Seven Areas of Focus
Memorandum of Understanding
Grant Committee Guidelines
Terms & Conditions for District Grants & Global Grants
District Club Grants

Global & District Grants Support Humanitarian Projects

On behalf of the District Grants Committee, we thank you for your interest in Global and District Club Grants.
Your efforts to address humanitarian needs are making a difference in District 7390 and around the world. 
You continue to address high priority issues that change lives and communities. 
Thank you for all you do. Your contributions to The Rotary Foundation (TRF) make global and district grant funding possible.  Thanks to each Rotarian who supports TRF.


Grants Training

Grants training prepares clubs to participate in the grants process. Completion of this annual training is required for clubs that wish to apply for grant funding. Complete the quiz for all 4 segments of the training.  When your club has successfully completed the training, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) needs to be signed by the Club President and President-Elect.  This memorandum is an agreement between the club and Rotary District 7390, whereby the club acknowledges and agrees to ensure proper implementation of grant activities and management of TRF grants funds.

Global Grants

As you prepare global grant proposals, be aware the World Fund match of Districted Designated Funds (DDF) was reduced from 100% to 80% in 2021. 

If you have questions, please submit them to:

Global Grants

Jane Conover
Global Grant Committee Co-Chair
Jess Socrates
Global Grant Committee Co-Chair

District Grants

Dr. Amy Spotts
District Grant Committee Co-Chair
Nigel Foundling
District Grant Committee Co-Chair

The Rotary Foundation

Kathleen Stoup
Rotary District Foundation Chair

Arch Klumpf, considered to be the father of The Rotary Foundation, said in 1930: "Money alone does little good; Individual service is helpless without money; The two together can be a godsend to civilization." Service to our local and global communities is our mission as Rotarians. Financial support for service projects is available to Rotary clubs through grants directly from the District (District Club Grants) and from The Rotary Foundation (Global Grants). Generally speaking District Club Grant projects are for smaller, usually local, but can be international projects whereas Global Grants are for larger international projects. All clubs are encouraged to make use of these grants and the Foundation Coordinators as well as members of the Grant Committee stand ready to answer questions and assist as needed.
Clubs requesting grants must meet two basic requirements. First, the club must have a current Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed by the club president and president elect. Secondly, at least one, and preferably two or three, club members must complete the on-line grant training within the current or past Rotary year and must appear as one or more of the contact persons for the grant.
Below, you will find more details about these opportunities. The Rotary International website also has more information available about terms & conditions. 

District Club Grants

District Club Grant projects support short-term, humanitarian projects that benefit local or foreign communities. Once a year, a club may request grant funds for a project or may collaborate with another club's project. There is no maximum number of clubs per project, however reimbursement is maximized at 5 times authorized single amount determined by Grant Committee. 
You are encouraged to be creative and select projects that meet special needs in your local or global community. Some projects done in the past include: refurbishing playgrounds and parks,  books for literacy projects, supporting youth development projects, assisting with a family health festival, collecting and purchasing food for a food bank, providing dental care in Honduras, and providing clean water to foreign villages.
The District Grants Committee reviews each grant application for the appropriateness of the project based on Rotary International's humanitarian guidelines. Upon approval, clubs will be matched on a dollar for dollar basis up to $2,500, based on the amount of funds available and the number of grant requests. Clubs must submit a grant intention form by March 15, for a grant in the next Rotary Year. 
Click here to view a list of District Club Grants that will be completed during the 2023-2024 Rotary year. 

Guidelines for Pre-Funded District Club Grants

The guidelines and requirements for the pre-funded District Club Grants remain the same as that of the reimbursement model District Club Grants. A Form of Intention, MOU, Application, Progress and Final report are due in the same manner and on the same due dates as the reimbursement model grants. In addition, a pre-funded District Club Grant application, including the proper required documentation, shall be submitted along with the club’s Form of Intention. This is required so that the District will be aware that the club is planning to request a pre-funded grant and determine whether the club meets the requirements of financial need to receive a pre-funded grant.
Upon approval of the pre-funded District Club Grant by the committee, the club shall be required to complete and submit a pre-funded District Club grant agreement to the District Club Grant Committee. The club shall proceed with their grant project when notified by the District Club Grant committee of approval of the District Grant spending plan by The Rotary Foundation. When the club can indicate via cancelled club check and matching invoice that said club has contributed their portion of the grant payment, the District shall issue payment of then matching funds to the club for completion of the grant project.
Clubs need to be aware that they must complete the pre-funded District Club Grant project by spending the given funds for the intended purpose and submitting a final report for approval by the District Grant committee. If the project is not completed, the District funds given to the club for that purpose will need to be returned to the District. If said club is unable to return the funds immediately, they will not be able to apply for or participate in any future grants, District or Global, until the District has been reimbursed by the club for the pre-funded grant expenditure.

Guidelines for District Micro Grants

A District Micro Grant is a smaller non reimbursable block grant of $500 given to a Rotary Club for a project. Projects for these grants must follow the same guidelines as the reimbursable DCG and prefunded DCG models. An additional stipulation is that they may not be used for scholarships or club operating expenses. These Micro Grants are intended for clubs who are encountering financial difficulties for whatever reason. They are an effort to allow clubs that have not participated in the grant process to do so. This would allow these clubs to become exposed to the District Club Grant process and hopefully become more involved in the future. To this end, clubs are only eligible if they have not applied for or partnered in a Grant (District or Global) within the last two years. Likewise, we are hopeful this will create club interest to do a larger reimbursable or prefunded DCG, so by this criterion, clubs could only qualify for another Micro Grant after a two-year lapse of time.
To initiate a Micro Grant, a separate application for this type of grant, along with a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and a Form of Intention must be submitted to the District Club Grant Committee by March 15 of the Rotary year. If the application and project is approved by the District Grant Committee, the application and reporting process is the same as the reimbursable and prefunded models of District Club Grant. That is, a DCG application, progress and final report, including all supporting documentation, are required.

Global Grants

International projects with budgets exceeding $35,000 are best served with a Global Grant (GG). Due to District and Rotary International matching, properly qualified clubs may have the money raised for a project multiplied by 3.5 - i.e. A club raises $12,500 and can then do a project with budget of $35,000. This requires a strong relationship with a Rotary club (known as the host club) in the country where the project is to be done, a needs assessment, and documentation that the project is sustainable. The project must fit into one of Rotary International's six areas of focus.
Global Grants support international projects  with budgets of at least $35,000 in one of The Rotary Foundation's Areas of Focus.  The District will typically match contributions from clubs; The Rotary Foundation will match amount given by District, at a rate determined by TRF.  To begin the Global Grant application process, a club should submit the District 7390 Global Grant Intention Form.
Our goal is for all Clubs to participate in Rotary Grant projects for international or local community service. Grant seminars are provided by the District throughout the year to help Rotarians better understand the grant process.