Club & District Liability Insurance Program ("U.S. Club Program") is now the Hylant Group.
Click HERE and view a short video about the Hylant Group and instructions on how to navigate the new portal ("U.S. Rotary Insurance Portal").
"How does this impact me and my club?"
The U.S. Club Program continues to provide commercial general liability insurance and directors & officers/employment practices liability insurance to U.S. Rotary clubs and districts and Rotaract clubs.
The Hylant Group has created the U.S. Rotary Insurance Portal and designated Client Service Specialists who will assist with inquiries pertaining to the U.S. Club Program.
Please see the U.S. Rotary Insurance Portal, where you can fill out a certificate of insurance and review documents, forms, and other materials:
The York Rotary Foundation, the charitable arm of the Rotary Club of York, announces $46,000 in college scholarships available for York City and York County students for 2024. Scholarships are available for graduating high school seniors, those currently in college, and non-traditional students enrolling later in life.
Students wishing to apply for York Rotary Scholarships can learn more about the criteria for each scholarship and begin the online application process by visiting www.YorkRotary.org/Page/Scholarships. Application deadline is March 15, 2024. Questions on applying or about the online application should be directed to Michelle Richwine, Scholarship Coordinator, at mrichwine@tfec.org.
Scholarships Available:
Non-Traditional Student Scholarship – one-time $3,000 scholarship – York County students enrolled later in life in technical or trade school, college or university
“Service Above Self” Scholarship – two-year $3,000 scholarship – high academic achievement and community service for college junior
Bush Scholarship – four-year $1,200 scholarship – high academic achievement
Mangold Scholarship – four-year $1,250 scholarship – high academic achievement
Kranich Scholarship – one-year $2,200 scholarship – any area of study
Diehl Scholarship – one-year $1,200 scholarship – Engineering major with a preference for York City students
Smith Scholarship – one-year $3,000 scholarship – Agriculture major
Kahley Scholarship – one-year $1,000 scholarship – Music major with a preference for William Penn or York Suburban
Hayes Scholarship – one-year $3,200 scholarship – Equine studies major for college junior, senior or graduate student
Wagman Scholarship – one-year $2,300 scholarship – Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree at York College for college junior or senior
Rosenmiller Scholarship- one-year $1,500 scholarship – Health Care major
Thanks to the generous support of Club members, York Rotary Scholarships have been established to reward the academic success, community service, and student determination of York residents attending college, university, technical or trade school.
York Rotary Foundation Invites Scholarship Applicants
As we enter 2024, the March 15, 2024 deadline for speech and essay contest contestants in this year’s District 7390 4-Way Test Speech and Essay Contests is fast approaching. Celebrate Rotary’s 4-Way Test by engaging with high school students in your local communities!
All the information about both contests can be found here. On this page, you can find rules, information, guidelines, suggested timelines and prize information which will help your club organize and hold its own contests. Please note that your club’s winning entries must be submitted to the District by March 15.
The essay contest features a brand new prompt – The Importance of Community Service to my Life, while the speech contest has no specific prompt other than that the speech focus on the 4-Way Test.
The Speech and Essay Contest Committee stands ready to serve as a valuable resource to your club. Please contact Mike Handshew (mrhandshew@gmail.com)for questions about the speech contest and Steve Grubb, (stevengrubb@comcast.net) regarding the essays.
New Year's Resolution - Participate in the District 7390 Speech & Essay Contests!
Did you miss the Zone 28/32 webinar December 5th on how to Grow your Club? No worries!
If the video does not show, please click here to view it.
From this 1-hour presentation, you will come away with actionable tools to help clubs in your district Increase their Impact, Expand their Reach, Enhance Participant Engagement, and Improve their Ability to Adapt. In this session, we answer the question - HOW? -- based on the best practices of clubs in North America that are action plan champions! This IS the presentation to truly augment your membership growth tool kit! This study will be a key part of the multi-district PETS membership learning program Feb 22-24 in King of Prussia hosted for all President Elects. http://www.mapets.org/
The Rotary Club of Lancaster-Hempfield volunteered to at a Salvation Army bell ringing event. The Club is a regular yearly sponsor, and this year our bell ringing raised $679.82 for the Salvation Army! A fun day. The Club had a total of 8 Club members and one granddaughter help throughout the day.
In the photos: Kerry Johnson and Tony DeVito; Rod Yoder; Darrell Gerke; Herb Noll and granddaughter Eleanor.
The Rotary Club of West Shore is in the holiday mood! The club was one of 30 local organizations that set up a holiday light display at Willow Park in Camp Hill as part of the Borough’s Parade of Lights event. The event, held December 8-9, supports the US Marine Corps Toys for Tots campaign as the cost of admission is a new, unwrapped toy. Using PVC pipe, wooden pallets, and a lot of creativity, the club was able to showcase the Rotary wheel, four arches representing the 4-way test, and a tree to represent each area of focus.
My best wishes to you for a happy holiday season and a healthy and prosperous 2024!
As you consider your year-end giving, please remember that Rotary’s number one world-wide priority is the eradication of polio. It will be Rotary’s gift to the children of the world.
For a donation of $100 and a pledge to continue giving $100 a year to PolioPlus until polio is wiped from the face of the Earth, you can join the PolioPlus Society. You can give a check payable to The Rotary Foundation with polio on the subject line to your club’s Foundation Chair, send it to Melissa at the District Office, or donate directly through the RI portal. Click here to join the Polio Plus Society! And if you can’t make a multi-year pledge, please consider a gift this year. Donations count toward Paul Harris Society giving levels. We are “this close” to ending polio!
This year Hershey Rotary Club awarded over $30,000 to 33 local organizations. These Community Grants represent the largest piece of our “Giving Budget” each year and include organizations like: Cocoa Packs, Hershey Food Bank, Hershey Volunteer Fire Department, Hershey Symphony, Hershey Heros Special Hocky, Hershey Little League, Hershey Youth Football and many more. Please consider joining us this April as we raise money for these grants at our Annual Dinner Auction.
Every year, Rotary selects some of the world’s brightest and most dedicated professionals to study at Rotary Peace Centers around the world. District 7390 participated in the selection process by interviewing two candidates who were referred to us by Rotary.
One of the applicants we interviewed was selected in this highly competitive process. Solomon Ademe Molla from Ethiopia will study for a Master’s degree at Uppsala University in Sweden. Currently a lecturer at Woldia University in Ethiopia, he teaches and does research into peace, conflict transformation, human rights and rule of law related issues, and provides capacity building training and other assistances to conflict affected communities, particularly to vulnerable groups. He holds a BA in Civics and Ethics from Debre Birhan University and a MA in political science from Bahir Dar University, both in Ethiopia. After completing his studies at Uppsala University, he plans to continue his conflict resolution efforts in Ethiopia.
Solomon was selected in a highly competitive process. Of the more than 600 qualified individuals who applied, only 90 were selected to study in 2024-2025. District 7390 is proud to have been a part of Solomon’s selection to participate in this respected program. Those in 7390 who interviewed candidates were: Mary Brunski, RC of Carlisle (DG 2025-26), Tom Burson, RC of Yellow Breeches, Rick Coplen, RC of Carlisle, Fred Gellert, RC of Carlisle Sunrise (DG 2023-24). Paul Thompson RC of Hershey (DG 2024-25), and Kathleen Stoup, RC of Carlisle.
More than 1600 Peace program alumni work in over 115 countries and serve as leaders in governments and nongovernmental organizations, education, research, law enforcement and the military as well as in international organizations dedicated to peace.
District 7390 Participates in Rotary Peace Fellowship Program
On Thursday night, November 30th, The Hershey Rotary Club hosted another Rotary Means Business event at the Englewood in Hershey. Thanks to Jim Gainer, DGE Paul Thompson, and Scott Stevens for being the primary planners behind this successful RMB event! The Hershey Club invited the Hummelstown Club to join them and invite the Hummelstown business professionals. The event was attended by the Hummelstown Club President as well as the West Shore Club President. Almost 50 participants attended and close to 20 were not Rotary members. The Carlisle-Sunrise, Harrisburg, Hershey, Hummelstown, West Shore, D7390 Passport and York Clubs were all represented! It was a great night for networking and fellowship, lots of new friendships were made!
Pictured L-R: Darrell Gerke, Rodney Yoder and Herb Noll
The Rotary Club of Lancaster-Hempfield recently completed a project to place multiple new benches at Amos Herr Park, (1700 Nissley Road, Landisville). The benches sit on the newly developed wetlands trail in the park, and the Club partnered with East Hempfield Township to purchase, assembly and install each new seat.
Members of the Rotary Club first proposed the project last January, as it aligns with one of the organization's goals to support environmental protection and awareness. Club members approached East Hempfield Township to ask how they could help with the new wetlands trail project, and the two parties decided that installing new benches would greatly improve local resident's experience.
The Rotary Club was able to raise more than $5,000 through various fundraisers such as chicken barbecues and holiday wreath sales, which it used to purchase the parts for four benches and corresponding plaques, as well as a picnic table. Members of the Club volunteered to assemble the pieces of each bench, which were installed along the paved trail at the park. The pieces of the picnic table will remain in storage until the remainder of the trail has been completed.
The Rotary Club members worked with the township to find vendors for the project parts to ensure the new benches would match the existing ones. The township provided the volunteers with the tools required to assemble the seats and transport them to the trail. The wetlands trail has been developed over the last year and a half in an area of the park that was formerly a field of grass, and it is estimated to be finished in the spring. The trail itself is a loop that is about a mile and a half, providing a handicapped-accessible route for people to take photos and enjoy nature before making their way back to the main park area. Another goal of installing the trail is to provide the public with more information regarding wetlands preservation.
In addition to its mission to support environmental protection, the Rotary Club's other goals include promoting global peace, researching a cure for polio, providing clean water for communities and supporting public education. Last year, the Rotary of Lancaster-Hempfield donated 5,000 books to Landisville Primary Center and Landisville Intermediate Center after the schools identified early reading support as a critical need. Club members were invited to visit the schools to see how their donation was benefitting the kid's education.
Tony DeVito, president of the Rotary Club of Lancaster-Hempfield, first became involved with the international organization as a member of its Carlisle Club three years ago. DeVito worked together with other members of the Lancaster-Hempfield Club to complete both the park bench and book donation projects. "I enjoy the ability to give back locally, as well as to support the club's bigger projects," DeVito said. The Rotary Club Foundatin funds various initiatives to support the organizations' goals internationally.
*This article was originally published in the Hempfield Merchandiser on November 29, 2023 by Adrian Eschenwald*
Lancaster-Hempfield Completes Project at Amos Herr Park
Three Kings Day or Dia de los Reyes is a traditional Hispanic celebration that marks the official 12th day of Christmas. Children give and receive gifts on this day. The York County Hispanic Coalition will host its annual Three Kings Day event on January 13th in the York High gym to give presents to children. This year the I.D.E.A. and Youth Development Committees partnered to support this event, and at our meeting on November 29th, Rotarians Gina Spangler and Ashlee Etzweiler presented a check in the amount of $1,612 to Madeline Torres Ocasio with the York County Hispanic Coalition.
York Rotary Foundation Presents A Check in Support of York County Hispanic Coalition's Three Kings Day
The Trustees of The Rotary Foundation made a decision earlier this year to annually recognize districts that achieve at least 90% compliance with grant reporting requirements during a Rotary year. Each district recognized receives a certificate of appreciation signed by the trustee chair.
Recently the first recognitions were announced. Only 39 districts worldwide were recognized for exceptional grant reporting efforts. “District 7390 was recognized in this select group. We are proud of our clubs for their attention to grant reporting requirements and deadlines. When recognized by country, District 7390 was one of 10 districts in the United States to be honored” says Anna-Mae Kobbe, District Rotary Foundation Chair.
Thanks to Dr. Bob Mcclenahan and Kathleen Stoup Co-Chairs of the Global Grants Committee and Nigel Foundling and Dr. Amy Spotts Co-chairs of the District Club Grants Committee and the members of their committees who implement the district’s foundation grants program. Their leadership is key to achieving 90% compliance with grant reporting. It takes the entire team from club members to district leaders to achieve this distinction.
In order for districts to be recognized, the following criteria must be met:
The district (including its member clubs) must be at least 90% compliant with grant reporting requirements in each quarterly analysis performed by the general secretary.
The district (including its member clubs) must have more than one open grant in each quarterly analysis.
The district must be 100% compliant with grant reporting requirements for district grants and all district-sponsored grants in each quarterly analysis and at the time the certificate is presented.
The district must not be suspended from participation in Rotary grants at any point during the Rotary year.
The district must not have any outstanding stewardship requirements at the end of the Rotary year.
District 7390 Recognized for Excellence in Grant Reporting
I am enjoying the governor visits to your clubs. I have been to nearly all the clubs with just three more to visit after Friday. I am impressed with the enthusiasm for Rotary and the service you are doing. Thanks for all the work you do as individual Rotarians and collectively as Rotary clubs. Our south-central Pennsylvania communities are benefitting from Rotary.
Our district was recently awarded a certificate of appreciation for being one of only 39 districts in the world (out of 520 districts) to be 90% or above compliant with all Rotary Foundation grant reporting and administrative requirements. This is a remarkable achievement given all the club grant and global grant projects conducted each year in the district. Congratulations to PDG Anna-Mae Kobbe who leads our District Rotary Foundation Committee and the team of Rotarians on the committee who manage all the grant applications and reports. The expertise and diligence they bring to the grant process is a joy to see each year. Thank you Anna-Mae, Nigel, Amy, Kathleen, Bob, Ed, Tom, Chris, Wilda, Jane, Jess, Mike, Juliet, Fred, Paul, and Mary. Thank you as well to the Rotarians in the clubs who lead projects and administer the paperwork involved in proposing, conducting, and reporting the grant projects. These projects have amazing impact locally and internationally. Bravo to all!
As announced in November, we are seeking to become a Peacebuilding District by reaching a total of $25,000 in donations to the Rotary Foundation’s Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention area of focus. In just a few weeks since we announced this initiative, we have had nearly $1200 donated. For those who donate $250 or more, we will recognize you as District 7390 Peacebuilders. As we close out the calendar year, please consider this initiative in your 2023 and/or 2024 giving plans. Clubs and individual Rotarians can donate either directly to the foundation or through Melissa at the district office. If you donate directly to TRF, please send a note to Melissa letting her know you have done so.
Part of promoting positive mental health is using our network of family, friends, and colleagues to support us and help us grow. While the holidays are mostly a joyous time, they can also be stressful and at times painful. Remember to take time for yourselves and focus on the most important aspects of the busy holiday season. Engage with your Rotary family. Check on each other and ask the question “how are you doing, really?” and listen to the response. We will all benefit if we do that.
With the conclusion of the 2023 Council on Resolutions (COR), RI has provided a Report of Action. In this report, you will find:
A letter from Council Services
Resolutions that were adopted
Vote tallies for the adopted items
Voting results for all 2023 resolutions can be found on My Rotary. Please note that the deadline for submitting resolutions to the 2024 COR is 30 June 2024. A link to the submission form, plus helpful resources, can be found on the Councils page of My Rotary.
Carlisle Rotary Clubs present a check for $26,000+ to support a Global Grant Project in Togo, West Africa. The funds were raised during Carlisle Rotary’s annual holiday auction. Pictured from left to right are Bill Blankmeyer, Carlisle Rotary Club Auction Chair, Marv Salsman, Carlisle Rotary Sunrise Club Auction Chair, Joel Hillison, President of the Carlisle Rotary Club, Past District Governor Kevin Cogan and Mike Zick, Togo Project Chair Person.
Carlisle’s three Rotary Clubs, the Carlisle Rotary Club, the Carlisle Sunrise Rotary Club and the newly formed Carlisle Rotary Sunset Club held their annual holiday dinner on 30 November at the Carlisle Country Club with 124 Rotarians and their guests in attendance. This dinner also served as a celebration of the Carlisle Sunrise Club’s 20 years of service having been chartered on 1 December 2003. The event kicked off with a slide show presentation that recapped the quite impressive list of local and international projects the club has completed followed by a champagne toast to commemorate the occasion.
For several years now the presidents of the Carlisle Rotary Club and Carlisle Rotary Sunrise Club have selected one project or organization to be the beneficiary of funds raised at their annual auction conducted during the dinner. Selected this year was a Global Grant project to provide access to safe water and improved hygiene to three extremely poor communities in Togo, West Africa. The projected cost of this project is $68,300 and Carlisle Rotary’s contribution toward making it possible was to raise $25,200. With that goal in mind, Carlisle Rotarians pledged over $13,500 in sponsorships prior to their auction. The auction itself, with over 100 items to bid on, raised $12,400 bringing the total raised for the project to just over $26,000. Achieving their goal for the project was only possible thanks to the generosity of Rotarians and local businesses who donated items to the auction.
As has become a tradition at Rotary’s holiday dinner, each club recognized the recipient of their annual distinguished Rotarian award. The Carlisle-Sunrise Rotary Club recognized Past President Mike Zick as the "Buzz Coho Distinguished Service Citation" recipient. Mike is also the committee chair person for the Togo project. The Carlisle Rotary Club recognized Past President and District Governor Nominee Mary Brunski as their “Four-Way Test Award” recipient.
Carlisle Sunrise Rotary Club President Charlie Stoup (left) presents the “Buzz Coho Distinguished Service Citation” to Past President Mike Zick.
Carlisle Rotary Club President Joel Hillison (right) presents the “Four-Way Test Award” to Past President and District Governor Nominee Mary Brunski.
Carlisle Rotary Celebrates the Carlisle-Sunrise Club's 20 Years of Service and Raises over $26,000 for a Global Grant Project in Togo
The York East Rotary Club and Victory Athlete Association Club joined forces to on October 23rd to raise $7,000 for the "Pints for Polio" campaign. This joint venture marked a significant milestone in the ongoing global effort to eradicate polio, showcasing how local organizations can make a meaningful impact on a global health issue. The Rotary Club has been a champion in the fight against polio. Since launching its PolioPlus program in 1985, the organization has been at the forefront of the battle to eliminate the disease. The funds raised will be directed towards vaccination programs, public awareness campaigns, and other initiatives aimed at eradicating polio globally. With only a handful of countries still reporting cases of polio, the contributions from the Rotary Club and Victory Club will play a crucial role in achieving the ultimate goal of a polio-free world.
The Rotary Club of Red Lion/Dallastown Area is focusing on mental health during the 2023-2024 Rotary year. Matt Dorgan, the founder of Building Bridges for Brianna, is a member of the Club, and Brianna's dad. This organization is working to prevent suicide, by striving to provide better access to mental health services to those who are suffering from depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts. All D7390 Rotarians are invited to attend on December 4th to raise money for "Building Bridges for Brianna".
Red Lion/Dallastown Focuses on Mental Health Awareness
RVI continues its commitment to help student veterans at HACC and other Central PA Colleges
At the Rotary Club of Carlisle weekly luncheon on November 9th, 2023:
RVI committed to donate up to $7,500 in calendar year 2024 to help HACC student veterans achieve their career dreams
Funds to be used for tuition, fees, books, and/or program expenses
Adam Walter, HACC’s Director of Military and Veterans Affairs, described the comprehensive ways that HACC helps about 400 currently enrolled student Veterans succeed.
Thursday’s gift brings the cumulative total of RVI donations to HACC student veterans to $62,500, helping student veterans launch their careers as:
Engineers, Nurses, Police Officers, Fire Fighters, Advanced Emergency Medical Technicians, Computer Technicians, Commercial Drivers, Pharmacy Techs, and many others
This brings the cumulative total of RVI donations to help student Veterans at HACC, Penn State Harrisburg, Central Penn College, and the Employment Skills Center in Carlisle to $220,000, supporting nearly 300 recipients with scholarships, internships, book and device vouchers, business startup expertise and funding, and mentorship.
RVI is sponsoring a JOBS CLUB FOR VETERANS delivered by and at the Employment Skills Center in Carlisle
ALL US Military Veterans are welcome to participate in FREE workshops, including:
Resume Writing, Job Search, Interviewing, Mentorship, and more
Wednesdays, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
November 15th - December 13th
Employment Skills Center, 29 South Hanover Street, Carlisle, PA 17013
Refreshments provided
To register: call 717-243-6040 or visit www.employmentskillscenter.org
Flyer attached
RVI is helping District 7390 start a ROTARACT CLUB for VETERANS in Central PA
Rotary, a global service organization of business, professional, and community leaders, serves others, promotes integrity, and advances world understanding, goodwill, and peace.
The Rotaract Club for Veterans in Central PA will offer young Veterans less than 40 years of age (who are not already Rotarians) the opportunity to:
Become part of the Rotary International family,
Engage in community service, networking with community leaders, and camaraderie with fellow veterans
Have fun!
Emerging Rotaract Club for Veterans leaders include Andrew Butch (President), Trevor Basham (Secretary/Social Media), and others.
Andrew Butch described multiple potential community service projects, including working directly with Veterans in need.
Want to join or recommend another Veteran?
Please contact Rick Coplen at rickcoplen@gmail.com
Dr. Joel Hillison, President of the Rotary Club of Carlisle, said, “Rotary’s motto is Service Above Self. That resonates with our veterans as they have served their country and put the country above themselves. Rotary Veterans Initiative is one excellent way Rotarians can give back to our service members.”
Rick Coplen, RVI Chair, said, “Thanks to our donors and sponsors! We are putting your generosity to very good use helping central PA Veterans transform their lives and strengthen our communities. Thank You!” Donations to RVI are always welcome. To make a tax-deductible donation to RVI, please:
Write the check to the "Rotary Veterans Initiative" and mail it to RVI, 806 Alexander Spring Road, Carlisle, PA 17015
To learn more about RVI to help our Veterans, please contact Rick Coplen at rickcoplen@gmail.com
Andrew Butch Speaks
Adam Walter Speaks
Pictured L-R: Rick Coplen, Andrew Butch, Yoli Madrill, Adam Walter, Marsha Krotseng.
Pictured L-R: Jim Nolan, Kathleen Stoup, Rick Coplen, Andrew Butch, Yoli Madrill, Adam Walter, Marsha Krotseng, Bill Blankmeyer, Rod Frazier, Alden Cunningham, Bob Gerard, Joel Hillison
Rotary Veterans Initiative (RVI) Continues to Help Veterans and Strengthen our Central PA Communities
Two 101-year old World War II veterans stood tall Thursday to receive a commendation for their military service during the Rotary Club of York-North's annual Veterans Day program at the Four Points by Sheraton in Manchester Township. For one of the veterans, it was the first time he had ever attended an event for veterans.
Sandy Harper, of West Manchester Township, was “a nose gunner in a PBY airplane, that’s an airplane that lands on the water…,” said Dave Kopp, a Vietnam War veteran who was running the program. According to a newspaper clipping from the period about Harper, “He flew scout and dive bombers in the Polar Bear Squadron, the first Naval squadron to operate at night with P.T. boats, and is one of the four surviving members of the entire squadron. When the Unit dispersed, he flew with the New Zealand Squadron No. 5, and five months previous to his discharge was in charge of radio and radar operations in V-F 66th, First Naval Jet Propulsion squadron.”
Kemps Sterner, of West Manchester Township, served in the 636th Tank Destroyer Battalion for the U.S. Army, according to Kopp. Thursday’s event was the first “veterans event” Sterner had attended in his life, said Kopp, who is also his nephew. Kopp recently obtained Sterner’s honorable discharge papers and read them during the program, saying that his “decorations and citations (include): Silver Star medal, third-highest medal you can receive, good conduct medal, European-African-Middle Eastern Service Medal, with five bronze stars and one bronze arrowhead.” Kopp describes the bronze arrowhead as “awarded to personnel who have been part of a combat parachute drop, a combat glider attack, a helicopter assault landing.” He adds that the European-African-Middle Eastern Service Medal means that Kemp served in several key battles in these regions for tank battles, “and our tanks back in the day weren’t the best tanks, by the way. The casualty rate was off the charts.” Kopp said that he asked Sterner how long he served and Sterner replied, “I don’t know, we went in and we got out when the war was over.” Kopp explained that soldiers didn’t serve time-limited tours during World War II; they got out when the war ended.
After the program, two young soldiers seasoned on the battlefield 80 years ago, passed each other with a long, double-handed shake and controlled smile of two men sharing an experience unknown to most in the room.
Individually, the World War II veterans don’t have much to say about their service. “For 12 years (I served) and they were great years … very memorable,” Harper said. Sterner preferred to reflect on life in the present, “I’m satisfied with my life, the way things have been going, my friends and my relations. I’m well pleased.” “You’ll never see that again, in the same room, in York County, we made history today,” Kopp said after the program ended and the crowd had thinned.
Rotary Global Grants Scholarships fund an awardee’s first year of graduate study abroad in one of Rotary’s seven Areas of Focus (listed below). Candidates must live in or attend college in District 7390, which encompasses Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Lancaster, Lebanon, Perry and York counties in Pennsylvania.
Scholarship highlights…
Plan to pursue career in one of Rotary’s Areas of Focus (listed below).
Award is for first year only of graduate studies abroad
District 7390 will not fund any applicant’s study which is for the second or later year of a multi-year graduate study program abroad.
Minimum study budget of $30,000 per year. Award capped at $30,000.
Must be proficient in language of host country.
Based on…
Academic merit
Studying a Rotary Area of Focus
Residence in or attendance at a college in District 7390
Rotary’s Areas of Focus are…
Promoting peace
Fighting disease
Providing clean water, sanitation, and hygiene
Saving mothers and children
Supporting education
Growing local economies
Supporting the environment.
The deadline to apply for a Global Grant Scholarship is January 26, 2024. The interviews will be held February 17, 2024 and applicants MUST be available for the interviews on that date. For more information or to apply, please click here.
Click here to watch a video from our 2023-2024 Global Grant Scholar!
Questions? Contact Edward Hauck, District 7390 Global Grants Scholarship Committee at hauckedward@gmail.com or (717) 201-2604.
November is Foundation Month and on Saturday, November 4, the District held its annual Rotary Foundation Dinner, resulting in a festive celebration and recognition of our many Clubs and Members who made the past year such a great success, together with a realistic depiction of the present need for more peacebuilding and how we can each participate, followed by positive declarations about promising future initiatives for our District, all that interspersed with a compelling District achievement video and live music from students in the Spartan Modern Band of the Milton Hershey School, a local life-changing educational institution that participates in a joint Interact Club with Derry Township High School. That was a long paragraph, but so was the Dinner.
The celebration hailed super accomplishments by Clubs and individuals on both sides of the Foundation process: those who contributed funds to PolioPlus, specific areas of global focus and assistance, and to general funding that enables those fellow District Rotarians on the District, Global, and Scholarship grant side of the process to then use those funds to ‘do good’ in the community and the world.
What a great story! And, how fortunate we all are to tell it over and over again. The takeaway, apart from the great food and chocolate, and the selfie photos with the dropdead likeness of Paul Harris, and the Heads and Tales after dinner stretch is the touching backstory to everything that is Rotary: it is the contributions of dedicated Rotarians to fuel the projects; and then it is the people who execute that intent through service. So, the real Foundation is the People.
Paul Harris knew it in 1905. Arch Klumpf devised the structure to enable it in 1917. And now, not only the 183 who signed up for the Dinner, along with the hundreds of other donors who were not there (including our newest Arch Klumpf Society Member) but everyone else in our District can participate in that formula. Give a dollar to the Foundation for whatever compels you, from Polio eradication to areas of global focus, and include the designation of some funds to the Annual Fund, and $47.5 cents of that latter investment will come back to our District to spend on District, Global, and Scholarship Grants! The rate of return on that dollar thus becomes exponential!
Our thanks to the hundreds of Rotarians in our District who played a key part in supporting the Foundation Dinner. The Foundation Dinner Committee consisted of Pam Whitenack, Tom Davis, Jim Gainer, Mike Kinney, Anna-Mae Kobbe, Kathleen Stoup, Maria Thompson, Doug Nicotera, and, of course, Melissa Kopp, each contributing highly valuable advice and time to meet the demands of hosting that discerning group of attendees. From providing essential counsel and insights, to delivering and wrapping giant chocolate bars, to procuring Paul Harris, our sincerest thanks to each of them.
You had to be there to take it all in, but briefly here are some highlights:
Our Inbound Exchange Students, dressed to beat the Spartan band, which was extremely well dressed that evening, marched in with their respective country flags, as only exemplary diplomats could do, as we welcomed young ambassadors from Belgium, Brazil, Indonesia, Sweden, and Thailand.
Our indomitable Immediate Past District Governor, Juliet Altenburg, set the standard by providing a first-rate video summarizing the many inspirational activities of our Clubs, followed by presentations to best in show categories.
If the video does not display, click here to view it.
Our indispensable Foundation Committee Chair, Anna-Mae, then announced top individual donors in select categories of giving, and leading Club contributions for Every Rotarian Every Year, Total Annual and Total Foundation Giving, End Polio Now, and Global Grant Service Streamers. As the Chair, Past District Governor Anna-Mae coordinates Foundation activities from initial District 7390 Contributions to final grant disposition, ensuring Rotary International goals and guidance are met.
Ed Hauck followed this by providing inspirational updates on three of the remarkable students who have recently received Global Grant Scholarships from his Committee, and the good things they are accomplishing in their areas of study.
DG Fred Gellert then announced a campaign to enable our District to become designated a Global Peacebuilding District, which would illustrate tremendous support to the Rotary Focus Area of Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention. This goal will reflect our mutual intent to enhance the study and spread of peace to reduce conflict around the world. If you wish to join that campaign, you can do so directly online at Rotary Direct or by sending a designated check to Melissa.
Looking to the future, Kathleen Stoup explained the tremendous success of Operation Braveheart operating on kids with heart issues in the Philippines, and the plan to apply for a Program of Scale which would expand that project to the entire country. Only one District a year is selected for this program, but our District should be very competitive due to the great success of Braveheart and the urgency of the cause.
Rick Coplen described Rotary Veterans Initiative activities, and announced plans to found a District Rotaract Club for veterans, aged 18 to 40, who wish to hone their leadership skills, network about academic pursuits and jobs, and engage in service projects as well as social events. This Club would meet in person and online, as many of the prospective members are spread out while attending local colleges Two young vets from Penn State Harrisburg were introduced as the first officers of the Club. .
Becky Morgenthal described a similar plan to create a District Global Issues Rotaract Club for young global grant scholarship recipients and youth exchange students who wish to likewise exercise leadership opportunities, while networking about academic pursuits and jobs, and undertaking service projects, and social events. While the Club would be an online, passport Club, that would be compatible with the location of its members spread around the globe.
The final act consisted of Past District Governor John Anthony purporting to be an auctioneer, as only he can, and deftly raising over $1300 for the Global Peacebuilding Campaign.
At the end of the evening, it was all over but the shouting of satisfaction and determination, which never ends. That was the whole point. The Foundation Dinner provides a lot to digest, but that is what Rotary is all about, a gourmet banquet of choices where each Rotarian can find unique fulfilment and then share that sustenance far and wide, wherever there is need.
Congratulations to the Clubs that earned Recognitions for Giving during the 2022-2023 Rotary year!
A green Global Grant streamer was presented to the Rotary Club of Carlisle for Disease Prevention. They completed a global grant in Kenya for vision and eye healthcare for vulnerable populations.
The following Clubs had the highest annual fund giving during the 2022-2023 Rotary year:
The following Clubs had the highest total Rotary Foundation Giving during the 2022-2023 Rotary year:
The following Clubs had the highest annual fund per capita giving in the 2022-2023 Rotary year:
This recognition is given to clubs that achieve an average of $100 in per capita giving and 100% participation, with every dues-paying member contributing at least $25 to any gift designation during the Rotary year. Only 4,500 Clubs worldwide have become a 100% Foundation Giving Club. Carlisle-Sunrise, Eastern York County, Hanover, Harrisburg-Keystone, Lancaster-Hempfield, Northern Lebanon County, Southern York County, and West Shore.
This recognition is given to clubs that achieve a minimum Annual fund contribution of $100 per capita during the Rotary year, with every dues paying member contributing at least $25 to the Annual fund. The following Clubs were awarded banners: Harrisburg-Keystone, Lancaster-Hempfield, Northern Lebanon County, Southern York County and West Shore.
The following Clubs received a certificate of appreciation for their financial support to the End Polio Now: Countdown to History Campaign during the 2022-2023 Rotary year. Each club contributed at least $1500 to Rotary’s Polio Eradication effort: Carlisle, Carlisle-Sunrise, Colonial Park, Eastern York County, Elizabethtown, Gettysburg, Hershey, Mechanicsburg-North, Mount Joy, Palmyra, Uptown York, York, York-East, and York-North.
The time has come to begin the nominating process for our 2026-2027 District Governor. In this way we will continue our three-year projection for District 7390’s leadership.
Every club has an outstanding leader who could be a potential District Governor. Look around and ask yourself, who is that person in our club? It is the person who is a good leader, interested, involved, gives financially to Rotary and The Rotary Foundation and is helpful to other members. Ask that person about his or her interest in serving as District Governor. We all need to give encouragement and “plant the seed” for others to move forward.
Each Club is encouraged to suggest a qualified candidate for nomination as the 2026-2027 District Governor. The process is as follows:
Submit a letter signed by your Club Secretary including the name of the candidate stating he/she has been endorsed and nominated by the Rotary Club to Melissa Kopp-Smith at office@rotary7390.org by December 29, 2023
The District Governor is responsible for a variety of activities including:
Promoting membership growth and engagement
Supporting The Rotary Foundation through fundraising and grant activities
Serving as a spokesperson for the district and Rotary when appropriate
Conducting district events, including the district conference
Supervising the district leadership team
Encouraging open communication among clubs, as well as between clubs and RI
Officially visiting each club to raise awareness of important Rotary issues, support struggling clubs, motivate club members to participate in service, and recognize members’ contributions.
Communicating frequently with each club president
Fostering continuity by working with past, current, and incoming district leaders
Ensuring that district nominations and elections are conducted according to the RI Constitution and Bylaws
Inquiring regularly about the activities of Rotarian organizations operating in the district
Following the District Governor Code of Ethics (Rotary Code of Policies section 19.010.1.) https://bit.ly/44JGoVU
The candidate should possess the following skills and qualities:
Be aware of the qualifications, duties, and responsibilities of a District Governor
Demonstrate willingness, commitment, and ability to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of the office of Governor.
Be familiar with District and Rotary International Bylaws, Constitution and the RI 2022 Manual of Procedure which outlines the qualifications for a District Governor: https://my.rotary.org/en/learning-reference/about-rotary/governance-documents These qualifications should be studied carefully by Club members and the prospective Rotarian candidate for District Governor, prior to a decision to suggest any member as a candidate.
Please keep in mind that it is each Club’s duty to the District and Rotary International to give serious consideration to suggesting candidates for District Governor. Your suggestion for District Governor 2026- 2027 must be received in the District Office by December 29, 2023, to be considered by the Nominating Committee.
Interviews for the 2026-2027 District Governor will be held Tuesday, January 16, 2024, in the evening at PA Trauma Systems Foundation (Slatehill Business Center, 3907 Hartzdale Drive, Suite #702, Camp Hill, PA).
The District membership committee has been hard at work to produce important and relevant information for our Clubs to increase their reach and promote membership! Check out the District membership development webpage by clicking here! There are lots of valuable resources and videos available!
The Rotary Club of Carlisle and the Rotary Club of Carlisle-Sunrise will host their annual holiday dinner and auction on Thursday, November 30th at the Carlisle Country Club. The proceeds from this event as explained in the auction brochure Holiday Auction Brochure | Rotary Club of Carlisle (carlislerotary.org will provide access to safe water, improved sanitation, and hygiene for three very poor villages in Togo. The dinner also will be a celebration of the Rotary Club of Carlisle Sunrise’s 20 years of service to the community.
Rotarians can support this auction in one of two ways. First, by donating an item by contacting the Auction Chairs, Bill Blankmeyer at blankmeyer66@comcast.net or (717) 590-7229 and Marv Salsman at (717) 448-5374 or kmsals@comcast.net. Secondly, tax-deductible sponsorships can be made to support the global grant project. Checks should be made out to “Carlisle Rotary Club Foundation” and mailed to Carlisle Rotary Club, PO Box 301, Carlisle, PA 17013.
Carlisle Rotary Auction to Support a Global Grant Project in Togo, West Africa
To all those who attended the District’s Rotary Foundation dinner this past Saturday, thank you for making it a special evening. We had a wonderful night of fellowship, recognitions, entertainment, and support to our Rotary Foundation. Thank you to DGE Paul Thompson and the team of Rotarians who made the dinner a success. We are grateful for your skill and dedication to leading us in honoring the past year’s accomplishments in giving and serving. Bravo to the team! We also announced several new initiatives we are beginning as a district, including a veterans-based Rotaract club and a Rotaract club for our past global scholars and Youth Exchange students. More information is on the district website and we are seeking Rotarians to help us make these clubs successful.
As also announced at the foundation dinner, we have started a District 7390 Peacebuilding Campaign to support the Rotary Foundation’s Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention area of focus. The events of the past month have brought into sharp focus the need for this area of focus. From now until February 23, 2024, the 119th anniversary of the founding of Rotary, please donate to the Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention fund under The Rotary Foundation. Donations can be made to the Peace Centers fund or the Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention area of focus. When the district reaches $25,000 in giving, we will be designated a Global Peacebuilding District. I am pleased to also announce that a very generous Rotarian has offered to match our giving for this campaign up to the $25,000 level. Your contribution will immediately have twice the effect in building global peace.
You can make your donation online at www.rotary.org/give. Once your donation is submitted, please send an email to Melissa at the district office letting her know of your donation so we may track our total giving. You may also send a check to the district office made out to either The Rotary Foundation or to District 7390 and we’ll submit to the Rotary Foundation on your behalf. Please annotate on the check whether this is for the Peace Centers or the Peacebuilding area of focus. For those who donate $250 or more, we will recognize you as Global Peacebuilders at the district conference in April. Thank you for your support of this important area of need for our world. Note that donations to the peace-related funds do not count for Paul Harris points and do not add to the future District Designated Funds (DDF).
Speaking of the district conference, please save the dates of April 19th and 20th to attend our 2024 District Conference. On Friday April 19th we will gather at the Army Heritage and Education Center in Carlisle for dinner and several activities including the 4 Way Speech and Essay contests. Then on Saturday April 20th we will do some service projects in the district in the morning and then gather in the afternoon at the Heritage Hills Resort in York for some learning sessions followed by dinner and our evening program. I look forward to seeing you as we come together as a district in fellowship and service.
Thank you for all you are doing as Rotarians and as Rotary clubs. Our communities are better from your service.
Monday, November 6, 6:30 PM on Zoom - Rotary District 7430 Zoom Webinar on Planning Successful Membership Events. Click here to register in advance for this meeting.
Tuesday, November 21 at 7 PM. Zone Membership Webinar on “Nurturing and Sustaining New Clubs”. Zoom link is pending!
Zone 32 Membership Recordings to access On Demand
Part 1 "How to Build a Successful New Club from the Ground Up"
Four experienced Rotarians give advice on how they started multiple new clubs in their districts including traditional, satellite, Rotaract, cause-based and non-traditional clubs. Topics include how to get started attracting new members and useful tools.
Part 2 "How to Build a Successful New Club from the Ground Up" https://youtu.be/ptqzoqP4nY4 This 2nd session focused on building momentum with your core group of future members and getting your new club chartered. The session will include topics such as: Defining club leadership, new club and satellite club bylaws, accessibility, membership dues styles, creating a club name, and getting the new club involved in their community.
Please recommend this FREE program to any Veterans you know who can benefit. To anyone, especially Veterans, who wants to help mentor some of these great Veterans, please call 717-243-6040.
Below is a snapshot of JA’s November and December volunteer opportunities. Programs highlighted in yellow have the highest needs at this time.
You may sign up on the link below OR contact me directly at lvaughn@jascpa.org The link has the full list of openings through the end of the school year.
Under the coordination of York Rotarians, fifteen bike riders took to the Heritage Rail Trail from its northern end at John Rudy Park to Lafayette Square in downtown York and back. The downtown York club, the Uptown club, the Harrisburg club, and the York-East club were represented. There were five non-riding participants from 5 clubs.
Participants were asked to donate $50. Special T-shirts were donated by JCAR Logo Gear, food and drinks were donated by Rob Bowen so that there was no cost to individual clubs, so $2050.00 will be donated to the RI PolioPlus campaign. ($750.00 from UPMC, $250.00 from Rotary Club of York’s President’s Challenge, and $1050. from riders and participants.)
In a heartwarming display of community spirit and generosity, the York East Rotary Club organized a highly successful 'Pints for Polio' event at the Victory Club in York, PA. The event not only brought together local residents but also managed to raise an impressive sum of over $7,000 to support the global fight against polio. The highlight of the evening was a moving speech by John Nanni, a polio survivor whose story of resilience and courage left attendees inspired and deeply touched. Nanni's presence served as a powerful reminder of the importance of eradicating this debilitating disease worldwide.
The 'Pints for Polio' event featured a range of activities, including live music, auctions, raffles, and of course, plenty of pints of locally brewed beer. The atmosphere was filled with laughter, camaraderie, and a shared commitment to making a difference. "The support we received from the community was overwhelming. It's heartening to see how people come together to fight against polio," said Tim Koller, Committee chair. "This event not only raised funds but also raised awareness about the importance of vaccinations and the need to eradicate polio from the face of the earth." 100% of funds raised during the event will be contributed to Rotary International's End Polio Now campaign, which aims to eradicate polio globally.
Rotary International has been a leading force in the fight against polio for decades, working tirelessly to immunize children and raise awareness about the importance of vaccination. John Nanni, the guest speaker at the event, shared his personal journey of overcoming polio and emphasized the significance of continued efforts in the battle against the disease. His story served as a poignant reminder of the impact that polio can have on individuals and communities. The York East Rotary Club expressed its gratitude to the attendees, sponsors, and volunteers including the Victory Club and Brewery Products who made the 'Pints for Polio' event a resounding success. Their collective efforts have brought the global community one step closer to a polio-free world, where every child can grow up healthy and unburdened by this devastating disease.
The Rotary Clubs of Hershey and Hummelstown will host the 69th RMB networking event in District 7390 history and the sixth and final event in the 2023 RMB season on Thursday, November 30 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM. The event will take place at The Englewood, 1219 W End Avenue, Hershey, PA. The networking event will be FREE thanks to Major Sponsor the Rotary Club of Hershey and include light hors d’oeuvres, wine, beer soft drinks and water. Click here to RSVP today!
This will be another in a longstanding series of great business networking opportunities and fun and fellowship events. Do not miss it. Also, please consider bringing potential Rotarian guests and Family of Rotary.
We’re in the final countdown to World Polio Day! The World Polio Day Resources webpage is full of content you can share to help raise awareness. Be sure to visit Rotary’s accounts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, now known as X on 24 October for even more World Polio Day content. Join us on 24 October. Together, we can end polio!
Make Polio History Campaign Launches
The Global Polio Eradication Initiative has launched its “Make Polio History” campaign! Learn why people around the world believe we can end polio for good and ask donors, governments, and other global leaders to seize the opportunity to create a polio-free world. Take Action!
Raising awareness for polio eradication at the Colosseum
Music legend Annie Lennox, pianist and composer Nicola Piovani, and singer Mahmood, along with chef Cristina Bowerman, sculptor Jago, musician Leslie Sackey, actor and artistic director Luca Tommassini, producer Danilo Cirilli, and more shared th