Further Ruminations on Leadership Month, the Rotary theme for July.
The topic of Leadership could not be more relevant to us since we have remarkable leaders throughout our District! In reality, all our Members are leaders by being true Rotarians. They know who they are, what they stand for, and where they are going; and, if called upon, at any point, they can lead the effort. They have knowingly joined Rotary to expand meaningful acquaintances in order to do good in the world, and they are constantly seeking ways to do just that.
Their Rotary rationale is impressive: the 4-way test is clearly a well-blazed default path to everything they think or do; the ideal of ‘service above self’ is programed into the consideration of every need they come across during their engaging lives. They know an army of fellow Club members who care about what every other one cares about, and together, when mobilized, they become people of action to soon resolve the task at hand. And they do all this while benefiting from interacting and having fun--because they can.
The gratifying news about Rotary is that good leaders are also good followers. Rotarians gladly support the plans, participate in the performance, and meet the priorities, illustrating how Rotary is a bottom-up, member-centric, organization where enlightened, self-starting, members provide the magic for success!
From that grass-roots foundation, our District is very fortunate to have strong Committee Chairs who attend to the major aspects of who we are and what we do to meet our plan of action. They oversee the finances (John Anthony), they attract and retain members (Juliet Altenburg), they help us learn everything Rotary (Gary Crissman), they tell our story to the outside world (Juliet plus), they connect us to the foundation of fundraising and grant/scholarship/peace expenditures (Kathleen Stoup), help us achieve real DEI awareness (Vlad Beaufils), expand our role in sustaining the Environment (Joe McNally), deal with essential youth and education programs (Jill Tenny), and International and community service (Dennis Zubler), and business and professional development (Alden Cunningham). There are many more essential roles and activities. And, on every one of those Committees are numerous, highly dedicated Rotarians. And then, when one considers all the Club Boards and Committees to carry out their important operations, it is inspirational, indeed. See a full list of District committees here.
So, leadership opportunities await every Rotarian in our District. Think about where and when you want to join the amazing group of volunteers who enable District and Club operations.
To become involved in the execution of so many exciting Committees and activities, check the District website. If you wish to round out leadership techniques and insights, there are about 50 courses on Club and District Leadership at the Rotary Learning Center (rotary.org/learn). That site also has dozens of courses on professional development. The content of these courses applies to Rotary leadership but also to effective functioning in any community and professional setting. So, explore that vast archive which is easily accessible and included in the cost of RI membership. And, then put your leadership skills to work, to contribute to our many Rotary actions.
The rewards of engaging in leadership for the Club, or District, are exponential, and complete the Rotary vision of people of action uniting to create lasting change in the world, the community, and themselves.
Come to StormFest 2024 - an Environmental Showcase
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
5:30 to 8:00 PM
Camp Hill Borough Hall,
2145 Walnut Street
Camp Hill, PA 17011
Stormwater control and management are critical to maintain healthy streams. Learn more about the importance of stormwater at StormFest 2024. The Rotary Club of West Shore will highlight Rotary‘s environmental initiatives and give away trees to showcase how trees help to control stormwater and maintain healthy streams. In addition to displays by more than 50 environmental vendors, there will be hands-on activities, free raffles, a scavenger hunt, giveaways, live music, and food trucks.
This community event is open to the public. Admission and parking are free. This is a great opportunity for Rotarians to learn more about this important environmental topic. Hope to see you at StormFest24! Wear your Rotary gear and show your support for Rotary’s environmental focus area!
More information can be found at Camp Hill Borough’s Facebook page, or Instagram @camphillborough or here!
The 2023-2024 Rotary Youth Exchange Outbound Class will be holding a Rebound get-together on Saturday, August 10, 2024 at Central Penn College (600 Valley Road, Summerdale, PA 17093). We will be meeting in the ATEC building. Click here to view a map of Central Penn College. We will be on the upper floors of the ATEC building in classrooms 200 & 202.
The students and parents are required to attend a de-briefiing session from 1:00 until 3:00 p.m.
At 3:00 p.m. Rotarians, family, and friends are invited to attend! This is a chance to hear more about the fantastic experiences our students had throughout the year.
Light refreshments will be provided. The cost for Rotarians, family, and friends to attend is $10 per person.
The Hershey Rotary Club invites you to join us on July 22, 2024 at the Hershey Lodge Aztec Room when we will welcome the incoming class of International Fellows of the Army War College in Carlisle. The Army War College International Fellows Luncheon is a "can't miss" event! The Hershey Rotary Club invites approximately eighty senior military officers from around the world to have lunch with our Club.
Each year, by an invitation from the Chief of Staff of the United States Army, these valiant men and women spend a year attending the U.S. Army War College. The academic year is full of studying, research, and fellowship as these officers are instructed in areas ranging from military concepts and doctrine to national and theater level strategies.
The hope is that if ever our countries are anticipating war, US officers will see a friendly face across the table and work together to bring about peace, thereby avoiding battle. REGISTER to join us for this annual International Fellows Reception.
Click on the link to the Phillies Rotary Strike-Out Hunger landing page Phillies.com/RotarySOH or use the QR Code
Click the Buy Now box at the bottom.
Type in your District-Club Code (click here to view the list of codes) where it says “Enter Offer Code” and click the SUBMIT box.
Select “How many tickets?” and click on the desired highlighted Section in the ball park. You will get the best seats available, so order early. You may order tickets in multiple sections and at different times.
To see your seats or choose different seats, click on the words SEAT MAP then the SECTION desired. Next click on the seats you want from the highlighted seats available and click CONTINUE.
Then click ADD TO CART.
If you don’t have a PASSWORD, click SIGN UP then click the LOG IN button. If you don’t have an account, you can create one now.
Enter your Credit or Debit Card information and click PAY NOW. All your ordered tickets will be sent to your email address. You can forward individual tickets to others.