As members of an international service organization, Rotary Clubs work at the grassroots level in addressing humanitarian needs from clean water, to the eradication of polio, to conflict resolution. During this evening Rotary District 7390 will present a review of Rotary International’s 100+ year legacy of working toward Positive Peace. District 7390 recently attained the distinction of being one of 38 Peacebuilder Districts, of 529 total Global Districts, contributing to global and local peace initiatives. Our District Governor Nominee will also explore Rotary International’s relationship with the Institute of Economics and Peace. Rotarians work to build Positive Peace internationally and locally, while the Institute monitors the status of peace through the analysis of pillars of Positive Peace and trends shaping international relations. You can click here to register in advance and reserve your spot!

Watch the video below to learn more about why Peace is important!
The District Governor Nominating Committee met on January 15, 2025 and is recommending that Aaron Jacobs of the Rotary Club of York to serve as District Governor for the Rotary Year 2027-2028.

In the York community, Aaron has filled many roles at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, and is a director and treasurer of the York City Parks Conservancy. He is also a mentor and leadership team member of Susquehanna SCORE, where he serves as the marketing chair. Previously, he served as treasurer of the Historic Newton Square Neighborhood Association and participated in the White Rose Toastmasters. A dedicated blood platelet donor, Aaron is on track to achieve a remarkable 50 gallons donated by 2025.
Aaron is the President of Scorecard Sales, a company specializing in sales process improvement. Through training, coaching, and technology, Aaron and his team optimize sales teams for greater success. His professional experience includes roles in sales, management, and executive leadership.
Aaron earned his bachelor’s degree (Magna Cum Laude) in Business Administration and his Master’s Degree (Magna Cum Laude) in Finance from York College of Pennsylvania. He and his wife, Abby, and their children, Maxwell and Samantha, are proud residents of York City.
Many thanks to PDG Fred Gellert and the members of the District Governor Nominating Committee for their diligent and timely action.

This event will include District 7430, 7390, 7490 and 7410, providing a wonderful opportunity for celebration, inspiration and fellowship. Not only will you enjoy the Conference but you will have access to a large range of family-friendly activities while here!
Total Conference registration is $375. Just want to attend on Saturday? Saturday ONLY registration is $200.
Find more information here.
Wouldn’t You Rather Do Business With A Rotarian?
The Rotary Clubs of West Shore, District 7390 Passport, Mechanicsburg North and Yellow Breeches will host the 74th RMB networking event in Rotary District 7390 history and the first event of the 2025 RMB season.
The event will take place on Thursday, February 13 from 5:00 to 7:30 PM at the Brand-New Joseph T. Simpson Library Learning and Book Sale Center at 45 West Allen Street, Mechanicsburg, PA.
The event will take place on Thursday, February 13 from 5:00 to 7:30 PM at the Brand-New Joseph T. Simpson Library Learning and Book Sale Center at 45 West Allen Street, Mechanicsburg, PA.
The event will be FREE to attend. There will be light hors d’oeuvres, wine, beer and water provided.
This will be another in a longstanding series of great business networking opportunities for both profit and non-profit organizations. The Mechanicsburg Area RMB has drawn over between 50 and 60 participants every year. Do not miss it. Also, please consider bringing potential Rotarian guests, Rotaractors, and Family of Rotary.
When we do business with Rotarians, we support the mission of Rotary.
Rotary’s Mission:
We provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.
We provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.
Additional Sponsors are welcome and encouraged. For more information contact PDG John Anthony at or 610-587-1358
Our gratitude goes out to our sponsors:
Venue Sponsor:

Joseph T. Simpson Library
Event Sponsors:

Rotary Club of West Shore
Rotary Club of District 7390 Passport
Rotary Club of Yellow Breaches
Rotary Club of Mechanicsburg North
Mother Hubbard’s Custom Cabinetry